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Sasuke untied hinata's hands, she fell on the ground, trying to hid her semi naked, violated form. She was sobbing as sasuke fixated his kimono.
He looked at how hinata was crying, shivering on the ground.
"Get up" he commanded.

But she kept shivering on the ground, though sasuke has taken what he wanted, her first time, he knew that sooner the wedding will be off. According to her clan's rules, if one has taken her first time, she must marry him, otherwise she'll be dishonored, and disowned. Having a seal over her Byakugan.
Also he knew quite well that naruto is skeptical, he wanted to marry a virgin.
However sasuke wasn't of a heartless bastard when it came to seeing hinata's tears, it made him vulnerable, wanting to take all her pain away.
But this was necessary, until he makes her his.
Though sasuke had many girls around, bedded many, but the hearts want what it wants.
He knew quite well he shouldn't love her, but he wants to, he can't just look away.
Because indeed sasuke knew inside that he doesn't know how to make these feelings stop.

Hinata looked at him still shivering, sasuke gripped her shoulder roughly, making her stand up. He looked down to see a trail of blood mixed with his semen.
Hinata felt herself sore, she couldn't stand or even walk.
Sasuke fixed her kimono, he leaned over and said.
"Say one word about violating you...i'll clip off your eyes..." he said in a mischievous tone.
Hinata sobbed fiercely, she can't tell anyone he rapped her, he'll destroy her relationship with naruto, he'll spread a rumor of her kissing him, they'll mark her as a whore and konoha's people loved gossip and marking people with names.
And also, its always the girls fault at konoha's.
They'll say she seduced him, her family would disown her and punish her.
Hinata felt immense pain. She can do nothing.
She can't say he took her first time, they'll demand him marrying her according to the clan rules.
Her mind was in turmoil, she wanted to scream out loud.
Hinata gave a feared nod. She fixed her hair and tried to fix her lipstick.
She decided to walk but wobbled and limped.
Sasuke supported her limp form.
She tried to push him away, but he tightened his grip.
"You'll fall..." he said in a soften voice.
Hinata gave him a death glare.
She pushed him away but stumbled, he held her up, carried her back to her mansion, and took off.

Hinata went inside the shower, she fell on the bathtub, couldn't support her form, she throw up, and decided to shower, she found blood trails down her thighs. Sasuke was truly rough, she saw bruises around her wrists, thighs and tummy, he was ruthless when he took her against her will.
"Why..sasuke..kun..why" she sobbed inwardly.
Why did he has to do it like that, if sasuke only taken care of her without violating her, she surly would have fallen in love with him, why is it always the aggressive way with the uchiha.
He killed many, why don't he soften a bit with hinata.
She took a shower and went to her bed, but she couldn't sleep, every-time she close her eyes she sees the scene again.
She decided to go for naruto, he can save her. She'll tell him, he will help her. She is sure
Hinata wore a long skirt, a jumper, she wanted to hide her curves, the curves that lead sasuke to insanity.

