authors note

572 20 10

Oop look its me not posting again.....

Guys im Like really sorry, i love writing this story and gettin comments and im mad i havent been posting every week.

Y'all deserve a better schedule.

But here is the rundown

So all you writers will understand that you have major plot points and you know the just of how to connect them and then in the middle if writing the connections its just like....

"Fuck you, you have no ideas now haha motherfucker!" -my brain.

Anyway, i promise you i have a storyline planned out and i know what the climax is going to be, buuuut I just am having trouble connecting the key points I want to show.

Also another update: im still doing a bunch of applying for highschool shit. Archery started up i have that 3 days a week. I have art classes on weekends. And my house is a absolute mess so i need to clean. Like really clean.

Also suprise suprise, im fucking depressed and either cold and freeezing or cutting and bleeding so 👌(jk just joking friendos)

But anyway theres your update on the poor old author that most readers will skip over.

Will probably start updating every two weeks until christmas break. Then ill write like a madman.

Goodnight everyone.

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