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It was hinata's day off. She decided to pamper herself a little bit. And thats means she can wake up a little late. Go to the warm stream and read some poems while singing. Maybe baking a cake for her little pumpkin.
But this day off is a little different, sasuke is staying that particular day, and soko is actually taking Akira with her to visit Kohta, the village chief.
Soko thought that sasuke and hinata needs this time together, maybe for sasuke to make it up for her.
After her morning routine, hinata saw sasuke sitting on the couch. He was sharpening his Katana.
When he saw hinata he bids her a good morning.
Hinata gave him a fake smile with a simple nod.
Sasuke got up, as he saw hinata is preparing breakfast.
"Shall i give you a hand?" He asked
Hinata looked at him. Then she nodded.
"You..can start with cutting veggies."
Sasuke started cutting them, taking glances on hinata while she was boiling the water, and preparing tea, and bread.
Hinata was fetching the glasses when she felt sasuke's gaze upon her, she was nervous because he watched every move. Hinata's nervousness got the best of her, sasuke looked and stretched his hands.
"Let me help you" as he touched the glasses both hands brushed, hinata's hand shaken and the glasses fell, shattering every piece in it.
"I..i am sorry..." sasuke apologized as he leaned down to collect the shuddered pieces as well with hinata,.
"Its fine i got it" hinata was collecting the glass when one cut her forefinger open.
"Ow.." she winced in pain.
Sasuke took hold of her hands.
"Its fine sasuke...let go" she said as she tried to pull her hands away.
Sasuke tightened his grip.
"I said its fine sasuke..." hinata snapped.
Sasuke gripped both her wrists tightly.
He leaned over and kissed both her hands.
Hinata closed her eyes, a tear rolled down.
"Why..sasuke..why?" She asked
Sasuke's eyes closed, he felt immense guilt and he knows exactly what hinata was asking.
"I.. i am sorry" he said in sincere voice.
"I don't want your apology... just tell me the reason why" hinata sobbed.
Sasuke leaned and wiped the tear that was falling.
"I..wanted you so badly, i couldn't think of a way to have you..." he stuttered
"I saw you, watched you everyday, looking at my best friend and i couldn't make him win...i couldn't watch you with him, i didn't know how to make this feeling stop" he continued
"I tried hinata, tried to let go of you... but i failed..."
Hinata let a silent sob.
"I know what i have done is unforgivable, i have taken you against your will, b..but hina... it was only you, i couldn't control myself.. its not an excuse, but... hinata" he marched and cupped both her cheeks, he rested his forehead on hers, their faces were mere inches away.
"No one will ever love you like i can, your name is clear in konoha, i promise, i'll cut my arm for you, do anything for you, just..please hina..please be mine" he said as a tear fell over his face.
Hinata cupped his cheeks, as she was looking down, still both forehead stuck, she nodded, sasuke wrapped his arms around her neck, he leaned his head a little resting it on her shoulder, while she wrapped hers around his waist.
"One more chance..uchiha" she mumbled.
Sasuke smiled and sniffled.
He can't believe hinata gave him a chance.
After a while of hugging and reconcile, hinata started with the breakfast again, they finished and sat down to eat together like old time, only, hinata nods, hums and responds to the uchiha's talk.
Which was pretty awkward, sasuke is not that talkative, but around hinata, he can make an exception, sasuke wasn't many things, but for hinata, she was always special.
As sasuke was talking, telling her about his mission, and how his comrades can sometimes act clumsy, and how his face changed to a more anger demeanor, hinata let out a giggle.
Sasuke stopped and looked at such breathtaking giggles. He missed her laugh, that reminds him of summer breath, he found himself smile.
"You look nice when you are angry" she giggled
Sasuke's eyes widened then a taint of blush creeped upon his face.
After breakfast, both washed the dishes together, stealing glances at each other with a smile.
Then hinata sat down and held a book in her hand. Started reading, sasuke sat by her on the couch.
After a while of her reading silently.
"Uhm..hina" sasuke started and asked unsure.
Hinata gave a hum.
"May..may i sleep on your lap" hinata's pale orbs met his black onyx that were focused down, sasuke wanted so much to have hinata, and this time, he'll do it the right way.
Hinata gave a genuine smile, and then she rested her palms behind sasuke's back, she lead his head down her lap, sasuke rested and closed his eyes, while hinata started to sing and play with his hair.
And for the first time. Sasuke slept with no nightmares.

