awake 55

712 30 11

Pattons pov\\\\

I was up first as usual. Logan was sleeping soundly next to me. His shirt was barley pulled up enough to see his wrists, they were covered in cuts. Mawled by a racoon with a passion.

I situate myself to untangle from the hug. Carefully getting up and out of the bed.

Why is everyone that ever likes anyone think that the person is cute af when their sleeping. ITS SO FUCKING TRUE.

I try and remember where logan through the small mirror.


I walk over and collect the small container. 2 were in the little holder but the third one was gone, of course it was the bloody one thats missing.

I look up to see where the container hit and then i look in his cup of coffee and of course its floating in his blue mug.

Thats just .... A whole lot of addictions.

I hear Logan,mumble something and turn over. I put the razors in my pocket and pick up the coffee walking out of the room to the kitchen.

I wash the cup, cleaning it of blood contaminated coffee. I place it on the drying rack. Wiping my hands off and reaching in my pocket. I open the container.

I stare, I just cant wrap my head around it. Why? Why cant i help him? Why wont he let me help him? What can i even do? Its just a matter of time before thomas-
I cut my thoughts off. Quiteing my brain.

Roman was in the room strangely quiet, i didnt hear him come in.

"Patton are those yours?" He asks concerned. I wipe a tear i didnt notice till bow and sniffle a small bit. I shake my head no. "Pat, are you thin-"

"No no no they are Logan's dont worry about it kiddo. Now if you will exuse me I need to head back to logans room." I close the container and place them in my pocket.

I walk back to logans room and place the mirror on his desk. I lay back down now needing some snuggles.

I try my best to drift off to sleep. Eventually i did just that.

Romans pov\\\\\
Heh Virgil says he is anxiety, sometimes I would beg to differ.

Of course I'm worried. First virgils outburst then Patton staring at razors. Whats next dep showing up?

I walk back to virgils room. I just needed a glass of water and now I'm all worried and shit.

I open virgils door laying down again. He yawns and turns over, his eyes were soft then scared. He wasnt looking at me he was looking behined me. He backs up like a cat and falls on the floor.

I jump up and turn around grabbing the bat next to virgils bed.

"Oh COME ON I WAS JOKING NOOOOOOOOO. Please can you just like go away for like a day or so i dont wanna deal with shit RN." I was staring at yet another version of thomas, though the room was dark i could tell it wasnt a nice presents.

"Woah woah guys calm down its just me." Remy spoke. "The first time i dont wear my usual outfit and you both freak the fuck out." I sigh putting the bat down and lay on the bed.

"Do you know how to knock?" Virgil says getting up, dusting off his clothes. Remy shakes his head no.

"I didn't want him to know I'm here." Remy sighs. "But i need to talk to roman first before I tell everyone. No offense homie." I try and think of why. He nods his head towards the door and walks that direction.

Virgil plops on the bed and takes out his phone. Scrolling through tumblr. I hold out my hand to him.  He looks up at me confused. He puts his chin in my hand and i bring his face towards mine also leaning down.  We get close but then I smile at him real big.

"What? What do you want?" He asks confused. I giggle slightly,

"Box please." I blatantly state. He looks with horror like he didnt know that i knew where he keeps them, he sighs handing me the box after retreving it from his pocket.

He folds his arms as i kiss his cheek walking out of the room. He closes the door with his powers.

"So rem whats up?"

(And i oop, welp that was fun, goodnight friends, also ill probs will be posting once or twice a week now so.... There's that info my dudes. Ill see all you guy gals and non binary pals in the next one byeeeee)

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