shifting 75

406 14 16

Romans pov////

When I wake up Virgil is in my lap. I try not to squeal. Though, quickly after I feel how bad my back hurts like this. 'should I even try and move him?'

Virgil curls up more. I run my hands through his hair softly. Sleepily smiling at him. He curls closer to me. I take a deep breath. 'Please don't leave. I just wanted to hold him forever. I want him to trust me again. Maybe this is it?' We stayed like that for a while. I combing his hair with my hand while he slept in my lap.

When he stirred awake. I pet him more. Giving small scratches to the boys head. I missed him so much.

"Mhhr-" He mumbled waking up and stretching. "Baby I had this awful dream." He mumbled. I wanted to tell him it was all a dream. I wish it was.

"Virgie it wasn't a dream hun." I said quietly. He opened his eyes looking around. He took a moment realizing what was going on. Soaking in the information slowly like water seeping into his skin. He was tired and drained give him a break.

"So he really is asleep?" He asked wanting it to be true. I nodded at him. "And i- I've been screaming at you for days haven't I? I- i- didn't think it was you." He said quietly. Regretfully. "I'm sorry." He hugged me closer. Holding my shirt tightly. "I didn't mean too." I could tell he felt so bad.

I hold him back. "It's alright I get it mi Rey. I .. it's okay. Just... Don't leave me." I said back. Needing him to promise he won't. He nods. Curling up to my lap.

"I'm so sorry princey. I- i-" he looked like he thought it still was dep but shook the thought away..

"Sh sh sh it's okay love I understand I'm right here for you. We can figure this out together but we will run out of time soon. We need to figure out how to get you to break this place." Virgil nods at my words. I pet his hair more. He was still weak.

Remus knocks on the door with food most likely. "Come in." Virgil says back. Remus walks in confused. Looking at them.

Virgil explains to remus what's going on as Remus sets food down.

"So you believe us?" Remus asks the question answered with a slow nod. Remus immediately starts apologizing for everything. Virgil stopping him.

"You did what you were told. That's all." Virgil said. Telling him it was okay. "You ever do that again I will burn your entire body. Deal?" Remus nods


(Time skip brought to you by those comments telling me to please fuckin post. I see you)

Pov//// third person///

Roman was forced to get sleep while Logan finally caught virgil up on what he's supposed to do. "Break the barrier then we kill dep. Reset him. Hopefully re-lock him up." That's the goal. That's the plan. Now it's been about two days as Virgil was meditating but every time he thinks of breaking the barrier. Memories of dep fill his head and he breaks down. He's had a cap on his powers for years what is he supposed to do with all this. His anxiety worsens the deadline feeling like a fucking time bomb. He was meditating in the chain room trying to untangle them from themselves while he dismantles their structure. Much like what he's gonna have to do with the basement. He couldn't get it right throwing the chain against the wall in anger.

"I'm never going to get it-" he said hopelessly. His anger internally fueled his powers his fear of the deadline helping when he turned around all of the little pieces of chain were broken apart. .... He stood there looking at it how did he do it?? How did that work? 

It was hours of that door being locked as he unassembled and reassembled the chains. Or tried to. After not getting it he threw the door open and walked back to the bedroom. Curling up with roman.

"You alright?" Roman said tiredly. Out of it. .

"I just need rest-" Vee muttered snuggling up more. My god how he missed this. This was all he thought of for weeks. "I'm sorry" he apologized again Roman just shushing him.

"Get some rest."

Alright fuckos. I posted. *Mouth rasberries* I did it. I'm sorry it's not a long chapter but here. Here you go. I'll try and post some more this month okay? Jeeeeeze
(I love you all and all your support I'm mostly mad at myself for not getting you guys what you deserve. *Mwah* have a great afternoon everyone and I'll see you in the next chapter. Bu byee) ~ bandersnatch.

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