The One Where Shawmila Has a Baby

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"I actually needed to talk to you before the birth." Karen, Shawns mother, spoke rather seriously.

"Okay, what's up?" Shawn shrugged with a slight grin on his face.

"I brought something that I want to give you, assuming of course that you want it." Karen spoke, holding up an engagement ring with a smile.

"Ma, you're asking me to marry you?" Shawn asked quizzically, delirious from waiting 17 hours for a baby to be born.

"This is your grandmother's engagement ring, I want you to give it to Camila." Karen grinned.

"N-no! Okay? We've been through this! We're not gonna get married just because she's pregnant, okay?" The Canadian apple, his voice getting pitchy.

"Honestly! Shawn, this isn't just some girl you picked up in a bar and humped. A child should have a family." Karen spoke wisely.

"Mom, y'know what? I-I can't deal with this right now. I'm sorry..." Shawn sighed

"Just...think about it. If you don't, I'll talk more about humping." Karen smiled slyly.

" Gimmie!" Shawn says, taking the ring and putting it in his coat pocket as Camila enters the hallway, clutching her stomach.


"she came and dragged me out of the labor room to ask me why I'm not with Camila." Shawn rolled his eyes, explaining the situation to his friends.

"Yeah." Ariana paused. "Why aren't you with Camila?" She asked quizzically.

"Are you kidding? Look, we're not gonna be together just because we're having a baby. Okay?" Shawn spoke, getting defensive.

"But y'know what? It just seems that you two belong together." Ariana stressed.

"Okay, stop it! I can't deal with this right now. I have to go have a baby." Shawn spoke, frustrated.

"Right. And with who again?" Ariana sassily reminds him as he exits.

"He's crazy! Why doesn't he want to be with Camila?" Taylor questioned, putting her hands on her hips.

"I know!" Ariana stressed, putting her head in her hands.

"I mean seriously, she's like the perfect woman, I would take her in my arms and..." Taylor spoke on dreamily. When she realised her nonsense rambling, she blushed and sat back down on a chair.


"Oh that's five Shawn. Five women have had five babies! And I have had no babies! Why doesn't she want to come out?" Camila cried, staring angrily at her stomach.

"Y'know what I think it is? I think you've made such a nice home for her over the last nine months that she just doesn't want to leave." Shawn answered sweetly.

"Oh. Look at you making up crap for me. Oh God!" Camila laughed until another contraction started up and Dr. Long entered.

"Twenty-one hours, you're a hero." She spoke, picking up her gloves to check camila's cervix.

"Doctor you gotta do something! I think you gotta give me drugs or you gotta light a fire up in there and just smoke it out." Camila spoke breathlessly, desperate to get her baby out.

"Actually, I think you're ready to go to the delivery room." Dr. Long smiled, throwing away the used gloves. "Ten centimeters, you're about to become a mom."

"My God. Okay." Camila smiled happily.

"Ha-ha-ha beat ya! Sucker!" Camila shouted at another woman as she entered the room and Camila was being wheeled out of it and into the labour room.

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