1. new kid

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~your pov~

Of course I was awake before everyone else was still asleep. I get ready for school. I look at my scar. It took up the left side of my face, and down my left side of my neck about halfway down. I also have a hand print of where he exploded my arm during that same battle. It was from a huge fight with bakugo last year during the sports festival.

I sat in the common room humming.

"So theres a new kid right? Shinso?" Seros voice said.

"Yeah. Im still sad it isnt a girl though" Menta says sadly. I titled my head and poped up from where I sat and sat on my knees facing them behind the couch, on the couch. I titled my head curious. I looked at them and titled my head looking at them.

"Boys~ Im thirsty~ please get me some soda~" I said. It was Kiri, Menta, Sero, and Denki.

"Morning!" Kiri says excitedly smiling. His sharp teeth showing. I smile back then yawn.

"Morning~" I smile.

"Aww! SO CUTE!!!~" Kiri smiles hugely with stars and sparkles in his eyes. He violently shakes. He does this with alomst everything else I do.

"Stop fucking yellen' Shitty Hair!" Hissed Bakugo walking past us. He digs into the fridge. "Hey Kitten! What type of soda you want!?" He hissed from the kitchen.

"Anytype!" I called back. He came back with two soda. He tossed a F/S (favorite soda) and I cought it. "Thank you Bakugo!~" I smiled at him. He ruffled my hair.

"Whatever Kitten" he rolled his eyes opening his soda. He sat next to me and I leaned on him. He sees me as an equal, so he respects me and considers me sometype of a friend. I drink my soda leaning against him still. As more of the others come down the more irrated Bakugo becomes with me on his shoulder.

He starts trying to push me off.

"Off of me!" He hissed as Deku Iida and Todoroki come in there uniforms. I hug him smirking.

"Why?~ its not like Im hurting you~" I purred softly. We get into a mini fight as he trys to get away from me. Even though he could easily just turn his quirk on in my ear. I ended up ontop of him laughing. He pushed me off of him and onto the floor as I kept laughing.

"Fuck you!" He hissed leaving. We all follow and I have the hugest and cockiest smirk EVER.

We all sit down in our seats as the bell rings. Aizawa comes in.

"This is Hitoshi Shinso. Our new student" he introduces. "He was sent here from the general department. But that doesnt mean anything. He has worked just as hard as any of you. Mabey even harder the some, being able to move here into the hero course" as he says this, this boy comes in:

 Mabey even harder the some, being able to move here into the hero course" as he says this, this boy comes in:

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I tilt my head...fluffy~

He makes a speech about how he wasnt here to make friends and that we are just opsticals he has to overcome. As he walks to the empty seat next to mine. I title my head at the him. He was made me such a curious kitty. The tip of my tail moves but not out of irritation or anger, but out of curiosity. He sits in the empty seat and I look at him. My head tilted. He made me curious.

~Shinsos pov~

I was walking to my seat. While the cat quirked girl next to it watched me. The tip of her tail moving. I sit down and I feel her eyes on me.

"Ok. So. Go get your hero costumes on. We will to the mandatory tests again" Aizawa says tiredly. Everyone gets up and dose as asked.

In the locker rooms, we change. The locker rooms are much bigger. Is it because we are 2ed years or because Im in the hero crouse and they get special treatment because 'they are the future heros'? I just wore fully black clothes. My scarf and the black mouth guard to enhance my quirk.

I waited outside of the locker rooms. Then I herd hissing and arguing in the girls locker room. I knocked on the door before it slams open. I jump back and the cat quirked girl comes out. She slams the door behind her and leans agenst the wall on the boys side. I lean on the same wall about three feet from her. I kept an eye on her from the corner of my eye.

I couldnt help myself. She interested me, I think its just because she has a cat quirk...And shes also a bit different from the others. She was looking at her claws as the other boys came out in small groups.

When Bakugo came out he slamed his hand next to the girls head.

"Get the others. They always take to damn long. Also stop being a little shit!" He hissed.

"Oh cry me a river, Time Bomb" she hissed back and goes into the girls locker room. We here parts of them speaking. "Come on...Bakugos already...so hurry...so annoying and"

"Of course" says one of the others.

"Shut up" she hissed before she comes back out. I watch as she leans against the wall next to the door. Holding five fingers up. The four...then three...then two...then poited at the door and right on que, the other girls come out. The brown haired girl has a scratch on her cheek and the raven haired one has three just above her chest.

"Done" hissed the brown haired.

"Come on. Lets go" smiles the cat quirked one. I walk behind everyone seeing how they reacted to the cat quirked girl. They seem to act different with her...more gentle...more scared to.

Aziawa thrented whoever got the lowest score got expelled. As I watch the cat quirked girl do the example test with the ball throw. She git a pretty fucking high score...

My Kitten~ (Yandere!Shinso x Cat!Quirked!(OC!)Reader)Where stories live. Discover now