An hour passed, sasuke woke up to find hinata fast asleep, the book was over her chest, while sasuke's was still sleeping on her lap.
Sasuke gave a smile, he stretched his hands and stroke hinata's cheeks, she was indeed a greek goddess.
Sasuke got up, he put on his cloak, he needs to march for the mission, so he did.
He went off.
Hinata got up, she felt extremely light, sasuke wasn't on her lap anymore.
Hinata's scent was now sasuke's. She sniffled his scent and then smiled. But then decided to dismiss it again, she doesn't want to fall in love.
She looked at the clock, she found its three pm, she can head for the warm stream up the hill, its known for its spell and charm, water is relaxing and the myth says it has a healing power.
Hinata dressed and decided to head for the hill.
She walked singing and humming unbeknownst to her, someone was watching

"How much will you stay..." the receptionist asked hinata.
"Couple of hours" hinata answered
"You want the public stream, or the private honeymoon spring..."
hinata thought for a while, and the word 'honeymoon' got her flinching, all her fantasies about her perfect honeymoon with her loving husband came streaming, how would they make out inside water, then her imagination drifted off to sasuke, if what happened didn't, maybe she could live with him such fantasies, however she pinched her ears and drifted her thoughts to another thing,
she needed some privacy, so even if she is not on her honeymoon, she wants to relax.
"Honeymoon private spring"
"Okay, please, this is your cabin number and the key...have a quite time..." the receptionist smiled and hinata went inside the cabin.

Hinata took off her clothes, she then looked at the mirror, she was naked, she looked intently at her nude form, she was a little bit chubby than her usual nineteen year old self, when sasuke took her against her will, she is now twenty one, after giving birth to Akira, she had stretch marks over her tummy, and around her waist. She smiled, and then dipped herself inside the water.
Hinata rested her head over the edge of the spring.
She closed her eyes, until she felt someone's presence.
Hinata twisted her body a little around she found none, as she turned back, she flinched and nearly screamed.
"Sa..sasuke-kun?" She stuttered, as she covered her naked breasts with her hands, and twirled a little to cover the rest of her body.
The raven head was inside the spring with hinata, with no shirt on.
"How did you..come here" she said blushing and looking down.
He gave her a smirk.
"It wasn't that hard, following my dear hina..here" he smirked.
Then sasuke approached her extremely slow, like a predator approaching its prey, he put both his arms around her head and leaned on, she blushed and looked down, with her eyes shut.
"But, i was amazed when you choose the honeymoon spring" he whispered seductively in her ears, sending shivers across her spine.
Hinata squinted her eyes shut, she blushed fiercely and stuttered.
"I..i wanted... to..to have some privacy" she was at a mess.
"Or did you have some lewd thoughts about me...hi.na.ta" he said seductively again, and spelled her name extremely slow.
Hinata still blushing, sasuke gave a smirk, he loved to tease her and see how much she is flustered.
Then all of a sudden, sasuke grabbed hold of her wrists whom she was wrapping it around her breasts, hinata looked at him, he felt himself into those lavender orbs, how he missed them so much, and with a swift act, sasuke held her up, wrapping her legs around his waist, he looked up at her, she looked down on his eyes, and after a mere of second, of locking their eyes together, sasuke moved closer, slowly, breathing her scent, and sealed his lips with her, in a passionate hot kiss.
Sasuke then broke the kiss, and hinata rested her hands over his chest, both cuddling inside the hot stream, sasuke murmured again.
"I love you..hina..you are my world" while hinata hummed with a smile.

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