16. bonding exercise

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~time skip~

Through out the week, me and shinso were getting along pretty well. Well, today Aizawa had told all of us to meet him outside the locker rooms instead of the class room. Without changing into our hero costumes.

I had just gotten my new costume like two days ago to! It was based on this:

The only differences is that the hood had holes in it letting my normal cat ears poke out, and I still had the jewelry, and was a bit more lose

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The only differences is that the hood had holes in it letting my normal cat ears poke out, and I still had the jewelry, and was a bit more lose.

Anyway, today we held our hero costumes and stood infront of Aizawa and Mic.

"Today we will be doing a bonding exercise. You guys do remember that stupid quote 'dont judge unless you have walked a mile in there shoes', or something like that. Yeah. Thats important today. I noticed that some of you havnt been really getting along. So we will be switching hero costumes with your paired person, and training in the costume" Aizawa says. Everyones eyes widened.

"Dont worry dudes!! Its by student number. Like 1 and 2 switch, 3 and 4 switch ect ect!" Mic announced. I looked at Shinso.

"Wait do we also have to switch with a girl if shes the next or last number?" Menta asks excitedly.

"You wont be doing said project. So if anyone wants Yazoyorzo to join there group-" Aizawa was cut off by Me.

"Wait. Since Hagakures costume is just gloves and shoes, shouldnt she sit out of this to? I mean, no one else is invisible so" I pointed out.

"I forgot shes out sick today...menta, youll be staying with All Might while we do this activity" Aizawa says. I realize it was true. She was sick. I forgot.

I then started to think...Im student 21...and shinsos 22...I have to switch clothes with Shinso!?! Aizawa explained a bit more and added a few things.

We were all getting dressed with the person we were assigned, so, me and Shinso faced away each other. I was dressed but couldn't get the strap on his mouth thing to fit correctly. I was in the mirror and getting really frustrated. I saw Shinso come up behind me. He fixed the strap. Note, HE WAS STILL FUCKING SHIRTLESS, AND THE FUCKING CAPE THING WAS NOT EVEN ON HIM YET!!

"You seemed like you were having trouble"

"thanks" I said softly. "How do you work this?"

"I cant tell you. Remember. That was one of the rules Aizawa gave us" he sighs. We were suppose to figure it out while training. I watched him get the rest of my costume on. Not in a creepy way. More curious. My normally perfectly fit costume, was tight on him outlining his body better then mine. He cought me staring. "Didnt know you were the staring type Luna" he says fully turning to me putting on my glove. My face felt hot. Shit...he looks really good. He kept the hood down since it didnt have much use for him, since he didnt have cat ears.

We go outside and I saw everyone in their costumes. I almost screamed seeing Todo, and Deku.

"Jesus crist Deku! You look so fucking scrawny but, well shit!" I commented without thinking. His face went a deep red. "Also todo! You look so awesome in Sparkys costume!" I laughed.

It was doing random bonding things with the one we switched clothes with and the ones we mainly fight with.

We finished the activity. We were all panting. Working in not in costumes we wernt use to wasnt good. I looked up at Aizawa still panting.

"A-Aizawa-S-Sensei, why did w-we really h-have to do this?" I ask changing my voice using the dials on the mouth peace. Thats how you fucking change your voice!!

"We thought it would be funny!" Mic says making and X over his chest with his hands the sign for 'rock' while he had his normal smile.

"We were getting you back from that prank you pulled on us" Aizawa says. I glare then start laughing. I fall back onto the ground laughing. I had glued everything in there rooms to the roof and walls. And glued the windows shut.

"You got me you little-" I cut myself off and turn to my side. "Im going to get you guys so bad. You just declared a prank war" Aizawa laughing sarcastically.

"You prank me again Im expelling you" he threatens. I then sit up and look at mic.

"Prank war?" I ask smirking.

"Sadly no" he shakes his head. I pout. "Its not a hero thing to do really. Anyway Bros! Go change back to your normal clothes!!" Mic says dismissing us.

After getting dress and back in our normal outfit Menta sadly came back. He probably had to do a work sheet or something. Anyway, me and Shinso were talking in my room. We had brought his hero costume.

"So, how does the mouth thing fully work?" I ask. I sat on my knees while the tip of my tail was moving side to side softly as it lies on the bed behind me. Shinso sat infront of me normally. He smiles softly.

"Well. Ill show you" he says. He placed it on me, fixing the straps again, and messing with the dials for a second or two. "Say something"

"Something" I sounded like Bakugo.

"Theres a setting for everyone who talks while its on. Now I want you to say, 'Im Bakugo Katsuki, and Im a little Bitch'"

"'Im Bakugo Katsuki, and Im a little Bitch" you both then started laughing. He took it off of you. "And the scarf?" You voice was now normal.

"Same as Aizawas. Why?"

"So you can use it like Aizawa?"

"I mean...im not as skilled as him but yeah"

"Nice. Did power loader help fix it from...l-last time?"

"Yeah" he nods as we both blush from that embarrassing moment...

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