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Warning! Angst violating scenes. If you feel offended plz don't read. Because of morotajustinne request of sasuke being dark, i couldn't stop myself.

Hinata got inside sasuke's mansion. She waited a little far from the entrance waiting for him to guide her.
She was wearing her long skirt and little wide shirt.
Sasuke passed by her, he then turned around.
"Whats the matter...lets go" he said sternly.
Hinata followed as sasuke lead her inside his mansion.
They went inside the main room.
There was a couch. Sasuke looked at hinata's form who was truly desperate.
Hinata was as if she was drowning, needing someone to just stretch their hands and help her out.
But now she was lonely... and none believed her.
She was violated yet blamed, she was broken yet everyone called her a lying whore.
All because of sasuke's. Why should he do that. He could have done it another way. But he choose the aggressive way, he actually succeeded.
He isolated her from everyone so she won't find any other way except to go to him. And here she is. With him at his mansion.
Sasuke looked at hinata's blank expression, she was drifting away. Sasuke raised an eye brow.
"You can sit you know!" He commanded
Hinata nodded and sat down.
Sasuke went to the kitchen and started preparing meal for her.
Hinata was sobbing quietly.
Sasuke heard her sobs. He felt his heart twist, he went over to her with a trail of food.
Sasuke sat beside her when she flinched, and moved a little away.
"I prepared food, now eat, and drink some water" sasuke commanded
Hinata kept her gaze away.
"You know this is my mansion, and you should abide by my rules... and be obedient, now eat" he commanded sternly again.
Hinata then got up and marched to the door when sasuke grabbed her wrists and pulled her aggressively to the couch.
Hinata sat down again.
"You can't leave... unless i say so." He gritted his teeth.
"Wh..what...am ..i a ...ho...hosta..hostage n..now" hinata said between hiccups and sniffles
"You will be my wife... the matriarch of the uchiha... and uchiha's spouse must honor her husband and obey him...and never leave the house" he said.
"Over my dead body..." she said crying.
Sasuke knitted his eyebrows, he slammed the table, hinata flinched and he took off.

Hinata's stomach growled but her stubbornness got the best of her, she won't eat, she will be staying for only tonight, until she figures out where to go.
Maybe she'll go and see gaara in the sand village.
Gaara was always a good friend of her.
Maybe she'll start over a new life. Meeting new people, or even not, she wants to go far away, in a place where none knows her, bothers her or abuse her.
Hinata decided to sing to sooth her soul, her favorite melody, her mother's melody.
Hinata started singing and here he is, sasuke's hearing her addictive voice, calling from down the hall.
Sasuke was lying in his room, with only his pants, thinking about hinata... how her body would be warm against his when they are cuddling. How her soft sweet voice would wake him up, when he indeed heard her singing coming from down the hall.
Like a hypnotized man, sasuke walked and found his legs leading him to the sweet addictive voice, and what added on, was the melody she sang.
His brother and his mother used to sing it to him before sleeping.
How did she knew such melody.
And her voice was adding on, sending shivers and goosebumps.
Sasuke followed the voice until he approached hinata who was singing as her tears fell.
Sasuke sat by hinata who stopped singing instantly.
She gave him a despised look and then looked the other way.
Sasuke approached her and rested his hands over her shoulder, he felt her flinch.
"Hin..hina...i" sasuke started.
Hinata was sniffling and hiccuping.
He turned her around, she was looking down, her face was crumbling, her eyes were blood shot and her nose and cheeks were red.
Her breathing was shallow and aggressive.
"Hinata i..." he leaned on, and with his thumb under her chin, he tilted her head slightly up, so she will face him.
"I swear... i'll make you the happiest one on earth...just accept me... i had to do it... hina... naruto isn't worthy of you...neither anyone, only I, hinata... your pureness your light... i want to protect you... keep you safe, make you happy...just accept me"
Hinata looked at him detested and hiccuping.
"I hate you..." she gritted her teeth.
Sasuke felt his inside tears apart. This word is stronger and killed him hundred times than cold sore knives hitting his body.
But sooner his rage got into him, sasuke stood up and gave her a slap with a back of his hands, she fell and cried hysterically as she clutched her cheeks and her nose that was bleeding.
Sasuke then pulled her hair, for her to stand.
She was holding her tugged hair as she winced in pain.
"What did you just say?" He asked with his sharingan awakened.
"I hate you...." she said again and was met by another slap, but she couldn't fall as sasuke was fixing her by her hair.
"Take that back..." he growled
"I hate you..." she said again crying more and more.
She felt like choking, like her soul was taken away from her.
Sasuke slapped her once more sending her form down the ground.
Sasuke saw how hinata was turning as she clutched her abused cheeks.
He put both his legs on both sides of her waist.
He took off his belt, his shorts, leaving himself in only boxers.
He leaned down, and ripped her clothes off.
Hinata pushed him away and punched him, but he was stronger, ripping her clothes off, cutting her bra.
Hinata screamed and tried to stand up and run, her bare chest was hidden by her hands, but he pulled her ankle, turning her around, he pulled down her skirt with her panties.
"NOOOOO AHAAARGHAAAA PLEASE NOOOOO" she tried to pull back up her panties but was met by smack on her thighs.
Sasuke pulled away her skirts and panties throwing them away, hinata was naked, sprawled on the cold floor.
Sasuke turned her around so she would face him, he leaned down straddling her body now.
"TAKE IT BACK" he growled again.
Hinata kept sobbing and pushing him, he tugged her hair more, and landed a slap.
"Take it back hinata..." he growled.
Hinata was still stubborn, but was crying hysterically, he degraded her from everything, but not her dignity.
"YOUUU" he growled. He turned her around,
Tugging her head on the ground, pulling her waist up, hinata screamed as she felt him opening her thighs, and with one thrust he entered her again.
"NOOOO ARGHAASAHAA SASUKE PLEASE OKAY I AM SORRY SORRY PLEASE SASUKEEEE NOO" she begged as he thrusted again and again. He was in rage, he lost control, then he stopped when her heard her heaving as if she couldn't breath.
Sasuke flipped her and rested her head on his chest.
"Hinata...hinata.... look at me... look at me..." he tried to wake her up, she was heaving, and couldn't break. He wiped her tears away, brought a glass of water and let her drink.
Sasuke panicked as he felt he was losing hinata.
He straddled her into his chest, rocking her body back and forth.
He scowled himself for doing this to the poor innocent girl.
How can he do this to pure hinata, how can he taint her like that.
Sasuke had to admit... he is obsessed. He is diseased. And his illness is called Hinata.

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