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Warning! Forced sex, if you feel offended please don't read.

Sasuke went home, he turned on his cassette, he had many records of hinata's singing voice, since childhood, her melodies that echoed inside his head, her voice that was so sweet that touched his soul, his broken heart.
Sasuke knew and admitted, he is obsessed indeed with her voice, and her as a whole, since academy days and he swore on making her his, no matter what the way is.
As for hinata, she was ultimately confused. She loves naruto, she needs his care, attention, but he doesn't give her any. Instead here is sasuke, he gave her some kind of attention, though the cold, aloof uchiha still walked her home, or was around to a certain extent.

The next day hinata woke up to a certain phone call.
"Hello?" Hinata answered, to find none's other than her blond.
"Hina-chan, ohayo" naruto greeted across the phone
"Ohayo, naruto-kun...how are you?" Hinata asked
"Aha fine, uhm. Hina-chan, i am sorry today i am really busy, sakura chan wants to buy some medical stuff for lady tsunade"
Hinata felt her heart twist.
"But..naruto..kun..." hinata was trying to explain but naruto interrupted her
"Ahaa i am coming... okay ja ne hina chan...." and he hung up.
Hinata tried to fight tears, today was supposed to be the day they buy some stuff for their wedding, and prepare their new house, but as usual, naruto is always busy... busy to be the Hokage, busy taking care of sakura, sasuke, but never her.
Hinata wiped her tears, went for her morning routine and decided to take a walk.

Sasuke woke up, as usual he went for his morning routine with a melody echoing inside his mind, hinata's sweet voice. Sasuke fantasied about hinata, about when they'll marry, she'll sing him to sleep, and wake him up with her beautiful voice.
He'll lie down on her lap while she sang, he'll cook with her while she sang to him.
He'll pamper her with new kimonos and gifts.
Sasuke is really romantic in the inside but he never showed.
He decided to go for a walk as he was having some time off missions.

Hinata was walking, her eyes were blank, she felt like she was soulless, she kept asking herself why naruto was so indifferent to her. Why is he neglecting her that much, why he always has to care for others more than hers? Isn't she good enough.
What does she lacks, however she was bumped to someone and stumbled before she fell, she felt a hand grabbing her wrist, balancing her.
Hinata looked up, to find herself looking at those stern black onyx.
"Sa..sasuke..kun.." hinata stuttered.
He kept gazing at her with no reaction yet.
"Sorry...i...i was just spacing out..." hinata stuttered.
But sasuke didn't give her any reaction still.
Hinata looked down unsure then she raised her eyes meeting his gaze.
"Wou..would you like..hmm to join me to a walk" hinata asked unsure
Sasuke nodded and both walked silently, sasuke leaded the way to the lake.
He sat down by the shore and hinata sat beside him.
Sasuke decided to kill the silence.
"Why are you alone?"
"Naruto and I should have been buying wedding stuff before tonights carnival.." but hinata was interrupted by sasuke's words.
"But as usual he turned you down, and went for sakura.." sasuke retorted.
Hinata gazed at sasuke, how did he know it.
She knew that naruto always had a crush on sakura, but is it true that he is using hinata to fill sakura's void?
Hinata looked to the lake and tried to hold her tears.
She decided to sing.
And surly sasuke's was beyond than happy, for a long time he watched hinata and he knew when she always sang, when she is extremely distressed and when she is extremely happy.
After a while of singing hinata excused herself. She needs to get ready for tonight's festival as naruto promised her to accompany her.
As for sasuke's, he knew quite well why naruto acknowledged hinata's feelings.
Naruto only acknowledges hinata's feeling as a rebound for sakura's breaking up with naruto.They have been having an affair since sasuke left the village for quite a while, and when sasuke came back, sakura wanted to chase him again.

Hinata wore her orange kimono getting ready for the festival, she can't wait to watch fireworks with naruto.
She had her hair up to a pony tail, and a light faint pink lipstick, she hates orange color. But she wanted to wear the kimono to make naruto happy.
However she decided to change, someone has left a red kimono at her door two days ago. So she decided to wear the red one. Her favorite color. It had a white flower on its back.
Hinata took off walking through the festival, she started looking for naruto, she found him eating ramen with sakura.
Hinata felt immense jealousy, as she saw naruto leaning closer to sakura.

"Where is hinata..." naruto said to sakura
"I don't know..." sakura asked.
"She is late...i told her to meet me here..."
"Naruto, you should some more attention to her"
"I know, i have been neglecting her too much, but it's unintentional i swear..." naruto said with a sad tone.

Hinata grinned her teeth and turned around, she decided to run away and sat on a bench far from the festival center.
Unbeknownst to her a certain raven head had put a genjutsu to make her think naruto is leaning for sakura.
And he smirked as she ran away.

Hinata sat on the bench, crying naruto is definitely having an affair with sakura.
She sobbed and wiped her tears as she heard someone from behind.
She looked to find it was none other than sasuke.
He was wearing a black kimono, and his usual head band.
"Sa..sasuke kun" she smiled and gave a room for him to sit.
He sat by her smirking, she did wear his red kimono. Today is his chance.
He'll make her his, he'll claim her and blackmail her if she didn't concede he'll spread a rumor.
"Is..is naruto kun having an affair with sakura" she cracked the silence.
He grinned.
She looked down, then its true.
Hinata started sobbing, but sasuke embraced her, hinata was taken aback by such act.
However as she calmed she pulled away.
She looked into sasuke's eyes and lips that were welcoming her for a kiss.
Hinata leaned on and kissed him. This when sasuke smirked and showed that he had made her believe naruto has an affair with sakura.
Hinata gasped and pulled away.
"Wh..why..why did you do that..." hinata started sobbing as she realized what she did, she is the cheater here and all because sasuke.
"You are so naive hinata..." sasuke smirked.
Hinata stood up and decided to take few steps back when sasuke grabbed her wrists firmly, with an evil smirk.
"I swear if you left, i'll destroy your relationship with naruto, you have kissed me and i'll tell him you took the initiative, which is true.." he said devilishly.
Hinata gasped.
"But..but you made me believe...he he is..." hinata stuttered
"You are so insecure..." he smirked
"But..but.." hinata stuttered
"I'll spread the rumor you had an affair with me, and taint your Hyuuga name, i'll make the whole village despise you, call you a whore if you tried to say anything..." he smirked.
Hinata turned to run but he wrapped his strong arms around her chest, one of his hands around her breasts, the other clutching her face, as he pressed his front to her back, his mouth breathing into her ears, sending shivers.
Hinata tried to struggle but he was stronger.
"You..are...mine..hinata" he said huskily after wards the fireworks started, at same time he turned her, hinata tried to punch and kick but he held her up, pushed her roughly to the tree trunk.
Hinata winced in pain, hinata tried to struggle, but with one hand, he straddled both hers, he cut the rope around his kimono's waist and tied her hands to behind the tree trunk, hinata kicked him but he held one of her legs, up to his elbow. Hinata tried to kick, to scream but he smirked and whispered.
"None will hear you..the fireworks are too loud" he said as he slipped down his boxer.
"Please...please sasuke..kun...stop... please..." she cried and sobbed but sasuke used his kunai to cut her red kimono open from around her chest down her thighs.
"Stop..please sasuke..please... stop" she said as she tried to untie her hands.
Sasuke cut her panties with his kimono.
"No pleasee NO NO NO" but she was cut as sasuke with one thrust, entered her, hinata felt immense pain that she screamed her voice out of her lungs.
"ARGHHAHAAAAAAASAA" the firework still blowing as sasuke thrusted inside her.

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