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Finally! Some fucking fluff. I'm sorry it took so long but we are in fluff town boys! (There's also gonna be a little angst because... You've read the story you know where our two love birds are right now) without further aduw let's get into this chapter.

Romans pov//

I could barely feel my body as I ran down the hall and to the door. I hardly heard a word Dee said before I was at the basement. I threw the door open bracing for any of the feelings that could be past it. I go through the threshold as a familiar feeling of doubt over took me. What if this is a trap? I try and push it away as I go through each door. Quickly glancing into the room. There was a science lab. A bedroom. A office with a table with chains on it. And then there was the last room. I hear chains moving around as I run into the room. I stared at the man tied up.

He didn't look at me but he was trying to get the keys that were only about an inch away from his outstreched leg. "Oh fucking come on!" He growled. I hoped this wasn't a trick as I ran over grabbing the keys. He whined still not meeting my eyes or even looking at me.

"I knew this was a stupid plan. I told him we had to wait longer but he didn't listen dep it wasn't my plan I swear please please don't hurt me again." He pleaded his eyes shut close. He drew his body into himself.

"Mi amor it's me." I said sure it wasn't a trick at this point. I quickly ran up getting down on the floor with him as I hurriedly undid the locks. I flipped through the keys and labels. The first ones I did was his two hands locks. He still wasn't responding and didn't look at me either. He was shaking waiting to be hit. I progressively got more angry as I realised how many marks were on Virgil. Cuts bruises. His neck was burned most likely from the chains dep uses. I got his stomach chains and neck clamp off only leaving his legs. "Virgil look at me." I pleaded. I wanted him to see me.

"If this is another crule trick just so you can watch my 6th failed attempt to leave happen I'm going to cry. I swear to God. Stop playing with me I know he's not here." He said quickly. He backed away from me almost getting caught in the chains again. I've seen him frightened but never this... submissive to being hurt. "I know I deserve it I am aware. Please please just... I'll stay in the room I'll just walk there." He was holding his hands up to his face his palms out at me. I carefully walked towards him.

"Love please." I said pulling his hands slowly from his face. I knew if I just hugged him right now something bad will happen. "In the next room there is a small bedroom. Do you wanna go there instead?" I asked trying to get him to understand it wasn't dep or Remus playing a cruel joke.

"Dep if you want me to go in that room then I will go in that room." He says trying to stand up. He falls his legs almost being to unstable to support him. There were marks on his face from where a jaw clamp was. He was cursing as he tried to stand up again. Who knows how long he was in here.

He looks at the ground once he gets up. "You aren't taking me to the office again are you?" I knew that if we tried to go upstairs right now he would end up breaking his form. Killing himself. So I grabbed his hand softly.

"No there's a small bedroom next door Vee." I said leading him out of the room. He took a glance at me and looked away.

"Don't fucking touch me like you did in the office dep." He said, this was more anger than fear. "You're not going to trick me because you look like him."

"He did what to you?" I said angerly, he immediately whinced. I sigh. As we walk into the room that I was talking about. "Have you been here before?" I asked as he looked at the room. Avoiding me. He shook his head no. "Can you sit here while I go get Logan?" I asked I trailed my hand out of his fingers even though I didn't want to. He nods again sitting on the bed. "I need to find you some clothes. Maybe there's a bathroom down here?" I mumble. He looked up at me again this time I tried not to notice so I could see his eyes. His eyes were a Lavender grey. He must have been drained for a while.

"You're really good at acting dep." He muttered looking back down. I shut my eyes tightly.

"Dep is still asleep upstairs with Dee. They are both asleep for three weeks, at the most." I said running my fingers through my hair. "Oh right I need Logan." I forgot completly. I walked out leaving the door open. "I'll be right back Virgil."

Okay this is not what I thought when I said fluff. I'll be posting small chapters but more of them at a time so you guys get your fill but I can still work on my other projects. Have a great day, love you all.

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