2. training

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~your pov~

I got first again. Not surprising. My numbers also got bumbed up a lot more then I thought making me kinda surprised at my own strength, speed, and power level. Of course Uraraka got the highest with the ball throw because of her quirk which annoyed me a lot more then last time. Menta got last place. Again, not surprisingly. But we know that Aizawa wouldnt expel any of us. Aizawa looked at us. His eyes half lided.

"Menta. Im not going to expel you. But I will say that you ahould work harder to get better. Your numbers didnt change at all" Aizawa says.

"Yeth thir" he says with his lisp. I rolled my eyes. I wish he would expel him. But I guess he rather actually let Menta be a hero to have a free pass to screw some poor girl. -_-

"Go train. Im expecting you guys not to kill each other" he says then glanced at Bakugo, then me, then Todoroki, them me again, then Deku then Aizawa left. Mainly because my fight with any of those threes go crazy, and we destory a LOT of ground around us and, well the scars on my body from Bakugo and Deku prove it. We all smirked.

I kinda liked my costume...but its kinda boreing. Not as flashy as some of the others. But, I am getting a new one later. I had just sent off my new costume plans a few days ago. It will be about a month before it is done and here. Also, the others have NO idea that Im getting a whole new costume.

But intell then, I wore a black spicked collar. Ripped jeans, which showed some of my patterens on my legs. Huge deep red boots that goes up to my mid lower leg. The sleeves of my jacket was rolled up to my elbows. I had a spikey braclet to play with when Im bored. And my jacket was baggy instead of skin tight like most. My jacket was also open showing a fully white shirt.

My tale, and ears were white, but the tips were black like my hair. My hair was cut short alomst exatcally like Dekus, but a bit longer and less poofed up. Up my arms and legs at different points down to my hands and feet were black. I had orange and black spots along my back and an orange spot over my left eye. My left eye was an emerald green and my right was a sapphire blue. I had a black moon on my right cheek and a orangeish yellow sun on my neck, and they were there when Im a cat, so, I guess I was born with them? I dont know, if Im hounst. I had sharp teeth and retractable claws. My claws were stained with blood from when I had to survive alone on the streets.

"Fight me!" Hissed Uraraka. We got into an argument eailer in thw locker room so I dont blame her wanting to fight. I smirk and nod.

I pounce on her easily. As we fight and her only being able to turn her quirk on about three or four times before I pinned her to the floor. She gasped and tryed to get free. I chukled darkly and she fliped us over trying to pin me to the floor but I fliped us over pushing her hands above her head.

"Doesnt seem like the internship last year helped ya' much!" I smirked down at her.

"yeah yeah ok ok" she hissed. I get up and so does she.

"Also I gave an opening. She could have made me fly before you fliped us over last time and then made me fly up for a bit"

"Of course you did" she whines.

"Yeah yeah Im sorry" I ruffle her hair and smiled. "Work on seeing openings"

"Ok! Ill do that!" She says. I chukle and nod. After a bit of taking out our anger it was more of her trying to get me to give up without fully hurting me like Bakugo would.

More of us fought each other and Shinso had kinda just watched. I would curiously watch him...then when he looked at me, I would turn my head quickly away watching who ever was fighting fight. I would glance over aeeing if he kept looking at me. About 5 mintues later he would look away and I would look back at him.

I was against Tokoyami. Mainly because everyone was curious. I stood there crouching down close to the floor. Dark shadow was ready to attack.

I sprinted at him and dodged Dark shadow. It was pretty easy. I punced on Tokoyami and held his beak tightly. I smiled.

"Easy~ but I want to play more" I whine. I felt Dark Shaodow hit me off Tokoyami. I landed on my feet sliding close to the others. I dug my claws into the ground stoping myself from sliding into one of them. I smiled. I sprint forword with my claws out smiling. I dodged Dark Shadow again and he tried to hit me keeping me from Tokoyami. Of course after a while I got past him. Tokoyami relized to late that I passed Dark Shaodow and pounced on him again. I was cradling his waist and pushing his head in the dirt while holding his beak again. I smiled. "Your to easy!" I whine. Dark shadow nudged me with its head. I got off Tokoyami. "Give up right?"

"Fine" he hissed getting up. I smiled.

"I want to kick Bakugos ass again!" I smiled.

"Oh really!? You wont fucking win!" He hissed.

"Then fight me asshat!"

"Lets fucking go then!!" He hissed. Before we could Deku jumped between us.

"Wait!!! C-come on. M-mr.A-Aizawa s-s-said not to k-kill each other" he says. I roll my eyes and ruffle his hair.

"Dont worry~ we wont kill each other!" I smiled and pushed Deku away from us. My smile turned into a slightly sinister smirk.

We then started our about hour long fight...

My Kitten~ (Yandere!Shinso x Cat!Quirked!(OC!)Reader)Where stories live. Discover now