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"Sasuke..." hinata stuttered as her eyes widened in terror, she started shaking.
"Hinata..." sasuke said in awe, he couldn't believe he had saw hinata coincidentally after two years...with a child. Is it his child, or someone else's. She left two years ago, and the boy is somehow around two years.
Hinata has taken two steps back, shivering.
Her fellow waiter has noticed her terror and shaking, he rested his hands over her shoulder.
"Hina-chan, are you all right?" He asked unsure.
Hinata clutched tightly to Akira, and all of a sudden as she shivered, and her jaw was shaking.
"Hina-chan??" The waiter asked again as he looked back and forth at the raven head and at the bluish inky girl.
"Hinata..." sasuke said again as he tried to approach the terrorized girl before him.
He knew what he had done to her, she has all the right to feel that way, detest him, despise him.
But if she just listens and give him chance to fix what he has done.
Even hinata is carrying someone's child. Ninety percent its his, but he has to make sure.
Hinata all of a sudden turned away and with all her might ran away, screaming,
"GET HIM AWAY GET HIM AWAYYY NOOO NOOO" hinata ran to the kitchen
"HINATA WAIT" sasuke yelled as he tried to run after her but was stopped by couple of waiters.
They tried to straddle him, but they are no match to the uchiha, sasuke tried to contain himself but he couldn't, he is in the end one of the ruthless ninjas. He used his rinnegan to get out of their grip, placing a table, and ran behind hinata.
Hinata ran to the kitchen back door, clutching her son, so tightly, as they were running, hinata clutching to her baby, Akira dropped something.
"Mommy...ita..." he said.
"Sorry Aki chan.... sorry..." hinata said as she tried to runaway as fast as possible.
Sasuke was chasing hinata, seeing her form running away, he could catch on her, when he noticed something glistering fell from the boy she clutched into.
He kneeled down and inspected it to find nothing other than a lens, he put it inside his pocket.
He looked again up at hinata's running.
He started chasing her again, activated his sharingan, to find the boy, has actually hybrid eyes, one black and the other Byakugan, hers.
She must have placed a lens to hide the hybrid.
Sasuke still chased after hinata, she entered a small aisle, and hide behind some abandoned house.
Sasuke activated his sharingan and tried to track her chakra but he couldn't find any.
He tried to track the baby's chakra. But seems like hinata has hide it someway or another.
Sasuke clenched his fists and punched the walls.
He went back to the restaurant.
Hinata sighed as she saw sasuke's form walking away, she ran back to Soko.
Soko was knitting as she saw hinata smashing into her house.
Soko panicked..
"Hina chan? Whats wrong."
Hinata ran heaving towards Soko.
"He is here, he is here.... Akira's father..." she gulped and tried to stop her voice from shaking.
She was heaving and panicking.
"Calm down darling... calm down... breath..." she cupped her cheeks with her wrinkled hands.
"He'll he'll harm... me... please soko..." hinata's tears fell and she clutched Akira more.
"Mommy... Cwie mommy..." Akira said as he hugged his mother tightly.
"Calm down hinata, you are worrying Akira... he won't harm you... as long as i am here..., the villagers will protect you... you are one of us now, this is your home..." she smiled and hugged hinata to calm her down.
"Come Aki chan... let mommy rest..., hina-chan, go take a shower and get some rest..." Soko held Akira up, and hinata nodded.
"Where is Akira's lens.." soko asked
"He must have lost it..." Hinata said as she struggled to stand up and head to the bathroom, she needed a nice warm shower.
She filled the bathtub and laid down.

"Where is she?" Sasuke growled at the waiters.
The waiters held up their knives and sharp objects ready to fight the intruder.
"No one harms our civilians... who are you to begin with..." one said
"Hina- chan is our beautiful civilian and we will protect her, we saw nothing but gentleness and pureness, even if you are here to protect us, that doesn't give you the right to harm our villagers" other growled.
They all raised their sharp objects and sasuke snapped and punch the table.
"For god sake where is she..." he snapped and growled again.
"Give us one reason to tell you" someone growled.
"Because i am her fucking husband..." sasuke finally snapped.
Silence fell and everyone whispered.
"No way, hina chan's husband died in war..." someone said
"Yes why would she lie to us... anyway... we don't believe you...you scum" other growled.
"Hey everyone please calm down" a man with white hair and wrinkled face appeared.
Everyone bowed, sasuke looked back, he must be the chief of this town, he was meant to meet him about the mission.
"Please never be rude to our rescuer here, Welcome sasuke san" the man gave a warm smile.
"I am Kohta sama, this town chief's."
"Nice meeting you Kohta sama..." sasuke said
"Please pardon my dear villagers, they love hinata-san dearly..." he gave a warm smile.
Sasuke gave a nod.
"So please follow me...we need to discuss some business" the chief took sasuke away.

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