the door 47

703 28 12

Romans pov\\\\\

Now i was screaming banging on it beating it (whoopz that was kinky)

"VIRGIL OPEN THE DOOR PLEASE IMMA BUST IT DOWN!" I didnt know what to do, he could be dead.

I kick it the door dosent open but i hear whimpering on the other side.

"Virgil! Virgil are you okay hello?! Talk to me. Come on please. Open the door." I plead as a last resort.

"Ro? I cant move. Im on a ledge. If i move, I'll fall." He sounds shakey.

I try and think of anything i can do. I place both my hands on the door.

"Virgil do you think you can use your powers?" I try and talk as calmly at possible. I feel the rumbling come to a stop. As if time stopped, i kick the knob off. Opening the door to see Virgil next to me glowing on the ledge. I grab the wall and stick out my arm holding him by the waist.

"Okay i got you, let go." I say gripping him tightly. He passes out then the rumbling starts up and I pull him back into the hallway. I close the door. Patton grabs Virgil as a place my hands on the door, i imagine a beach a simple sand and ocean image. The shaking stops and i fall to the ground.

"Oh fuck that shit" i breathe out trying to catch my breath.

"Roman! Language!" Patton yells while dragging Virgil to the couch.
You can hear logan running down the hall.

"Is everyone okay nothing fell right?" He yells walking around checking everyone and everything. He comes over to me and hands me a hand down. Remy walks over to dee to make sure he is okay.

After, we all calm down, but, logan seems to be more on edge.

"Logan whats going on inside of that head of yours?" Virgil was laying in my lap still asleep. I couldent let him out of arms reach or he would die. Though I knew this logic made no logical sence this is how i chose to deal with this shit.

"I am tired of all this bullshit, it seems like everytime i turn around we are about to die or get one of us killed, him cutting, me cutting, Dee showing up bloody and broken, dep dying and then we couldent find him, Remus almost dying, him leaving in the middle of the night and when he comes back he passes out. What the fuck is happening. Why is this all happening!" Logan had lost it and gone on a tangent, leaving all of us speechless, exept...

"Its dep." Virgil croaks out coughing. I pet his hair.

"Save your energy love." I whisper.

"Save that lovey dovey crap for the bed you homos" Remy says laughing.

"But logan your right. Im tired of it. Everytime we turn around something is on fire and we have to put it out. Its exausting. Its stressful. Its not good for any of us espically Patton." I pause he shoots up and looks at me like he had heard his name being called in class. "Dont think i forgot we still need to talk about your job you've been doing lately."  He seems to curl in on himself. He dosent say anything.

We all sit there in the living room thinking, resting, and pacing.

"I need to talk to thomas." Logan says getting up and sighing. "Patton please join me, your presents is needed for this interaction." He says looking over at his boyfriend. Patton nods and they both sink out.

"Well I'll take this sleeping beauty to bed." I say picking up Virgil. I wink at Remy and deceit does not notice as far as i can tell remy almost chokes on his drink though.

Virgil grumbles in my arms. We walk up the steps, well i walk and he stays in my arms.

We get to his room and i lay him on his bed. I close the door laying on the bed as well.

We spoon but I cant fall asleep. He will dissapear, I'll lose him.

Remys pov\\\\\\§μ§μ§μ§

"Wanna watch some tv then?" Dee asks looking over to see my response. I nod.

"I'll go make popcorn" I say truthfully. Trying not to get caught. I stand up as dee grabs the remote.

I walk to the kitchen. I grab the popcorn and start popping it in the microwave. I take out the pink cylinder from my pocket, confidence.

I do as instructed pouring a little under my tounge. It suprisingly tasted like mouth wash, I guess thats good?

I pour a little in my coffee for a little extra punch, i already feel less nervous.

I grab the popcorn and my coffee, i place the vile of confidence in my pocket. I walk back to the couch, popcorn and coffee in hand.

"Okay how in the hell do you always have coffee?" Dee asked exasperated.

"I can summon it. Do you want some?" He shakes his head no at my question so i summon another one that I know he liked.

"Wow this is stupid horrible." He says after taking a sip. I smile at him. I ... I didn't mean to smile.

The screen starts showing the first harry potter movie, which is one of my favorites because its pretty much just setting up the rest of the series, its slow, which I like.

We sit and chat talking about the movies and the other sides. The movie ends.

"Well fuck you for hanging out, im not gonna head up to my room." Dee says getting up off the couch. I dont feel any of the confidence kick in so I chug my coffee and drop more on my tounge, right after he leaves the room.

(To be continued)

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