Hinata walked back to the festival, she couldn't walk properly, she was wobbling, she felt like someone placed a cork between her thighs.
She activated her Byakugan to see where naruto is.
She saw naruto talking with some of the konoha's people.
She went over him.
"Ahaaa hinata chan" naruto greeted.
"Naruto..kun..." hinata said as she tried to keep herself contained.
"Wait a minute hinata, i am discussing some important business" naruto said
"NARUTO KUN WHY CAN'T YOU GIVE ME SOMETIME" hinata snapped and sobbed fiercely.
Everyone around went silent.
Naruto gripped hinata's arms and lead her away, he pushed her roughly, she winced in pain.
"What the hell is wrong with you" he snapped at her.
"Naruto naruto...please listen i...i..was rapped..." she sobbed hysterically she had to talk.
Naruto froze, he felt his world is stumbling, his hinata has been violated.
Naruto held her tight, he saw sasuke's form approaching.
"Who did it hinata who..." he asked with anger.
"It..it..was" as hinata tried to confess what happened
She heard sasuke's voice from behind. She started shivering.
"You called for me naruto?" Sasuke said but he gave the couple a glare.
Sasuke felt immense jealousy, he just wants hinata to know, that this feeling called love, is taking control of him, and he can't help it.
He can't see her around with naruto anymore, he can't let naruto win this time.
He tried so hard his best to let go, but he couldn't.
Hinata turned around, she buried herself inside naruto's embrace and clutched more to him.
"Sasuke... take hinata's home, i have to bring this culprit.." naruto said with a death tone
"No no no noooo naruto no...please" hinata begged as she clutched to naruto's kimono, but he pushed her away towards sasuke.
"Whats wrong with you hinata, its sasuke.... he won't harm you..." naruto said as he pushed hinata, she stumbled but sasuke gripped her tight, she looked at him, shivering, he gave her a grin.
"I'll catch you naruto..." sasuke said and he looked back at hinata, he carried her on his shoulder, her form was so limp, she couldn't struggle anymore, sasuke dropped her back to her house. He left to catch naruto.

Hinata was lying on her bed sobbing quietly until she heard a loud sound outside her mansion. Hinata got up, she tried to support her body again, but was shocked when her father smashed into her room with naruto and sasuke.
Naruto's eyes were glaring at hinata's, hinata looked unsure at naruto.
"Na..naruto kun?" Hinata stuttered but naruto approached her and with all his power he slapped her sending her body down on the floor, with a bleeding nose.
Hinata winced in pain.
Hinata looked up with tears in her eyes, she couldn't believe such thing is happening, sasuke already faked everything.
"I swear i swear he did... listen to me... look look at my wrists..." she sobbed.
"Sasuke showed me everything..." he growled
"Its a genjutsu naruto.... it is... he is tricking you... anyone please listen..." hinata sobbed but naruto marched again to hit her but sasuke grabbed his wrist and stood between naruto and hinata, protecting her.
"Thats enough naruto..." he said sternly.
Naruto sighed and took off.
Hinata was sobbing behind sasuke, he looked down to her, he wanted so much to kick naruto, and embrace her, but its not the right time yet.
"You disappointed me hinata..." hiashi snorted
"Father... i swear...listen to me" hinata begged
"Shut up, either you marry the uchiha or you'll be forever disowned... your name is tainted and we can't accept you..." Hiashi said sternly.
"I won't marry him... i won't..." hinata cried and shivered.
"Then, you have one hour to leave... and i'll place the seal..righ.." hiashi said but was interrupted by sasuke growl.
"Its no use hiashi sama, leave my future wife, i can't let anyone harm what i marked my own..." he snorted.
Hiashi nodded and took off.
Sasuke leaned down to pull hinata's up, but she pushed him away.
"You destroyed me..." she hiccuped.
Sasuke crouched down, he wiped hinata's tears and nose bleed with his cloak.
"I'll wait for you at my mansion." And he took off.
Hinata weeped.

Sasuke went over to naruto, he gave him a punch, and walked away.
"What was that for" naruto whined but sasuke disappeared.

Hinata walked through the village, news at konoha flew, everyone was throwing rocks at her, calling her names, whore, uchiha whore, the tainted Hyuuga.
She sold her soul to the devil. Someone approached to hit hinata who was crying and trying to clog her ears, but unbeknownst to her, the culprit was hit even before hinata noticed. Someone was watching over her now.
Sasuke watched as hinata sat in turmoil, he sighed, soon she'll be his.
As he saw her walking he decided to head to his mansion.
Hinata had no where to go, she let her feet drag her to nowhere, however, after three hours of walking.
She found herself in-front of the great uchiha's compound.
She knocked the door.
The door opened to reveal a topless raven head man.
"I...i have..no where to go..." hinata looked down crying.
Sasuke opened the door a little, giving her space to pass.
"Welcome home...hinata..." he smirked.

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