The Bet (Pt. 2)

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A/N: Thanks for the support guys, feeling atleast 25% better than yesterday lol, got a girls night planned tho so yay :)



It had been a few weeks now, and the month was quickly coming to an end. Camila had felt herself falling for the taller boy quicker than she thought she would. She hated that she was falling for him, but she couldn't stop herself. She knew that when they were supposed to talk after the month was over, he'd walk away with a smirk on that pretty face of his, and her heart would be crushed.

What she didn't know, was that Shawn had already fallen hard for the Cuban. He loved how she laughed without he conscious about it. He loved it how she just didn't care. He loved it when she danced in the rain with no care in the world. He loved how she wasn't afraid of anything. Above all, he loved teasing her and making her get all hot-headed. It was odd turn on for him.

Shawn hadn't been this happy since he couldn't even remember when. She was the light in his life. One look at her and his day immediately brightened up. He looked forward to going to school. Just so he could see her. Just so he could see tease the life out of her. Just so he could see her face getting red with annoyance and scrunch up cutely as she scolded him.

He was just afraid that in the end, she'd be the one walking away while his heart broke piece by piece. Because, isn't that how all things end?


The last day of the bet, Camila walked out of her last class, her hands shaking, her entire body jittering. She was scared. Her feelings would be crushed in just a matter of another 15 minutes.

She kept her English books back inside her locker and closed it with shaky hands.

"Hey." Shawn sneaked up on her scaring the life out of her.

"Sorry. Anyways, last day Cabello." Shawn smirked to hide his frown.

"Meet me at the basketball court in 5? I need to talk to guys about football first." Shawn explained and Camila nodded. Shawn smirked before running off towards the boys locker room.

The Cuban sighed before grabbing her fluffy scarf and wrapping it around herself. It had gotten increasingly cold and including the shivers Camila already felt because of how nervous she was, she really needed this scarf.

She took out her phone from her back pocket and walked to the basketball court right behind the school building. She stood there for around 2 minutes before she heard small panting. She looked up to see the Canadian running towards her.

"Sorry I'm - late, the boys kept me." Shawn panted.

"It's okay." Camila whispered. Shawn's brow crinkled I'm confusion.

"Are you okay?" He asked the Cuban.

"Yeah - I have to tell you something." Camila looked up at the boy. He signalled her to go on.

Here goes.

"I love you, Shawn.. a lot.. and I-" Camila admitted shocking the Canadian boy.

The only thing he could do was pull her closer and kiss her. Camila's insides fluttered. She felt warm all over thinking that he possible atleast liked her.

"I won." Shawn whispered over her lips.

Camila pulled away. Realisation hitting her.

"Yeah.." she answered starting to walk away from the taller boy.

"Wait, Camila!" Shawn shouted after her. She turned around to look at him.

"What's wrong?" He asked, confused.

"You won Shawn. Okay, I get it. So now let me walk away before you do. I'll stop loving you soon, it's fine." The Cuban explained sadly.

"What, Camila-" Shawn started to talk, but she was already gone.

"But I love you too.." he whispered.


Before I say anything else let me just say that there's no part 3 for this. Sorry.

But I hope you all liked thisss.
And thank youuuu for all of your sweet comments. Ya'll are literally the sweetest humans on earth ❣️💓💞

P.S yay we have 30 imagines now!!

Q: What is your favourite food?

A: McDonald's and icecream atm :)


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