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This story is inspired by morotajustinne who wanted to write it so, every chapter is dedicated to her and her credit as she gave me the main idea.
Also thank you for your infinite support.

The day had come, finally. The day that i, hinata Hyuuga prayed every single day to come.
For my beloved blond haired, blue eyed and tanned skin naruto to acknowledge my love.
To get over his sakura crush and see that he belongs with me.
I confessed to him during the battle with pain, but he dismissed such confession.
I was somehow depressed but then the war came and we held each other's hand.
I thought he did acknowledge me, but yet he didn't. Until yesterday, he came and confessed.
I felt mixed emotions, like being overwhelmed and happy. Finally my dream had came true.
I was walking the streets of konoha like a love sick fool.
Singing myself, i always had that admirable voice.
Everyone loved to hear me sing.
I was deep in thoughts until i bumped into someone.
I rubbed my head and looked to find no one other than the raven head, dark orbs, semi pale skin man. My future husband's best friend. The uchiha.
"Sa..sasuke..kun..." i stuttered.
He gave me a glare. He always glares.
Since the academy, he used to give me glares. Why..i still don't know.
Maybe because he hates me that much, hates how weak i was, or how i used to follow naruto like a lost puppy. Just like his fan girls.
"Wel..welcome back..." i decided to break the silence and welcome him. I gave a bow and again stuttered.
"Hm" he hummed and walked past me, heading to the pink haired girl as i thought.
His first fan girl, i think he will confess to her soon as well.
I would be happy if she finally found her true love.
I walked to the lake, sat down and started singing and knitting for naruto the scarf.
I felt someone's eyes on me. I stopped singing and looked back but found none.
I, again started singing... my melody i loved.
Its about two people who met during crowd, they never knew each other, but they felt they wanted to spent the rest of their lives together. And then the crowd pushed them away, they tried to find each other but the song never revealed.
I kept singing but still i felt like someone is watching me, i looked back again, to find a dark shadow.
The sun's reflection was denying my sight. But i knew who he was, of course, the cloak, the poncho, and the head band.
"Sasuke...kun" i said with a smile and a blush. Didn't know he was watching me sing.
He kept again his gaze and then he sat down and gave me a sign to continue.
I turned around and sang again.
But then i stopped as i heard his foot steps approaching me.
He suddenly sat by me.
I looked at him puzzled.
But he broke the silence.
"He finally acknowledged you." Sasuke said in his stoic voice.
I yelped and my face heated.
Then nodded slowly.
I saw his eyes, full of sorrow, why i still don't know.
Maybe because he wants a family as well, or maybe because he is too traumatized to trust anyone. But sakura is there for him i am sure.
"You sure he loves you?" Sasuke cracked the question that took me off guard
What does he mean by that.
" kun...wha..wha...what do" i stuttered but i was cut when he stood up and walked away.
I felt myself tearing and i don't know why his question has hurt me that much.

"Why...why hinata..." i gritted my teeth and bite my lips as i heard the news. Sakura told me, that naruto confessed to hinata, i was coming back to that village just to see her, and court her.
The Hyūga had stole my heart since academy days. And precisely when i heard her singing, by the lake.
Her voice is my obsession.
Her beautiful voice always echoed inside my head, sending shivers, giving me goosebumps. Soothing my aching soul. Every-time i found myself drowning into depression, i hear her voice leading me out of darkness, like a tranquilizer, i am addicted, and she is the drug.
But i now, uchiha sasuke, vow with the uchiha's pride, i'll get hinata... no matter what happens.

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