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Soko opened the door, to find sasuke carrying hinata on his shoulder, while holding Akira on his other arm, shielding him from the rain.
Soko raised an eyebrow, at such sight, and to be honest to herself, she was quite impressed.
She knew from the start that sasuke loves hinata, only failed to act the right way.
She gave a grin.
"She slipped...and i had to carry her..." sasuke tried to explain. However Soko opened the door slightly to invite them in including sasuke.
Soko was a hostile, wise woman, she knew how to appreciate even small acts.
She took Akira from sasuke, whom already woke up from thunder and lightning.
Sasuke placed hinata gently on the couch.
"Thank you..." she murmured but she didn't want him to listen.
Soko went over to inspect her ankle.
"Its just a sprain, we need to bandage it."soko said
"Thanks for taking care of her, please take off your clothes i'll dry them out for you... and accept our tea offering until the rain stops" Soko said while hinata gave a shocked look.
Sasuke noticed hinata's pale features.
"Its okay, i'll go to my motel..." sasuke said but was interrupted by soko's voice
"You can't turn an old lady down" soko said sternly.
Sasuke nodded.
"Uh..." sasuke stuttered but soko turned her head towards hinata.
"Take a hot shower hinata and take Akira with you until i finish preparing us tea" soko commanded
"Hai" hinata nodded
She limped as soko helped her to the bathroom.
Soko signed to sasuke to follow her into the kitchen so he would dry off his cloths, she gave him new shirt and a short from her old son's cloths and started drying his, sasuke took a towel and dried off his hair, and soko preparing tea.
As sasuke was drying his hair, he passed by the bathroom, to hear hinata's and Akira's giggles through the bathroom door.
He wanted to sneak and see how they were acting. So he decided to use his sharingan.
He saw hinata's naked form, inside a bath tub filled with bubbles, holding Akira and kissing his nose bridge, tickling her son, as Akira is titling his head back giggling at his mother's.
He wished he could join such warm shower with hinata as a family. He missed hinata so much.
He wanted her back, he needs her.
Hinata then finished her shower with Akira, she wrapped her form around a towel, and akira's as well.
Sasuke deactivated his sharingan, and looked as hinata was walking with towel around her, a faint blush raised upon his cheeks.
Hinata gained little weight, she became curvier and sexier.
She was limping so sasuke decided to support her form when she pushed him away again and glared.
Sasuke let go of her.
She got inside the room, dressed akira and sang him to sleep.
Sasuke watched as hinata brushed her hair, after getting dressed in a white night gown.
Her skin was glistering and she was practically glowing, like a silver moon.
Hinata noticed sasuke's gaze, she blushed a little then she decided to let it go.
She then went to the kitchen to prepare a meal for her and Soko.
"Prepare him something as well hina..." soko ordered
"Bu..but soko san"
"Hina, you are a well educated and gentle person, we always appreciate those who help us... please"
"Hai" hinata looked down and nodded.
After finishing preparing the meal and tea, soko carried the tray of food, because hinata was limping,
She placed the tea and food on the table.
Sasuke bowed as an appreciation.
And as he watched hinata eating, he decided to lean down, hinata yelped, as she saw sasuke, holding her twisted ankle on his lap, healing it and bandaging it.
Soko smiled at such genuine act from sasuke.
He then leaned down, and kissed on of hinata's toes.
Hinata was blushing and didn't understand such gestures.
Soko smiled then she said.
"When a man kisses someone's toe, it means that he owns this person and is owned by such... its the genuine act of love..." soko smiled inwardly.
Sasuke sighed then he sat back and started eating silently.
After they finished eating, soko asked sasuke to stay for the night. Hinata wanted to reject but in the end its soko's house.
Hinata prepared him the couch, and gave him a blanket, then she bids soko a goodnight and turned to nuzzle to the fast asleep akira.

Sasuke was laying in the couch, as usual thinking about hinata, will she ever forgive him or not, and how much effort shall he put. Sasuke found himself tossing and turning restless, he remembers before hinata leaving two years ago, he never had nightmares and he always slept safe and sound, hinata chased his demons away, but through this two years he had to drink sake and get drunk to be able to sleep.
Sasuke found his legs moving on its own, going inside hinata's bed, he saw hinata sleeping, while Akira is sleeping by her, sasuke climbed inside the bed, on the other side, he held akira slightly up, and pulled the little boy to his chest, and approached more hinata.
Hinata felt unfamiliar warmth, she nuzzled towards that warmth, and nuzzled more. Sasuke smelled her vanilla scent, he smiled inwardly, he stroke her cheeks and gave her a kiss on her forehead.
"I love you hinata..." he murmured.
Hinata fluttered open her eyes a bit, she smiled and continued sleeping.

The next day hinata got up, she found herself nuzzling to akira, she remembers a faint dream, of someone murmuring he loved her.
However hinata got up to find no trace of sasuke's on the couch, he left a note saying thank you.
Hinata decided to get ready for her work, however she felt a little bit dizzy, she ran into the bathroom and vomit.
Soko followed her, she felt her forehead to find hinata burning.
"You have fever... please rest..." soko said
"I am fine i have to work"
"Hina stop being stubborn must be last night"
Hinata thought about last night, she was drenched and soaked, she must have caught cold.
She couldn't walk even for her ankle, she was shivering and sweating.
Soko tried to prepare her soup and headed to buy some remedy for hinata.

Sasuke went to the restaurant as usual, on his usual timing, he couldn't find any trace of Akira.
He ordered as usual tomato soup, but when he was served and took a sip, he knew that it wasn't hinata.
He ordered the waiter.
"Uhm this soup is not the usual" sasuke said
"Yes sir, our chef didn't come, soko san called her sick"
Sasuke eyes widened, hinata must have gotten cold from yesterday, he payed the bill, and went off to soko's house.

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