*Inspiration: Billie Eilish ff. Khalid: Lovely*
My sister told me I was the smartest one,
my mother swore the pain would be gone,
my father guarding me and never asked,
my friends told me the past is the past.
CH: Wind is changing,
wind is changing,
wind is changing,
wind is changing now.
My sister told me you' re my mentor,
my mother told me you're a fighter,
my father always keeps me safe,
my friends scream you' re brave.
CH: Wind is changing,
wind is changing,
wind is changing,
wind is changing now.
Finally confessed to me I wasn't good enough,
I hated I wasn't honest to Jesus,
I knew I wasn't that kind of person,
I screamed I always failed the lesson.
CH: Wind is changing,
wind is changing,
wind is changing,
wind is changing now.
I revealed the dark inside me,
I wasn't the person supposed to be,
I have never been the iron wall,
I was dying since I was born.
After a midnight I was too disgust to waiting,
maybe that's why the wind is changing.
Zbierka XI.II.
Poetry*DOKONČENÉ* Zbierka básní XI.II. *Aj vám občas pripadá svet akýsi malý? Máte niekedy pocit, že aj keď je okolo vás milión ľudí, cítite sa osamelo? Vnímate niekedy, že chcete kričať, ale na miesto toho mlčíte a bezmyšlienkovite hľadíte do steny? Po...