hunger 69

419 13 29

Damn I wanted to do a smut chapter for ep 69 😣 sorry.

Okay this chapter was kind of a request

remus's pov\\\\\\!!!!!!!!!!

I wake up next to dep. It had been a stressful day yesterday and he forcefully made me sleep with him. Which is fine... I guess. I get up collecting my clothes from his floor. I know what will happen if he finds I'm still here. 

I walk from his room to the kitchen, grabbing some eggs and cracking them into a pan. I get some frozen hashbrowns and throw them into the oven. As much as I play it up I do eat regular food, because all of us sides do experience hunger. 

After I finish cooking I save three plates for dee, dep, and Virgil. One, I stay in the kitchen to consume while I wait for deceit to walk down the stairs. As I'm shoveling food into my face I hear footsteps. dee walking down the stairs, I hear him yawn. He walks in fixing coffee and heading to the liquor cabinet. 

"It's a little early innit?" I say handing him the plate of food. He nods silently. He looks at me as he pours some red wine into his coffee. 

"Never too early for alcohol to distract me from what's going on." He says screwing on the bottle. "Remus answer me this. What's that bruise on your face from? Remember... I know when your lying." Shit.. fuck. I scratch my neck. 

"I don't remember..." I lie of course. I guess this gave him the answer he was looking for. He leans over the counter placing his gloved hand on my face where it was bruised. I back away quickly. He looks disappointed. "You know what how about I take the food to Virgil this time?" I say grabbing the plate that I left out.

"Remus. You know how about we talk for a minute. Dep is asleep and will be in his room for another hour. You can talk to me. You know you can." I consider it. I'm sure fear was spread across my face. I open my mouth to talk. Stopping with nothing coming to mind.

"What can I even say?" I whisper looking down. I inhale quickly knocking myself out of my thoughts.  "Just finish breakfast Dee. I'll give Virgil his food." I start walking down the hallway. I can hear deceit grumble pouring more wine. I open the door to the basement. Walking down the stairs, locking the door behind me.

"Oh virgiee it's me today!" I say backing into the room. He was sleeping against the wall. He had chains on his hands and feet, one chain was around his mouth, one big one around his torso and they were all connected to the floor and eachother. His body stumbles as his eyes flutter open. He looked so sick. I haven't seen him in a couple of days because I was put to work on something upstairs. Dee had been coming down here to feed him. I guess keeping him company.

I place the food down on the ground close to him going to get the keys. "I'll be right back." I walk into the next room which was where the table and dep's office is. Grabbing the keys from a hook inside the door. Dee labeled each one of them. I found the mouth one and walked back into his room.

I unlocked his mouth guard. He stretches his jaw. Popping it as he opens it as wide as he could. I hand him the food. He picks the egg up with his chained hands. It was a metal wrap where they were connected. He ate a few bites. I get up to leave.

"Wait-" His voice was raspy, choked almost. I turn to him intrigued.

"Yes?" I walk back closer to him. He sat down the egg on the plate.

"Remus, I know he's hurting you." I look at him confused. "I can hear you and him yelling above me. You hit the floor yesterday. I could hear him kick you Remus." My eyes close. I get up. To turn away and walk out. But when I open my eyes Dee was standing in the door way.

"Is this really what you want to keep happening? Remus look at yourself. Your torso alone has eight bruises, all of them dark and black. That's not what love is. You know that." Deceit saunters up to me. I didn't speak or meet his eyes. "Come here." He then wraps his arms around me. I try and back away from him. He just squeezes me tighter.

"Dee. I deserve it. I deserve it all." Virgil starts laughing. Dee grabs my head, I lay it on his shoulder, he runs his fingers through my hair.

"Remus you deserve none of that! None of it!" He curls over in on himself laughing. "You think you deserve it!?" He continues laughing. It seems like being alone for this long had snapped him. (Me in quarintine) He curled over rocking sideways as his chest spasms from laughing. The chains clank on the concrete.

Tears must have started streaming down my face. "He doesn't love me?" He's lying, that's what love is! It's sacrifice. That's all it is. I'll give him my everything. That's all love is. "But but I gave him everything." I studdering I give out. I start shaking. I fall into a curled state against the wall opposite Virgil. Dee gets on the ground with me.

"It's gonna be okay remus." He holds me on the ground.

He had hit me, doesn't that mean he likes me? He beats me so he must love me he just gets fed up sometimes right?

"He still loves me, he always has. He said he did why would he lie?" I whisper still crying. Dee squeezes me even tighter.

"People like him only care about the task that they've been given. He is using you. You don't deserve anything like what he's been doing."

"Dee." Virgil stops laughing.

"Not now." He says in response.

"So you were a traitor too huh?" Dep says from the doorway. "So you come here for him and to turn my love against me huh?"

Welp cliff hanger whoops. We will see how this goes. But the whole Virgil going crazy is fucking halarious and is a mood in quarintine. Well I hope you all are doing well and I will see you in the next chapter, how about y'all comment on here tell me how you're doing in quarintine. 😁

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