books 74

597 20 19

Warning : platonic intrulogical and Logan angst... Angst-ish

Logan's pov//( oop here we go))

I throw the books off the table. I growl at them. Nothing there was nothing. Nothing about how to trap him. Nothing about if Romans powers would work. Nothing about Romans powers and what it could mean in real life. NOTHING.

I yelled, loosing my temper as I swiped off all of the books to the floor. I then took a breath. Running my hands through my hair I layed my head on the table. I folded my wrists over my head while I rested my head in-between my own arms. My glasses slumped against my face. 

"I could use a Patton." I muttered. I tried remembering the dumb jokes my boyfriend used to tell.  I tried to think about all the dumb and sweet stuff he used to do for us. Remus was probably in bed. So was Virgil and Roman. I wish I could have talked to deceit more before he ... Ugh why does everything have to keep falling apart.

Tears started falling from my face. I sniffed a small bit. My arms had healed by now but I could still feel where they were. Even some of the burn marks from the experiments I did a while back.

I realised I was sitting in Thomas's living room. I don't know what hour it was. I look up seeing Thomas stumble from the kitchen and then take a double take at a crying me.

He was sick, a side effect from th- us. Everything. It was a common cold. He sniffed putting down his papertowel with some bread and jam on it.

"So what's gone wrong this time lo lo?" He said sitting at the table, he put the toast in front of me taking the other slice for himself. I sniffed wiping my eyes.

"L- everything, every single thing." I said holding back that drowning feeling and taking a bite of the toast. "Mm crofters." I said taking another bite. Thomas slightly smiled at that.

"You miss Patton don't you?" He says looking at me. His nose was red and he had a blanket wrapped around himself. He had put his hair in a headband not caring at this point about his appearance. I hesitantly nodded at his question.

"I do too." He said as I took another bite of toast.

"I just, ... Can't get anything right anymore." I said. "I mean there's no cure for depression so what are you gonna do, keep taking the meds and kill Patton and Virgil or ... Do I let Roman try and kill him with whatever powers we have.-" my face lights up.

"What? What is it?"

"Will. That's what Romans power represents. It's will. Oh my goodness. That's it!" I shouted taking the last bite of toast.

"Im not following. Is this a good thing?"

"When someone is in bed and they force them self to get out of it even though they are depressed, what do they use?"

"Ooh so ... Roman can use the 'will' to win a fight with dep. Then what?"

"We can lock him up."

"You can... What? You know, how about you get some sleep Logan. You need some. Your bags are worse than Virgil's." Thomas wasn't grasping it but I did need some sleep.

"Right. Okay let me just write this down and I'll go sleep. Thank you Thomas." I say quickly sinking down. I scribbled out a note for  Roman that I was taking Remus to the lightsides so he had the house to himself. I also scribbled on a different sheet 'will'.

I walked down the hall knocking on Remus's door. I hear him grumbled getting out bed and walk up to the door. "Yes?" He said opening the door.

"We need to balance out the universe." I said he looked at me funny.

"Are you asking me to fuck?"

"No Dipshit. You and Roman have been on the same side of the coin too long, come with me to the lightsides for a while. I need to sleep in my own bed and you need another shower. Come on." He puts his arm on my shoulder. We sink down to my room.

"So this is your room huh?" He asked looking around tiredly.

"Romans room is across the hall you can sleep in there. I'm going to sleep in here." I said going over to my lamp and turning it off. I still had old coffee sitting on my desk.

"Do you mind if I sleep in here?" He asked. I looked at him. He was uncomfortable in the lightscape, which was understandable.

"No I don't care, but don't touch me." I said simply snapping and changing my clothes to a blue tank and some long pajama pants. They were soft. He nodded. He snapped himself changing into sweatpants and a longsleeve black shirt. I climbed into my bed. "Can you turn off the over head light please?" I asked, he walked over to the light switch, flipping it off.

He walked back over. He scooted to the edge of the bed turning to the wall. "Your gonna fall off the bed Remus. I have a king sized bed calm down." I instructed. He did as he was told and scooted away from the edge. "Goodnight be Remus." I said yawning and placing my glasses on my nightstand.

I got situated and fell quickly into sleep.

Welp a little Logan angst and Remus being a good boy. Remus is my babyyyy please be nice to the boy. I'm such a Remus Stan. Welp here's your short chapter for today, I know I said this last time but I might do a chapter later today but I'm probably not leaving my bed anytime soon so goodnight you all I love you and stay safe!

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