a whiteboard and a marker 64

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I know what y'all are thinking. BITCH WHERE YOU BEEN AT?!?
The answer is virgil's room for a entire two months, I've been having a MONTH, Oki so here's your chapter stop chewing on my ankles you nerds.  But here's your long long chapter. Love ya, enjoy.

Romans pov////

I sit up in my bed frantically clawing at reality that surrounded me. My breaths shaking I realize that it was just a dream and Virgil was still gone.
How did I get in my bed?

I snap getting dressed. I didn't care what time it was I'm working to get him back. I walk downstairs Patton was up with coffee and he looked drained, he was standing against the kitchen door way. His body language was communicating he was acting unlike the new "him".

"Patton are you back?" I ask. He snaps out of it smiling brightly up at me.

"I don't know what your talking about princey." I shutter. It wasn't regular Patton and the name was ... That hurt to hear.

I was knocked out for a while but how long was it?

I snap turning the dining area and living room into more of a meeting room. A white board on the wall and a round table big enough for all of us to sit at.

I grab one of the dry erase markers writing everything we knew about dep and our interactions with him. Laying it out I try and come up with a plan.

After a while of writing things frantically and pacing Logan comes down stairs. Holding his head.

"Hello sleepyhead." I say distracted.

"Roman you should be resting do you know how hard it was to drag you up the stairs." He states annoyed, his hand pinching his nose-bridge. I hum in response writing as the marker squeaks while being dragged across the white board. "What are you writing out anyway?" He asks walking to the kitchen to make coffee.

"I'm writing down everything we know about dep so its easier to come up with a plan on how to kill him. It would be helpful if you joined me." I say rubbing my eyes. "Would you bring me a cup as well?" I ask reffering to the coffee I could hear him making.

"It would help if you asked someone who lived with him too Roman." Remy calls from the stairs.

"Well your up unusually early for you, or everyone's up late. I haven't checked the time." I state occupied. Logan comes out of the kitchen with three cups of coffee handing me and Remy ours then sitting at the table, Remy sits down as well putting his feet up on a empty chair next to Logan.

"Roman how long do you think you were out for?" Remy asks intrigued at what my answer might be.

"I don't know two days?" I say finishing the main bubble for out topic. 'Dep can't be killed but only defeated.'

"Roman you've been out for a week. 7 days." Logan says. I shudder remembering the fact that time moves quicker in the dark-scape so Virgil's been there for about 2 weeks and then some.

"Then we better find a solution fast. Time works differently over there who knows if he's okay." I say writing that time works differently in the dark-scape on the board.

"Depression manifests from worry and sadness, that's why Patton, Virgil, and dep are all effected by the medication. The darker half of the imagination feeds into what is figuratively blown out of proportion by Virgil in turn making Dep stronger." Logan says.

"So we need to find out when he was created. So we can figure out how to take the power away from him that he has over all of us." Remy says taking a long sip of coffee.

"We should ask Thomas when he might have started feeling depressed." I say.

"We could just ask Patton, if ... If he was here." Logan states, remorse in his voice. We both look over at Patton fiddling with his thumbs and staring down at the table like he wasn't even there. Patton just hasn't been Patton since we started the medication.  I walk over and put my hand on Logan's shoulder. 

"I miss him too." I say, Remy nods at the both of us. I turn around  back to the  board now using a red marker. "So I think he has been using Virgil like a charging station. Did you see how he was limping and having to lean on the wall for support?" I start pacing around the room with the marker, twirling it around in my hand.

Virgil's pov////
I spit blood on the ground next to his shoes.

"Ha you think using me as a charging station for months is gonna get me to talk? You're an idiot and so is he." I gesture over to dep barely breathing slumped against a wall. I was tied to a chair in a room with Remus. I had managed to detach my self from me and dep's connection for a while. It won't last long though. I just need Remus to let me go so I can get back. Remus has been abusing me for information. His form of interagation.

I've been here for two weeks. Trapped in a room while they tied me to an IV taking out my powers out of my veins. At least that's what they told me they were doing. But I got out unplugged myself pretended I was still chained for about two days until he was close enough to hurt. Dep got close and I pounced and cut his throat with the knives they were using on me. Took him two days to regenerate. Remus had been occupied when I did so but caught me before I could get out of the cell. I have no clue what they were using to drain me but I had my powers back after I unplugged myself. I saw a string from me and dep connecting us.

It took days to untie myself from the string. Now I'm here all better besides the constant panic of saying the wrong thing and ruining my chances. After I untied myself I used my powers to draw back my energy from dep. Making him sick instead of me. Remus is scared. An emotion I haven't seen from him.

"I need him please help." He sounded small.

"HE TRICKED YOU, ABUSED US, HE DOESN'T DESERVE TO BE SAVED.!" I yell at him sweat and blood dripping off my chin. We've been here for hours. Me tied to a chair being beaten with Remus asking questions and slowly breaking down. "Let me go and we can fix this! We can make this better. You don't need him. We don't need him." I could untie myself if I wanted to but there would be no point it wouldn't fix the issue. I have to get through to him.

Without me noticing dep crawled to me he grabbed the chair and stood up. Breathing heavily his mouth was  pouring black blood. He put his hand around my throat. My eyes flair.

"You all will need me." He said calm he reattached the connection the string turning to red glowing wire then chains. "You think I can't fix it easily."

My neck burns in a act of desperation I burn off the ropes off of myself and the chair catches fire. Dep's hand gets off of me as if I burned it. I shot fire out in every direction I grabbed remus's mace and hit dep like I was a baseball player. Dep fell to the ground I threw the weapon at Remus and he fell I try to run out of the room but the door closes in a black wisp of smoke. My neck burns and the chains drag me back to dep.

"You wondered why I took your blood? I took your power for myself.  Your my prisoner if you like it or not." He snaps and I'm out cold.

There's your long ass chapter

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