5. caring?

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~another time skip~

Ring Ring Ring!!!

There was the bell. We all got up and after Kiri packed his stuff he helped Bakugo pack his stuff. Since he couldn't stand without both of his cruches. Aizawa stoped us from leaving.

"One more thing. I need someone to take Luna and Bakugo to the nurses office and stay with them intell after there recovery for the rest of the week. Who wants to volunteer. I need two of you. I also dont want them fighting" Aizawa says. Kiris hand shot up. Of course he wanted to help. Deku shaikly was going to raise his hand but Bakugo glared at him and he kept his hand down. I roll my eyes amd cross my arms. "Ok...Kirishima. Anyone else?"

No one. Not even anyone else in the Bakugo squad. Aizawa looked irrated. No one other then kiri could deal with both of us at the same time and yet keep us from fighting.

"If no one volunteers Im just going to pick someone" he hissed slightly.

"Wh-what about Iida-Kun?" Deku asks.

"I dont even think Iida could be of much help. Nither respect him nor-"

"I dont care anymore! But non of you are leaving intell someone else is picked. Or we all will walk them down there and stay there" Aizawa hissed. I growled annoyed.

"Oh my f-God! Deku! You wanted to raise your hand but then Sparky glared at you!" I hissed.

"Actually. Th-that wasnt it" Deku gulps slightly. "I-I dont th-think I could h-handle al the y-yelling and f-fighting" Deku says lightly running his hand through his hair.

"oh my god" hissed Shinso. "Ill do it if no one else will. Me and Luna have the same sleep schedule anyway" I growled annoyed that everyone was being pretty stubborn.

"Really? I tho-" I smirked and was cut off by him. He glared.

"Shut it" he hissed. I laughed cheekily and then we were dismissed. Kiri and Shinso kept us away from each other. "how do you keep him from talking?" He asks.

"Earpods" Kiri chukled.

"What about her? How do you calm her down?" Shinso asks. I felt the eyes from earlier on my side and looked over seeing Shinso looking at me. Kiri was to but had a slight tint of confusion on his face.

"What do you mean?" He laughed.

"...like...calm her down. She seems really mad"

"Oh! I just pet her!" He smiles hugely. "Anyway, is there another reason you came along?"

"Because as long as it got me out of the class on time I will be fine with it" he shrugs.

"Awww!~ Shinso~ Dont lie! You just care about me!~" I teased. His face seemed to turn a slight red.

"No. I just know that Aizawa didnt want anuther fight, weither it be between bakugo and you, or one of you and someone else" he says. Excuse. I didnt push it any further though. I just smirked and looked away.

Recovery girl was kissing Bakugo healing him as Shinso, Kiri, and me watched. She moved to me kissing my head and arms focusing her quirk mainly on thoes parts, and she smiled.

"Th-thanks recovery girl" I rolled my eyes slightly as my claws dug into the bed at the slight pain that she causes me while healing me.

She started smiling.

"Of course dear!~ Well regain your energy!~" she says leaving. Bakugo was already fast asleep. I laied there slightly uncomfortable with the fact Shinso and Kiri were there.

"Dont fource yourself to stay up. It will be faster to sleep" Shinso said. He looked at me. I felt the familier gaze from eailer. But I knew it was him. Lazy yet filled with hidden emotion. I actually felt slightly more comfortable and fell asleep.

It was weird...him watching me made me comfortable...

~3ed person pov~

It had been a bit more then half an hour. Both Bakugo and Luna in a deep sleep.

"So, who should be the one to take Bakugo back to the dorms when he awakes?" Kiri asks. They were sitting in extra chairs.

"Probably you. I need to talk to Luna anyway" Shinso says looking over to Kiri.

"If it doesn't seem noisy. About what exatcally?"

"Why she was fourcing herself to stay awake near us mostly"

"So you do care?"

"Ehh...not so much of caring, more out, curiosity"

"So you care enough to be curious?"


"Oh come on. She is snoring. She cant hear us" Kiri says. And it was true. The small soft snores and mews Luna let out ment she was dreaming and in a pretty deep sleep. She was so peaceful and calm which was different, and so was Bakugo. This was a weird and uncommon change or sight of the two hot headed stubborn loud mouths of the class to be quite, peaceful, calm, and for the toughest chick in class to look pretty fucking adorable asleep. "As long as you dont touch her, she will be asleep"


"So. Tell me"

"Tell you what?" Shinso asked turning his quirk on.

"Tell me why your so curious" he replys smiling.

"Be quiet intell Bakugo wakes up" Shinso orders. His eyes fall into a pure white and he stops talking. "Sit down in one of the chairs intell Bakugo awakes" Shinso orders again. Kiri does as he asked sitting down in a chair. Still silent. And his eyes still a pure white.

Shinso took an hour nap before playing on his phone for a while. After about an hour and a half of him waking up Bakugo woke up and Kiri got released from Shinsos quirk. They left as Kiri rubbed his head not remembering the wait at all after Shinso asked 'Tell you what?'.

About another half hour later Luna woke up and rubbed her head.

"Wheres Kiri?" She asks.

"He helped Bakugo back to the dorms half an hour ago" Shinso shrugs...

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