can't leave 49

713 29 10

Roman pov\\\\\\\\*****

I can see him, he is alive, i can feel him, he is alive and breathing. Not cutting not being beaten, being killed. No none of that, he is here with me. Thats all that matters. I cant sleep, just listen to his heart beat.

Virgils pov\\\\\\\\\\

I wake up to strong arms wrapped around me.
Please be roman please be roman please....

It was roman. He seems to have noticed i was awake.

"Virgil? Do you feel any better?" He asks, his voice raspy as hell...
God he is hot.

"I'm not burning but my voice is still like this." I sigh nuzzling backwords into the crook of his neck. "I love you." I say turning over and kissing him. "Babe? Did you sleep? How long have we been in my room?" I say looking at the huge bags under his eyes. He yawns.

"Long enough. Im not Sleepy," i roll my eyes at the prince. I turn my body so i was facing him.

"roman why were you not sleeping?" I can see right through that mask he had so easily lied behined. He sighs knowing i knew he lied, knowing that i know he's hiding something.

"If i let my eyes off you, you could wither and disappear, i cant let that happen." He sighs. I give a warm smile cupping his face in my hand.

"Im not leaving again, i wont let that happen, please sleep for me." He sighs.

"I can't. I ... I just can't." He says almost defeated. I get up but he grabs my arm. "Please stay."

"Im going to get us some waters. I'll be right back." He lets go and i walk out but instantly i turn back into the room. "Clothes." I say looking to my closet. I see my favorite hoddie missing. I look over to him laying on the bed sleepily watching me. I raise a eyebrow.

"Did you take one of my hoodies?~" he nods. I roll my eyes and take another one, I take off my over shirt and leave the tank. I put on the black hoodie with the mcr logo on it hoodie. I see some black leggings that looked comfy so i took the otherones off and put on the leggings.

"Are You doing this just to tease me?" Roman says flopping on the bed looking up at the ceiling. I smirk.

"No not on purpose... But that can be arranged.~" i walk out with that being the last thing i say. I hear loud groaning of frustration come from my room after i leave.

I walk downstairs to get us water but i had more of a plan.

Patton was sitting on the couch, Logan was laying on the couch reading a book while leaning up against Patton.

I wave and walk towards the kitchen, its like they're my parents and they wake up early all the time.

I get us some water and I grab the sleeping pills remy had made for me a couple months back or for them, about a month ago. Its strange how the time works different.

I crush up a pill and place the powder in the red cup and i take the purple cup and fill it with some cold-ish coffee.

Black sounds good right now, I really need to suffer after all the trouble ive caused.

I walk back out into the living room so I could walk up the stairs but pat stops me.

"Hey we need to talk later about thomas, there's a really important matter that we need to discuss." Patton says cheerfully but he used logan type language, but all I could do was salute and give a thumbs up.

I walk up the stairs to my room. I hear roman mummbling to himself, i open the door to find him going through my drawers, he picked up the tiny locked box with my razors in them.

"Ro?" I was quietly and he jumps and falls over.


"You called." remy says from behined me. A smirk against his lips. I look confused at him but i walk into my room setting the drinks on the desk.

I walk to roman lending my hand down and picking up the box. I stick one eyebrow up at him once hes standing.

"Okay well this is a weird silent conversation so imma start a new one." remy says entering my room and closing the door. "I, my dear friends, am not a single lady anymore." He says slirping the last bit if his morning coffee and slouching in my desk chair. Roman jumps up and down and i give them a surprised, happy, and confused face.

I put the box in my pocket.

"Yayyyyyy you used it correctly! Im so happy for you. But, do you still have some left? That is my only one of those please dont tell me you drank all of it." Roman had gone on a rant, he had so easily put on that mask of his.

"What are you talking about?" I ask raspy and quiet. Roman turns and shows that big white smile of his.

"Since i knew you were gonna be out of commision for a while i was wondering if roman had a potion that i could use, surprisingly he did." Remy says summoning a new coffee and throwing the old cup in my trash.

"You have anxiety reducing potions?" I ask to roman. He looks at me with fear and questions flailing around in his head.

"He gave me one for confidence." Remy says helping pull roman out of his thoughts.

"Sooooooo what happened! Give us the deets" i roll my eyes at Roman.

Remy puts his coffee down on the table "I uh kinda drank to much of the potion, but it turned out well. We got to second base and we kinda... Stopped and cuddled instead."

"Well thats cute, i can't wait to see what dee says, hes probably gonna lie and say "we fucked" or something.... No he probably wouldn't." I say kinda bummed. I walk over to the desk and grab Romans glass and mine i sip from mine and hand Romans his. Roman starts chugging the water thirstly and drinks all of it in one go. I kinda panic.

"Jesus ro!" He looks at me confused. I take the cup and walk him over to the bed he starts blinking slowly.

"Woah why amdmm tired-" he says passing out on the bed.

"Virgil what the fuck just happened?" Remy asks intrigued.

I situate the prince so hes laying down normally.

"He hasent slept and dosent plan on it so i drugged him so he can stop being weird. I put sleeping pills in the water but i didnt want him to chug it. " i shrug and to over to my water and drink some of it.

"Well okay I guess thats my call to leave then. Sorry i interupted your plan or whatever." Remy satnds up and waves.

"Im actually really happy for you, i hope your relationship turns out great." I cough into my arm. "Sorry got choked." I wave at him and he continues walking out.

I walk back over to princey and pick him up bridal style. Taking him to his room. I walk down the hall and open his door with my mind powers. I place him on his bed and cover him up.

I walk to his desk and write out a note.

I am sorry i drugged you, you really needed to sleep, im fine don't worry about me it wasnt a dream

~love, your emo

I put the note on his forehead with tape and walk out closing the door.

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