The picture and the snake 9

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I was laughing so hard I could barely breathe. Princey helped me up off the ground. I sit down in my desk chair. And Princy sits on my purple fluffy bean bag, the comfy cushion usually what I use to play video games. I calm down from laughing and stand up to shut my door, and lock it.

I sit back down and pull out my makeup bag.

"What did you do? it seemed like you really scared them." He laughs and continues. "Logan fell out of his chair and the chair fell do-wn with h-im." He bursts out laughing again. I chuckle as I touch up my makeup.

"Lets just say Patton's password to his Bluetooth speakers shouldn't be 'logie1234'" I remark and he laughs a bit harder. I took out my brand new darker eyeshadow I beat it in with my pastey white foundation.

"New eyeshadow I see. I like it, makes it really.... Pop" He makes his hands into a exploding gesture.
I smirk and work on my face till I think it looks okay I spray my face with something to make it stay on for a long period of time. Setting spray.

"Hey don't get freaked out but do you know where Logan keeps the rolls of gauze." He doesn't freak out but he gets very over protective very quickly.

"Why? What happend? Did you cut yourself again? Are you not healing? Are you bleeding again?" I sigh.

"Calm down I just need to replace the bangdages sometime soon, if you don't know I'll just go ask Deciet." I cover my mouth a little to late. He gasps.

"I thought you hated snake man?! I also thought you couldn't say his name?! Were you lying just like him?! Have you turned back?!" I jump up and cover his mouth. His opinion changed of me like a dime. He's never learned about us more than he needed.

"I'll tell you but you have to be more quiet than SCREAMING!" I whisper yell. He nods slowly looking up at me and I let go of his mouth. I sigh.

"Okay where do I start beginning or latest?" I ask him where he wants to start the conversation.

"Latest." He says quietly this time he still looks confused.

"So the night before last you invited me to dinner, well then, I couldn't say his name," He raises his eyebrow. "I couldn't out loud say it." He nods.

"Well anyway after dinner I had the worst panic attack I've ever had, it lasted for about 9 hours straight, I didn't eat, I didn't sleep, I didn't really move at all besides shaking. I was just a curled up ball lying in my bed." Before I could talk any further a voice in my head interrupts my thoughts.

Well now he really knows your WEAK and USELESS. He Will never like a sad sack like you, FUCK UP!

"Virgil?" He asks with concern I realised I had tears threatening to spill. I shake them away. As he walks over putting a hand on my shoulder. I shy away from his gaze.

"Im fine now. Anyway it was early in the morning and the attack was wearing off and I usually get them to stop by.... Cutting." I sit down on the bed. Him sitting next to me his arm around my shoulder. "Well then I cut and start to clean it off but I was summond to the steps and.... you know the rest, up until I wake up, when I wake up I was sleeping next to you and you were facing me. I get up and sink down to.... Deceit's door. He opens it and I well. I ask him why he gave me such a bad attack ... He tells me that he did do it. But for him thats saying that he didn't do it after we talk for a while and I apologise and talk to him for a bit after, he gave me some meds and I came back to bed..... That's it nothing else happened roman i'm not going to become a darkside or anything." I sigh as I studied his reaction he's so awestruck.

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