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Three months has passed, hinata was still the hostage inside the uchiha mansion.
Sasuke was her ruthless jailer, though sometimes he tend to be tender to her, still he was cold hearted.
Hinata tried to escape dozens of times, just to be tracked and dragged back to the mansion.
The last time she tried to escape, sasuke placed a cursed jutsu around the house so if she tried to go out, she'll be placed into horrible genjutsu.
However, though sasuke has her trapped inside his mansion, hinata didn't want to go out as much as she wanted to runaway, because once she tried to go buy herself some groceries, and essentials, she found the villagers throwing stones at her, call her names, and even some vendors rejected to sell her goods.
Even some ignored her existence and casted her away.
That precise day, as she tried to run from those who throw her stones, one villager approached to strike the poor hinata, after calling her the uchiha whore.
As the villager approached to strike her, his hands were blocked by someone not other than the raven head. Who was in great rage that hinata was treated that way. Even though he was the main reason for such, but none touches or harms his hinata chan.
"Whom are you calling a whore..." he growled at the culprit who he winced in pain as sasuke twisted his wrists.
The guy then ran away.
Sasuke leaned over to help hinata up, but was pushed by her. She went back to the mansion and sasuke followed her that day.
During these three months, still sasuke came back with her essentials, he tried to get closer to her just to find a cold treatment. She never talked, only sang.
Sasuke even bought her kimonos, dresses, cinnamon buns because she loved them, he even tried to cook her breakfast, but still she gave him the cold treatment.
Sasuke tried many not to snap, and control his temper, as long as hinata is with him, he is satisfied.
He even brought her flowers, she just threw it at him.
Sasuke always told her that the more she puts him through, the more he wants to be with her, even if she said she hates him, he loves her more.
And even when hinata tried her first time to runaway, sasuke tracked her down and in no time he brought her back, this time she was extremely punished, he tied her to the chair and insulted her, slapped her repeatedly until she actually couldn't walk and started shivering, she even peed herself.
And even sasuke had smelled her, he felt himself extremely guilty, held her up and washed her. Hinata couldn't struggle anymore.
As days has passed, after all her runaway attempts failed, hinata started to adapt, she told herself that, being in the mansion is better than facing the world, sasuke was the only one around, he was even talking to her about his missions, he was over talkative around her, even though she never talked back, only answered questions with a rough answer, or cold one, still being around sasuke is somehow better than the villagers.
Hinata started to pass time with cooking and singing which soothed her ripped soul, she even cooked upon sasuke's requests some food. His favorite tomato soup, pasta with red tomato sauce, as a repay for him bringing her every night cinnamon buns.
As for sasuke, sometimes he came from missions wounded, so hinata had to take care of his wounds, only as a professional medical nin.
As for sasuke, every night he always slept with her for those three months, at first hinata still struggled, but then, she started to not struggle anymore, she was tired, she only accepted his thrust with blank eyes and silent tears.
She knew the exact time when he'll sleep with her, though he was sometimes rough, sometimes gentle, she hated how her body acted to him. He knew every single secret and her sweet spot of her body, but still she hated herself and she hated him.
And even when she told him she hates him, sometimes he left her as she is, naked, bleeding and being rough, majority of the time he cuddled with her, held her tightly, and even kissed her goodbye in the morning and kissed her when he came back, like a loving husband. But still hinata was cold and aloof to him.
He even wrote to her love letters and started learning poetry as he knew how much she loved poetry and love stories.

One day, sasuke sent her a crow telling her he'll be somehow late, reminding her not to try to runaway or he'll bring her back, and each time she ran away, she was punished, tied, and sometime starved.
Hinata that precise day decided to attempt to runaway again. She knew about the jutsu.
Hinata started to look for any hidden doors inside the uchiha mansion.
Any tunnel that can lead her out, these mansions were designed to have a hidden doors, just like the Hyūga's.
And due to sasuke placing a jutsu over her Byakugan sealing her special eyes, she had to have some extra efforts.
Hinata finally found that special door, she decided to leave, runaway, its her only chance, no going back.
Or else she'll always be the uchiha's hostage.
she crawled, again and again, until she found herself outside the compound.
Finally, she gathered all her powers, her legs starting running involuntary, looking back and forth, so scared he'll see her, she jumped the roofs, so she won't be caught by the villagers.
She knew the precise destination. The sand village.
Gaara, her former best friend.

Sasuke went back, he found the house extremely..silent, cold, something was off, even if hinata gave him the cold treatment, her presence still radiates light to such dark mansion, something was about hinata that is always different, even if she is bruised, battered and broken, her light still radiates, her pure aura, her scent that filled the air.
Her voice that echoed through the walls, even making walls sing with her.
"Tadaima..." sasuke said.
He couldn't hear any chopping, knitting or even pleasant smell of her cooking.
Sasuke had bought her special cinnamon rolls, and ramen, and a new red kimono, precisely made with the uchiha sign.
"Hinata..." sasuke called but no answer, he activated his sharingan, hinata was no where to be found, he found the hidden door opened.
Sasuke's eyes widened, he gritted his teeth, hinata had left him.
He fell on his knees and tears started to run down his face.
"HINATAAAAAAA" he yelled.
"I'll bring you BACK" he gritted his teeth and took off.

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