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Naruto called for sasuke, he wanted to buy a wedding gift for hinata as their wedding is around the corner.
Sasuke of course complied, he can't say no to his best friend of course.
They went to the market center, when naruto decided to get inside the kimono shop.
"So tell me sasuke, shall i buy her this kimono, or that?" Naruto asked sasuke as he held two kimono's one orange and the other yellow.
"Naruto, will you buy her kimono's of your own favorite color?" He said sarcastically.
"Auh? Why not, hinata will look beautiful in any color." Naruto said
Sasuke went inside, he picked a red kimono.
He knew hinata loves red, also he picked the kimono color that he wants to see hinata in.
"How about this?" Sasuke asked
"Uh...this is really good, but i'll buy the orange one" naruto said.

Though naruto may have acknowledged hinata's feelings, yet, naruto's love towards her was different. Naruto loved hinata his way. Which somehow made hinata hate it sometime. He choose what he wants to get to her not what she needs or wants.
And because hinata loved him so much, she had to comply because she was so scared he'll leave her.
Also, naruto always left her or forgot himself with his fan girls which made hinata jealous, but she was scared to face him. Yet when she did, he told her he can't let people down and he must take their feelings in consideration which by default put her feelings on the shelf and forgot to consider hers.

Sasuke sighed, however he gave back the red kimono.
Naruto payed for the vendor, but was interrupted by all his fan girls circling him, naruto had received many gifts however, he asked sasuke to meet him at kakashi's as there are things he needs to take care of.
Naruto took off, while sasuke looked back to the red kimono and marched inside the shop once again.

Naruto and sasuke met at kakashi's, he told them they had an upcoming mission. Then kakashi dismissed them, naruto cracked the silence.
"Oi sasuke, hinata and I will go and have some ramen, would you like to join?"
Sasuke nodded, he wants to meet hinata, he is addicted to her.
Sasuke and naruto sat down, while hinata joined, she sat by naruto and gave naruto a kiss on his cheeks, sasuke bite his lips and glared, but as hinata noticed he turned his head.
"Hey hinata, look what i have brought." He said as he took out the orange kimono.
Hinata's face first shined then this shine faded when she saw the kimono's color, she doesn't like orange that much. But she faked a smile to naruto.
Sasuke's didn't let such notice slip.
"Thank you so much naruto-kun" she smiled
"See sasuke, i told you she'll love it..." naruto said.
Sasuke sighed, this idiot can be sometimes dense.
Hinata looked back and forth at sasuke and naruto then she asked with a smile.
"See, sasuke choose that red kimono, but i choose the orange saying anything on you is beautiful" naruto said with wide grin.
Though hinata was appreciating naruto's complement on her beauty, yet she was taken aback when he said sasuke choose a red kimono. Did sasuke knew her favorite color.
As they sat down and ate ramen, some fan girls came and asked for naruto's autograph, and picture.
Naruto stood up and started ignoring hinata and talking with his fan girls
Hinata looked at naruto with tears in her eyes, she sulked and continued eating her ramen.
Sasuke watched silently with a smirk, he knew exactly where is the crack he'll exploit to destroy this relationship.
"Oi sasuke, can you walk hinata's home, i have business to do" naruto interrupted sasuke's train of thoughts, and by such words, sasuke glanced at the distressed hinata who would cry.
"Hm" sasuke hummed with a nod.
Hinata watched as naruto walked away, after kissing her head, she gave a fake smile then looked back at her ramen, with some tears in her eyes.
She let a quite sob, put her hands over her mouth to stop herself, sasuke looked at her.
"So..sorry...it..its just..." she stuttered as she tried to hold her tears.
"Lets go" sasuke commanded as he stood up and walked out the door
Hinata followed sasuke, looking down.
Her mind played games on her, whats going on with naruto, why is he ignoring her and treating her that way. Why is she always his last option.
As for sasuke, he was glad that naruto was ignorant towards hinata, all he has to do is twist her thoughts and intoxicate it with the idea that maybe naruto is cheating on her, second make her convinced, third taking chance to claim her as his own, blackmailing her so she'll be his. Forever.
Sasuke then stopped to find hinata's pace was slow. He waited for her then he cracked the silence
"Sing" he commanded
"Wh..what?" Hinata stuttered and was shocked by such command
"Sing..." he commanded again and started walking.
Hinata sang a very sad melody. Sasuke felt it inside his heart, the agony she felt.
Then hinata suddenly stopped and asked sasuke.
"Do..do..you..think, he ..naruto..loves me?" Hinata stuttered and tried not to cry
Sasuke gave her a smirk.
"I thought you were smarter than that."
Hinata mouth gaped.
"What..i mean... what business... urgent business does he have..." she asked very scared of the answer.
"I will leave the answer to you... i know quite well what you are thinking about..." hinata flinched at sasuke's words.
Is really naruto cheating on her.
Hinata let out a silent cry, then she weeped and ran to hug sasuke, she needed comfort.
Sasuke wrapped his arms around hinata, with a smirk upon his face.
'Soon you'll be mine'

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