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As sasuke arrived at soko's house, before he even knocked the door, he saw soko just opened the door, carrying Akira with her.
Soko gave a smirk. She knew that sasuke would come. She knew sasuke loved hinata so dearly, his eyes never lied. As the eyes are the windows to the soul, and since day one, soko saw sasuke's eyes, they are fond of hinata, only the wrong way.
"Uh...i..." sasuke stuttered, but soko interrupted
"Good you are here, take Akira until i bring hinata the remedy. She is sick..." soko said and gave sasuke his son, then she pushed him inside and closed the door.
Akira looked at sasuke intently, then he took off his head band and demanded for sasuke to let him down so he can play.
Sasuke put Akira down, he got inside the room to find hinata's breathing uneven, sweating and her face is flushing.
Sasuke placed his forehead over hers, he felt hinata burning.
"You are burning" sasuke murmured, hinata slightly opened her eyes, to find a vague image of someone who looks like sasuke.
She then closed her eyes and said
"Wa..water...i..need..water" she said
Sasuke went over and brought her cold water, he pulled her body up a little bit, supporting her back, he gave her the cup of water. Hinata drank, and then in a mere of a second she clutched tightly to sasuke's cloak, and all of a sudden her body tilted a little left and she throw up all over sasuke's lap.
Sasuke didn't bother, he just patted her back in a circle motion until she emptied her stomach.
Then sasuke gave her the cup of water again, she drank and then he gently placed her back in sleeping position.
Sasuke went to the bathroom, he took off his clothes, placed them into the laundry to be washed, he looked for a shirt and a short, wore them, and went back when he heard hinata's whining slightly.
Sasuke approached to hear what hinata said she was murmuring.
"Akira...ak..i..ra.." while sweating.
Sasuke went over and brushed some damp bangs from her hair.
"He is fine, hinata..." he then leaned over, held her up and walked to the bathtub, hinata was sweating and her fever was getting bad.
He went over the bathroom, and ran the cold water to dip hinata, she opened her eyes, then looked into sasuke's eyes, then her eyes widened as she felt sasuke's arm around her, she started punching him but she was too tired and sick.
Then she cried as she found him taking her into the bathtub, sitting on its edge, and straddling hinata on his lap, her stomach on his, her head down.
Hinata started to kick and punch but sasuke fixed her.
She felt him taking up her gown, and pulling down her panties.
"No..please sasuke..." she said limply
"Calm down hinata..." sasuke said, she heard as if he opened something.
Hinata tried to turn her body around but he straddled her.
"Are..are you..going to rape me..." she stuttered
"No hinata, i won't... you have a fever, and i couldn't find anything but Akira's suppository, i need to give it to you..." he said as all of a sudden she felt something being inserted inside her posterior , hinata flinched a little bit but then she relaxed.
Sasuke then flipped her and dipped her inside the bath tub, to lower her temperature.
He washed her a little bit to lower her temperature, then he took her out.
Hinata was somehow dizzy and still can't comprehend whats going on.
After sasuke washing her, he took off her clothes, and dressed her into new ones, then placed her gently inside the bed
Sasuke headed for the kitchen to prepare soup, he found Akira playing around and making noises.
Sasuke watched Akira carefully, he reminds sasuke of his childhood and his warm personality before being traumatized.
Akira then went to sasuke as he was preparing hinata a meal.
He tugged his cloak then said.
"Mama....." he pointed inside the room.
Sasuke leaned down and carried akira heading to hinata.
Akira then leaned over to hinata.
"Mamaa...mamaa" he shook hinata a little then sasuke held him back again.
"Akira... mama is tired... lets get you something to eat.."
"No...mama mamaaa..." and akira started to scream and cry, hinata fluttered her eyes open a little bit, she heard akira crying, she tried to stand up but her body was limp, and she was exhausted, she tried to walk but was dizzy, sasuke supported her.
"Hinata... you are sick get back to bed " he said sternly
"No..akira...he..." she was dizzy and couldn't speak, sasuke held her again up, placed her inside the bed.
"Have no worries... i'll take care of him" sasuke assured and hinata drifted to sleep.

Soko came back after an hour with essentials and remedies, to find sasuke straddling Akira in his lap, feeding him, and reading to him.
Soko gave a smirk then asked
"How is hinata..."
"She is fine, her fever is gone... half an hour and i'll feed her.." sasuke said as he rocked akira back and forth until he ate.
"Give me akira, go feed hinata and give her this..." she handed him medicine and took akira.
Sasuke prepared hinata's remedy, then he entered, he shook her gently, hinata whimpered.
"Get up hina..let me feed you"
Hinata tried to pull herself up, sasuke helped her and supported her body, then he started to spoon feed her, until she went back to sleep.

Hinata woke up in the middle of the night, she squeaked when she saw sasuke's sleeping on a chair by her bed, straddling Akira who is sleeping on his chest. And with the other hand holding hinata's hand.
Hinata pushed his hand and got up, she took Akira roughly, sasuke woke panicked.
"What are you doing here...leave." She said sternly as she was holding Akira.
Sasuke looked down and then he turned to leave to be stopped by soko who rushed into the room upon hearing hinata squeaks
"Don't leave sasuke... its mid night." Soko said
"B..but soko san"
"Hinata... sasuke has been taking care of you, he left his mission for your sake... " soko said
"Its fine... i'll go" sasuke said.
Soko looked at hinata puzzled, hinata looked down, she remembered some vague memories of sasuke feeding her, giving her a bath and the suppository.
Then Akira woke up to find sasuke leaving, he squeaked
"No...sasu... no sasu..." Akira said and stretched his arms towards sasuke.
She looked down then said
"Fine... don't leave..." hinata said with low voice, sasuke stopped
"For akira..." she looked down ashamed with a taint of pink upon her face.
Sasuke complied and he turned again.
Hinata climbed the bed with Akira by her side.
After two hours, sasuke climbed next to hinata when he was sure she was fast asleep, again he kissed her forehead, she nuzzled near him.
"I love you hina" he murmured and hinata gave a faint smile again.

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