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Warning... sex scene

Sasuke and hinata finished cuddling inside the hot stream, the lady outside has knocked to alarm them that their time is over.
Surly for sasuke to join he had told her that his wife is waiting inside for him, so she complied and gave him the key to the cabin.
However hinata had grabbed the towel, she turned to sasuke with a faint blush, looking down.
"Turn around..pl..please...sa..sasuke kun" she stuttered, sasuke loved her stuttering, it reminds him with academy days when he fell in love with her.
Sasuke gave her a grin, then he raised an eye brow and said
"As if i didn't see it before"
Hinata yelped.
He let out a mischievous smirk, then sasuke approached her again, with an attacking look in his eyes, he suddenly put his hands under her armpits, and held her high up, on the stream edge. So hinata was sitting on ground, her legs were submerged inside the stream and sasuke was still down.
Hinata was blushing fiercely, covering her chests with her arms.
Sasuke then held one of her leg slightly up, he leaned on and kissed her ankle, up to her knees, then he slightly opened her legs, reaching her inner thighs, he kissed that particular birth mark he loves, and then he bite it, sucking leaving his mark.
Hinata yelped, and flinched.
"Sa..sasuke..sa..please..no" she tried to form words but her mouth betrayed her.
Sasuke's then kept going up, he pulled her slightly to him, opening her legs further more, hinata held his hands.
"No..no..pl.." sasuke then held her hands and kissed every single finger tip of her hands.
"Shhh..." he said seductively, hinata felt herself melting, sasuke was undeniably making her go insane, he knew her body secrets.
Sasuke then opened her legs further more, exposing her pink flower, hinata flinched and yelped as she felt sasuke's tongue exploring her flower, his tongue teasing her, darting sending shivers, making her body arch as a reflex.
Hinata let out a silent moan, as sasuke kept teasing her womanhood, the pleasure she felt was immense, then sasuke kept kissing up her tummy, leaving his marks until he reached her cleavage, he then kissed between those round breasts, until their eyes met.
Sasuke looked at hinata's lavender orbs, she holds the keys to his heart. He leaned on and sealed his lips with her in a passionate kiss, nibbling her bottom one, as he was cupping her breasts.
Hinata was moaning, shamelessly.
She has to admit to herself, sasuke always knew how to make her feel pleasure.
Then all of a sudden she winced as she felt one of his fingers inserted inside her flower, hinata remembered all the painful experiences, hinata started to heave, as sasuke kept kissing and exploring her orifice, she started to stutter and squirm.
"No..sa..uh..pl..uh.. sa.. sto..STOP" she finally snapped.
Sasuke pulled himself away, looking into her eyes.
He looked down ashamed.
"I..i..am sorry" he said.
Hinata wrapped the towel around her then she got out of the stream, sobbing and heading to her cabin to get dressed.
Sasuke watched as hinata ran away, he gritted his teeth.
"Shit" he mumbled.

Hinata went back to Soko's house. All this time she was thinking about what happened inside the stream, her mind was in turmoil, she doesn't know what to do anymore.
She thinks she is catching feelings for sasuke. She can't deny that when she was his hostage, he did act somehow tender towards her, he even brought her cinnamon bun, because he knew quite well she loves it.
He always praised her food, even if she refused to speak with him. And that time particularly in the spring he was so much gentle, as if he was savoring every part of her body.
She had to admit that formerly, he sometimes was gentle and sometimes was rough, but with him, his love making was always different, he always treated her body like a porcelain doll, so scared to scratch it.
However her train of thoughts was cut when she found herself standing infront of soko's house.
She got inside and flinched a little, sasuke was there, cooking dinner actually.
Hinata went inside, she gave a glance at sasuke, who seemed to ignore her or to be precise focusing on what he was doing, she passed and entered her room, changed into a blue night gown, then she came back and entered the kitchen, silently, helping him with the dinner.
Hinata stole some glances towards sasuke, but he was still ignoring her, or as she was thinking.
To be honest, sasuke was actually feeling guilty, he promised himself, that since she gave him a chance he won't make a move until she says so, yet here again, he lost control.
After a pregnant silence, hinata started to feel uncomfortable, how dare he ignore her, he was lucky she gave him a chance, her fury built up, and she decided to snap.
"Are you..ignoring me" she said
Sasuke looked up in awe.
"I...." sasuke stuttered.
"You are ignoring me and sulking..because i rejected you..because your ego is hurting..." hinata snapped
"No hina no, its just..."
"Hina chan please listen..its i..i am sorry... i.."
Hinata flinched at his apology
"I am sorry i lost control, hina... i, its just I promised myself i won't make a move until you say so..yet i lost control, at the spring..." he said with all guilt.
Hinata felt ashamed at herself jumping to conclusions.
"It..its fine..., i..mean, i liked it..oh no..i mean i didn't mind it..." hinata stuttered as she figured out what she blabbered, and sasuke's eyes widened at such word, did really hinata liked it.
His heart felt blooming.
However hinata had to fix her blabbing, so she suddenly said
"Apology accepted " and then she kept helping with dinner.

