when it starts 61

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Authors note: MUST READ.

this is the begging after a couple week timeskip in this timeline. I will show flashbacks and try to explain as much as I can about what happened.  Hopefully you will understand and try and fit all the peices together.

Summary to fill you in a small bit: Roman, Remy, Patton, Deceit, and Thomas had devisied a plan to stop depression otherwise reffered to as dep that was previously murdered but somehow revived. Deceit had put together a hypothesis that Virgil had been infected/taken control of by dep and was only really Virgil some of the time, he was being compelled by depression to do rash shit. They also believe any information Virgil has means that dep has it as well. Roman sought out a way to stop this so he called a meeting with Thomas, remy, Patton, and deceit, to discuss their next option. They shared information and came up with the idea that Thomas was going to go to therapy and get medication. He was prescribed pills and has been taking them ever sence.

You will enter the timeline weeks after Thomas has started taking the pills, you will see the effects on the sides that the pills have over the mindscape as a whole.

Happy holidays to you with your chapter as a present.

Virgil's pov//////

I heave on the side of the bed coughing and checking if my throat had brought more blood to the tissue I had to cover it. I can hear them arguing outside, but i couldn't understand them it was like my head was under water. Its been a week of this coughing and blood. The color in my face has drained. The bags under my eyes have sunken into my face. My eyes look glassy.

It started a couple if weeks ago with a small sniffle a little after thomas started taking his antidepressants, Then I started coughing, and now i cant even stand. Roman has been losing his mind. He's scared but wont admit it. Careful not to show me how scared he is.

Logan has put his emotions in a box again. Stuffing them down so he can find a cure. Patton is absent minded. The medication has affected him too. He's more carefree, more like a child than a dad. I wish i knew what he felt like maybe I could help him. Then again i cant talk. I can hardly move to drink tea.

I cough so hard that i curl in on myself falling over the side of the bed on the floor. I use my powers, what little i can use them for the close the door and lock it. Roman bangs on it.

"Give me a minute." I say. My voice comes out stale ridged. He stops pounding on the door. His anger lately has gotten the best of him.

I drag myself up to the bathroom using all of my power left to help guide my body. I open the cabinet grabbing a box that's too familiar to me. I grab one of its contents debating if i should end the issue right here and now. I wouldn't be a burden no one would be fighting and... I wouldn't be hurting.

I sigh putting it back down throwing it down the drain. I've been debating it since this started.

"If i really want that ill use my powers to stab the closest thing into my body." I say throwing the box into the tub. Roman must have gotten fed up with waiting and he picked open the lock.

"Hun? What are you doing?" I was sitting on the ground leaning against the tub. I shrugged. "Love you scared me." He says sitting next to me. "Were you just tired of hearing me argue? Or were you just done with being in bed?" I nod slumping up against his shoulder. I probably wont be awake for much longer now. I've only been able to stay awake for short periods. I can tell he knows im lying but he doesn't press. He moves me so I'm laying on him curled up holding onto his shoulder. I fall asleep like that.

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