10. mission (part 1)

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They leave and when they do he comes up to me hugging me.

"You ok? Did they touch you?" He asks and makes me look up at him.

"Get the hell off me" I hissed pushing him off. He chukles ruffling my hair. "Stop touching my hair!" I hissed.

"There you are. So why didnt you fight her? Are you sick?" Chukled my female friend. She touched mu forehead.

"My god. Like I said. Im training to be a hero. So that would be villian like"

"Oh...hey whos this guy anyway?" She asks.

"My friend Shinso. He was moved to my class"

"Ohhh~ I cant say hes not handsome~" flirted my other female friend.

"Oh go hump a tree or something" I hissed at her. She had a dog quirk. She laughed and got in my face.

"So you didnt get kicked out of that fancy UA school?" She asks smiling. I push her away from me with my claws out.

"Oh bite me. Im not that bad"

"You got kicked out of every elementary and middle school within one year each in a 200 mile radius" said my other friend. She had didnt have a quirk.

"Luna. We should go. If we are here any longer Iida will probably make us clean the dorms for the next few days if he thought you got into a fight again" Shinso says. I look at him. My tail once was whipping from side to side and my ears were to the side of my head down as I grew very irrated. But when he spoke up his voice calmed me. My tail alomst completely stoped moving but it still was moveing just slightly. My ears pircked.

"Ok...if you say so" I shrug and we leave. While we leave I look back to see my friends smirking and giving eyebrow wiggles twords me and Shinso.

As we walk back we talked.

~time skip~

Through out the week all me and Bakugo did was play rock paper scissors, or talk while everyone trained. We couldnt even put our hero costumes on.

Today was friday. Me and Bakugo were talking waiting for the bell to ring. Our backs agenst each other while sitting on the floor a few feet from the schools wall.

"So. I herd you might like someone" he says.

"Dont be over protective"

"What? Your like my sister. I just want...to protect you" he says and went quite.

"Awww. Thats the sweetest thing you have ever said to me sparky!" I smiled looking up. My head agenst his. Our hands cloes to each others.

"Yeah yeah shut it" he hissed touching my hand with a hiss.



"Because your like my brother. Im going to be the pesky sister and ask, do you like anyone in that way?~"

"Shut up"

"Oh!~ Im taking that as yes! So who is it? Urarka?"



"Again, no"



"Anyway. What about, sue?"

My Kitten~ (Yandere!Shinso x Cat!Quirked!(OC!)Reader)Where stories live. Discover now