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Sasuke stayed in the motel during his investigation of the mysterious ninja who kidnapped civilians.
The small village was in terror, everyone was scared to walk behind late so they won't be taken.
However, he still went every day to hinata's restaurant.
Every day he orders tomato soup and salad with beer.
He only wants to eat her food, to feel her around even if he can't see her, sometimes he sneaked behind the kitchen to watch her cooking and singing.
No need to tell how he feels every time she sings.
And as for Akira, who always present inside the restaurant, he always ran to sasuke, tug his cloak, sasuke holds him up and sat him on the table, Akira used to take sasuke's head band off and play with it, or clap his hands around sasuke's cheeks.
Sasuke felt his heart warming when his little son does that to him.
He remembers that he always done that with itachi, the boy has many of sasuke's traits, but alot more from hinata's.
Akira was showing signs of gentleness, when he sees a little child, he always offer them playing with him, also when he sees a child cried he goes and pat their backs.
As for Akira, after he finishes playing with sasuke, he rushes inside to his mother when he hears out hinata calling for him.
Sasuke watched as little Akira runs with his tiny legs,
He felt himself smiling as he watched Akira runs towards hinata, but as every child, he tripped and fell hurting his both knees and hands.
Akira let out a loud scream, sasuke stood up rushing to Akira when he saw hinata coming out with her apron, hair tied up to a pony tail and leaned down to Akira.
As both leaned down to hold Akira's up, both their hands accidentally touched, or more of brushed.
Both looked up to each other's eyes, hinata looked down and blushed a little, then she held Akira up.
She started rocking him.
"Did you hurt your knees bunny" she said in a gentle tone trying to calm Akira down
He nodded while screaming and crying.
"Don't be mad, mommy is here sweetie, don't worry" she said kissing his temple and rocking his body, then she kissed his hurt knees and hands.
"Lets go Akira, mommy made you cookies..." she said, sasuke watched how hinata took care of his child, even though this was out of a rough experience, yet she showed kindness like none.
His heart warmed as such thought, the thought of a family, if he had only been approaching her in a different way, maybe they would have been a very loving family.
But sasuke screwed up, big time.
He sighed as he watched hinata holding Akira and walking inside the kitchen.
He knew quite well that this is her break time, when some waiters with hinata sat and talked and giggled.
He was happy as he felt such co workers are really a family, and how they loved and treated hinata, he was beyond than happy, but still slight jealous.
They made her happy, he wanted to make her happy but he acted in a wrong way.
But he was determined to fix it, as always his blond friend told him, its never too late.
All of a sudden, the door to the restaurant opened to show the redhead, emerald eyed Gaara coming inside.
Sasuke grunted and his eyes were filled with rage.
Gaara is extremely close with hinata.
Sasuke saw Akira running towards gaara giggling and hugging his legs, gaara leaned down and held Akira up kissing his cheeks.
"Hi young one, did you train well to become stronger" Gaara asked
"Hai" Akira giggled M
Hinata got up and gave gaara a hug, which made sasuke frowns and bite his lips furiously.
He stood up to march and grab hinata's, however he stopped himself when he remembered what he did.
He doesn't want to screw it up again.
He sighed and left his money on the table and went out.
Unbeknownst to him, hinata was taking slight glances at sasuke, until he left.

Sasuke went off for his mission, and at night he'll come over to watch hinata going home just to make sure she is safe. The streets are not safe anymore for her. And he can't risk anything happens to her.

It was six pm, hinata finished her work, she dressed up and decided to head back to Soko's. Akira was fast asleep at such time, hinata held Akira and started walking to her house, Gaara gave her a goodbye so he can take care of some business.
Hinata walked, she knew sasuke was always watching her every morning and evening when she goes back.
Sasuke is possessive when it came to her, she knew that he comes every day to eat her food, and be around her, she could feel his eyes over her, watching her from afar, she knew he loved to hear her sing so she did, but she won't ever forgive him.
Sometimes she pity him, but decided to cast such feeling away, he deserve to be tortured.
She knew he is jealous from Gaara, and loved watching him get flustered, pressing on his nerves. But luckily sasuke kept his temper.
This was one of the things that changed inside him.
But still hinata would give him hard time.
As she walked humming, the sky started to pour,
"Oh... i forgot my umbrella..." hinata said flustered, she loved the rain but she can't risk Akira getting wet.
As she tried to runaway, to hid under a house's roof, she felt a shade above her head.
She looked up to find sasuke's putting up his cloak to block the pouring rain.
Hinata looked at him, with an eye full of fury.
"Thank you, i don't need neither asked for your help" she said as she tried to walk away, but grabbed her hands tightly and pulled her again.
"Just for Akira..." his voiced seemed to be in pain.
Hinata looked back and sighed.
"Then carry him... i'll walk alone..." she gave him Akira, and started walking in-front of him.
"Hinata please just..." he tried but hinata kept walking.
Sasuke scoffed then followed her, shielding Akira from the rain.
Hinata was walking faster, the road was slippery.
"Hinata slow down, you will fall" sasuke said but she was so stubborn and continued walking.
"Hinata look out...." he yelled as hinata slipped, tripping, sasuke lunged to hold her but she already tripped and fell hurting her ankles.
Hinata winced in pain.
Sasuke leaned over to inspect her ankle she pushed him away, and glared at him
"I can walk myself" she smacked his hands away, and tried to stand up again but tripped.
He tried to support her, wrapping his arm around her waist, she pushed him.
"I can walk..." she glared.
Sasuke scoffed and cringed and started to support her body to the walls and limped.
Sasuke saw how hinata struggled walking, but now to him, enough is enough.
He went over and roughly grabbed her, held her up to his shoulder, hinata squeaked and kicked him and threw punches here and there.
"For Akira.." he snorted as he held hinata under the rain with one hand, and the other holding Akira.
Sasuke was walking with a smirk when hinata stopped struggling.

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