the day after... 15

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Virgil's pov
I woke up and diddent open my eyes at first I took in what i could sence around me.
I'm naked. Im ontop of the covers. Princy is snoring next to me. There's something stick- oh fuck why did we not clean off the cum last night.
I groan and get up seeing the white substance sticking to my stomach. I walk over to the bathroom and get a towel, I put it under got water and start to clean off my stomach.
Why is it gross only after the fact.
I get it off and rinse the towel getting it warm again I walk out to Princy
God hes hot when he has his hair all messed up and his own cum on his bare chest. Hickeys and bite marks all over, i could get hard just thinking about it.
I throw the towel on his stomach and he shoots up having his hand in kungfu position. I laugh as i pick up my clothes.
"Uh whats this f- nevermind." I laugh again at his initial confusion. He starts rubbing the leftover 'fun' off his stomach i slip back into my pants and pick up my hoodie off the floor, when hes finished he tries to stand up but fails and wobbles back down to the ground.
"God my ass hurts." I walk over to him slightly chuckling and offer him my hand he takes it and stands up. He walks funny to tge bathroom.
"I'm just going to take a shower." He says as i hear the water turn on , I walk over to his bathroom and enter still shirtless, he hasn't gotten in the shower yet.
"So... Princy, was your ass a small or big price to pay for some fun." I smirk as i go through his cabinet grabbing his toothbrush and tooth paste.
"You tell me how big my ass is" he says stepping into the shower. I just laugh and begin brushing my teeth.
Smol time skip brought to you by pattons empty swear jar but first a explanation.

(Let me explain something before we go any further, in my head i think deceit can tell and see when somone is lying, whether it be the sides or thomas himself. Deceit can then decide what he does with that information. For example he knows that princely and anx fucked because anx lied to patton when he came to check on screaming roman okay now back to the regular time skip.) Bloop.

Virgil pov still\\\\\\\\\\\\
I walk down to the lounge area and kitchen before anyone else.
I haven't eaten like usual and still noone has noticed.
I walk down the steps to see a Logan and a patton sitting at the table.
"Hi Virgil!" Patton yells. Logan looks up at me then back down at his notebook. I wave and put on my persona for the day. I go to the kitchen and grab a bottle of water. And walk back to the table and sit with the two other sides. Patton looks at me funny while taking a bite of his banana muffin.
"Hey kiddo you dont look like your usual self you okay?" As soon as he asked i realised that I had washed my face but in the process i washed my makeup off.
"Oops ill be right back." I get up and walk back to my room to put on my makeup. I hear a knock at my door and i assumed it was Roman.
"Come in Roman." I turn to see Logan walk through the door.
"Virgil can i speak with you?"
"You just did." I snarkily look back at him with one eye finished and my makeup in hand. I turn back to the mirror to complete my other eye. I hear him mumble something.
"Virgil i have to confess something." I look back at him with my entire face done to talk to him before he explodes. " I went through your room last night when you were sleeping." I give him a shocked face that turns to anger but i let him continue.
"I found this." He summons my diet book that i write down my food intake in.
"So. I assume you already read it, what are you gonna do about it." I ask stiffness in my voice. Still raspy. He freezes.
"I - I wanna he-lp" he shakily responds. I scoff
"And how do you want to do that. Force me to write my characters into eating. Thats just a character sheet. That character happens to have anorexia." As soon as i say that deceit appears. Logan jumps.
"Tisk tisk tisssssk Virgil. Someone has already used there supplys of lies this week. Im not going to have to do my job." I walk past both of them over to my bedside drawer. I open it. Grabbing my knife still covered in old blood.
"Dont You dare try and curse my with that truth bullshit again snake." Logan backs into my bathroom to be out of the way of a fight that may or may not happen
"I would never." He says obviously lying. He whispers something in my direction. I step closer to him with the knife pointed outward up where my neck is. He whispers something else I cant make out and I fell on the ground. Blacked out again.

When I woke I saw logan standing over my right side i was on my bed in my room. I open my mouth to speak but he speaks before me.
"Do you have anarexia?"
"Yes. Noooooooooooooooooo!" I yell out knowing that deceit put the truth curse BULLSHIT on me. I turn over on my bed and scream into my mattress. Logan looks confused at me tapping me on the shoulder.
"Shh, you will alert the others of your predicament." I groan he sits on the bed next to me.
"Now can i ask You some questions." I look up at him with obvious worry and i nod.
"What we're you and roman doing last night?"
"Fucking." I turn and cover my face with the pillow and he gats this wild grin on his face.
"Pattons gonna love to hear about that." I throw the pillow and grab him by the neck tie.
"Dont. You. Fucking. dare." I growl at him and let go he adjusts his glasses.
"Are You and roman dating?"
"Yes." I just roll my eyes knowing I'm not getting out of this without spilling all my secrets.
"When did You start cutting, was it the same time you started not eating?" He keeps asking.
"When i first appeared in with the darksides, and not necessarily I diddnt have much to eat with the darksides so I just lived on little food, when I got here I diddent let go of the habit of not eating. Now I just am hyper aware of what I eat." I answer just giving up on not saying anything.
"Did You cut anymore after the first set of bangages, and have you thought about it."
"No, and yes manytimes."
"Do you have your power yet?"
"Not that I know of."
"Are you friends with the snake man?"
"Yes and no, I don't wanna explain can I go?"
"Fine I diddnt have much more questions anyway." Logan gets up to leave.
"Wait." He turns to me in response
"Promise you won't tell the other sides any of the things I just told you along with not telling them of my predicament." I ask him.
"I promise I wont tell them anything unless I have to Virgil. Also just so you know, I will be trying to help you with your anarexia. I don't know how yet but i will." He says smiling slightly then walking out of my room. As soon as he closes my door i run over to my desk. Looking for duct tape. I diddnt find it but I did find a extra roll of gauze so i wrapped my entire lower half of my face so i can go out and look for some duct tape.
I walk out of my room and to my surprise roman was right outside my door. I accidentally hit him in his nose i breath in through my nose and hold his nose bridge giving him a 'I'm sorry' look with my eyes. He just stares at me cofusedidly as I turn and run into his room looking through his stuff for duct tape. No luck. He runs after me through the halls as i search every craft ben in the house for some duct tape. Roman finally catches up to me running around the house and grabs me by the shoulder.
"Vi what are you doing?!" He says obviously out of breath. I mumble under my gauze and he trys to take it off so I can speak to him. I smack him and he lets go and holds his face where i had hit him panicking i sink out to thomas. He was in his bed on his computer looking for ideas for his next vidoes he dosent notice me so I lightly tap him on the shoulder.
He turns around startled. He looks at me confused as to why i look so frantic and why I have gauze on my mouth.
"Did You kiss Princy and break your jaw?!" I shake my head no at his stupid question. I look through his bedside table for some small tape and i show him it.
"Tape." I nod and do the strong arm thing people do to show off there muscles
"Strong?" I nod and then i point to my eyes then back out into his room no where particular.
Then i make a add symbol with my hands.
"Tape strong looking..... OH you need strong tape!" He looks exited as I nod yes frantically. He gets up and walks down stairs as i follow to his kitchen junk drawer and hands me duct tape. I quickly undo the gauze and cut a peice of tape as he watches.
"Deceit cursed me and i cant lie I say before he can ask andother question i put the duct tape on and stand there. I put the roll of duct tape in my pocket.
"When does it wear off?" I shrug and wait again as he shrugs and walks back up stairs I sigh and sink back down to my room.

(That was fun to write) ✌

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