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Ok Camila, I've booked your tickets for tomorrow 12 pm, you'll reach around 5 which is around the time of the Q/A so maybe u can surprise him then?

Thanks so much Andrew! And yeah I think I'll surprise him during the Q/A session. 💓


Walking through the airport gates I felt giddy, I had been waiting for this moment and keeping it a secret from Shawn for weeks. Now all I had to endure was a 3 and a half hour flight , and a 40 minute drive from the L.A airport to the stadium where Shawn was going to perform.

Going through all the security, finding my gate and settling on the plane took about 45 minutes to an hour. When I was completely settled in and the plane was in the air, I laid back and took a nap, praying that when I woke up, I would be closer to shawn than now.


I woke up from my nap when the plane was landing. I had texted Andrew that I had landed. Now I was walking to the baggage reclaim area where tons of more people were waiting and pulling their suitcases onto their trolly's. I spotted my huge red suitcase with my black scarf on it immediately and hauled it onto the ground. I didn't need a trolly for one bag.

Feeling even more excited than before, I basically ran to the outside of the airport and hailed a cab. The driver put my suitcase in the back. I told him my destination and in about half an hour or so, I was near the stadium.

Posters of Shawn on his album cover were hung here and there. Seeing his face on a poster made me feel giddier to see his face in person.

Andrew had told me to text him when I reached the arena, so I did and he told me to come through the back as Shawn was at the
Q/A right now and would see me right away if I walked in through the front.

I followed the directions Andrew had given me and soon I was opening the door to the back, and I saw all of shawns crew, whom I had bonded over the last 4 years that shawn and I had been dating.

"Hi everyone!" I said excitedly.

"Camila!" Everyone chorused. After some hugs and a few minutes of talking. Andrew told me it was time.

I quickly followed him to the hall that led to the Q/A session going on. I walked quietly through the long hallway and reached the doorway, Shawn was siting right there. A few fans had spotted me but I had signalled them to keep quiet. I quickly crept up behind shawn and put my hands on his eyes, he tensed up.

"Guess who?" I asked him, he gripped my hands and looked around, shock and surprise filling his face.

"Mila!!" He shouted in excitement and got up and hugged me tight. I could hear the fans aww quietly.

He pulled away and kissed me suddenly making all the fans burst into cheers. He kept placing kisses on my lips but then I had to stop him, so many people were watching us and recording.

"When did you get here??" He asked me, pulling away.

"Just a few minutes ago." I giggled.

"Oh my god baby I missed you.." he said hiding his face in the crook of my neck. The fans aww'ed once more making me giggle.

"I missed you too, now I won't keep you from your fans, finish this Q/A then we'll talk, Kay?" I said and he nodded.

"Stay. Sit with me." He said pulling me down to sit with him.

After that, the Q/A continued. Some fans even asked me questions and I was more than happy to answer them. I was here with Shawn, and that's all that mattered to me.

"This was the best surprise ever.." Shawn spoke in my ear softly, during the Q/A. I smiled at him and he grinned.


Finally a happy one. Djfjj


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