Both sat down, waiting for Soko, however hinata heard Akira's voice, as soko entered the house.
"MOMMYYYYYYY" Akira ran towards hinata, opening his chubby arms, he threw himself as hinata bent down, hugging her little child, spreading butterfly kisses across his chubby face.
"I missed my pumpkin..." hinata said.
Akira was giggling as his mother tickled him, sasuke smiled at such act, Akira looked exactly like sasuke when he was young, only he had one of his mother's lavender eyes.
It's practically as if sasuke little one is hugging hinata.
Soko gave a smile then she said
"I'll shower and sleep"
"Won't you join us for dinner"hinata asked
"Nah. I am tired..good night.." soko said and took off.
"Lets eat..pumpkin" hinata said and the family sat, for the first time, enjoying dinner, only that Akira didn't eat.

After dinner, hinata sat on the porch, singing to Akira, as she rocked his body, she was sitting on the porch ground.
Sasuke followed the enchanted voice until he sat by her, akira was still awake, and playing.
He had the stamina.
Hinata gave sasuke a smile and stopped singing.
"Why did you stop!" He asked
Hinata blushed.
"I am a little bit tired"
"Yes, must be a burden to raise a kid..alone" sasuke said with a sad tone
Hinata nodded then smiled
"But he is all that i have now"
Akira then dipped his arms inside hinata's night gown, asking for her breasts, so she would feed him.
Sasuke raised an eye brow
Hinata smiled then she blushed and took out one of her breasts, when akira grabbed it and started sucking.
"Isn't he a little bit old?" Sasuke asked
"He is one year and four months, not too old to quit breast feeding..." hinata smiled as she looked down and blushed.
Sasuke then took off his cloak and wrapped it around hinata's who had half her breast exposed.
Hinata flinched and smiled down.
"You know, none can see you like this" sasuke said
Hinata nodded
They were silent for a little while.
"Why doesn't he talk much" sasuke cracked the silence.
"Uh..he is a little bit shy..but when none is around, he always speaks with me" hinata smiled
Akira reminds sasuke of himself, he was always talkative and happy around his brother.
Sasuke gave a nod.
Hinata sang until akira stopped sucking, and drifted to sleep, hinata dipped her breasts again, she gave sasuke his cloak and thanked him, said good night and took off to her bed.

Sasuke stayed in the porch, he kept watching the moon, that reminded him of hinata, and their heated moment.
He wished to hold her, cuddle with her and Akira, wake up to her morning kiss, if she only would let him in.
As for hinata, she kept tossing around the bed sheets, her mind wasn't stopped thinking about sasuke, and their heated make out session.
His words echoed inside her mind, 'until you say so'
Hinata found herself, getting up from bed, she found her legs leading her to a place absentmindedly, to where sasuke was staying.
Sasuke felt a presence behind him.
He turned around, and saw hinata was standing in her blue night gown, the moon light reflecting her form like an angel.
Sasuke stood up.
Hinata's breath wasn't normal.
And sasuke could read her eyes. He smirked, and then he marched toward her, and suddenly crashed his lips onto hers, in a more aggressive passionate kiss, he placed his hands around her butt, held her up, she wrapped both her legs around waist, he pushed her to the wall, kept kissing her neck, her ears, her jawline.
Hinata was moaning, then sasuke turned and dropped her on the couch, he kept kissing her while trying to take off his shirt, followed by his pants.
He tugged her blue night gown up, pulled down his boxers, he pulled down her panties,opened her legs, and entwined their fingers, sasuke thrusted inside her, she moaned loudly, whispering his name.
"Ah..aah..hmm.. hina..hi..na" as their moans echoed through the walls
Soko heard a screeching sounds and moans, she smirked and turned to sleep.

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