3. punshiment for the fight

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~after the fight~

Me and Bakugo sat in Recovery girls office. The others around as she healed us and bandged us. All Might was giving a lecturer about it.

"You two cant be so reckless" he rambled.

"We wernt reckless" I rolled my eyes.

"Yes! Yes you were. You destroyed ten feet of the school yard behind the school. Physically. You two have already broken more bones then Young Mirdoriya!!" Damn All Might. I noticed Deku seemed to be hurt by this.

"Were fine"

"Are you, really?" He asked, in a slight growl. I had my right arm broken, my wrist and lower arm was bandged on my left, were the 'scar' was on my face, and neck were bandged again, last was my claws where cliped down so I wouldnt hurt myself scratching at my bamdges and cast. Bakugo had cuts all over his body from his shoulders down. A scar of his eye, a few scratch marks on the side of his head, his arms and torso bandged where most of the worst cuts were, and had a cast on his left knee.

"Yeah. Well be fine" I said waving my arm twords him.

"You broke each others bones and destroyed about ten feet or so of the ground behind the school. Literally"


"Your both covered in cuts, bruises, and burn marks"

"Well yeah but-"

"Your eye alomst got blown out and half of your face will end up scarred, and he will have a huge scarred cut on his fore head leading down alomst in his eye and down his cheek"

"Yeah be-"

"Do I have to explain more? No more training for either of you for two weeks, I dont want any more fights or injuries this bad between either of you with either each other or anyone else. Your lucky I dont make you guys wear a get along T-shirt or something!"

"Oh my god! Please make them wear a get along shirt!!" Kiri said as him and sero started to laugh.

"Ohhh you two are so lucky I cant hit either of you" we hissed at them. They still were laughing some of the others were stifflings laughs or had a small sniker. Shinso didnt react but kinda just watched.

"We would like to see you try princesses and pretty boy!!" Sero laughed. We both jolted up sitting.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL US!?!!" We growled.

"Oh look! There up!" Sero said still laughing.

"Both of you ARE SO FUCKING DEAD!!!"

"YOUNG BAKUGO!! YOUNG LUNA!!" All Might hissed. We looked at him. "Calm down! You two need to heal. Dont move again. Lay down" he ordered. My ears flattened ontop my head and I leaned back down onto the infumries bed. Bakugo did as well, mummbling things under his breath.

"A week. Remember after school, to come and let me heal you two more to balance" Recovery girl says. We nod.

"Do we have to heal together?" Bakugo asked.

"Yes. I want you both to see what you did to the other" Recovery girl hissed. "Again" she added before going into the back. After a while of talking Bakugo fell asleep and the only one left was Todoroki and Deku.

"You should probably be more careful. Bakugo doesnt go easy on anyone" Todoroki says.

"Yeah. Kacchan did worse then the sports festival" Deku says.

"Well nah duh. He doesn't want too feel like a toy of mine" I shrug.

"True" Todoroki nods.

"You should rest. You need to regain your energy" Deku says lightly touching my head. I nod. "Have a nice nap" he smiled leaving. Todoroki looks down at me and leaves. I curl up holding my tail and falling asleep.

When I woke up it has been alomst 4 hours. Bakugo was already gone and it was way past the time he normally goes to sleep.  I rub my eyes softly waking up. I shake my head. I saw a note on the table.

Dear Luna,
I had checked out earlier. So if you can, lock the infumry up then put the key ontop the door or under the mat outside the door.
Thank you~
~Recovery Girl

I take the key and leave. I lock the door and put it ontop the door and left.

I got to the dorms and went inside. Everyone was alseep and they left the door unlocked for me. I locked it and sat on the couch. I turned the TV on and let my vision adjust to the sudden light...Shinso looks so familier...why is he on my mind?

Because of the TV. I was watching the recording of the Sports Festival last year. He lost...but he seemed to have bulked up. I noticed that.

But he seemed familiar before that...did he remind me of anyone? Hmm...



iddle school. Oh dreaded Middle school. I was scared by a wolf quirked kid and they chased me up a tree. I sat there licking my hand. I turned into a cat and laied ontop of branch. I hissed and clawed twords him if he got to close.

Then I herd a voice.

"Hey! Get away from her!" Hissed a males voice that I didnt know at the time. The kid looked back and whimpered and ran off. A boy with lavender hair sticking up came. He looked up at me and tilted his head to the side. "You ok Kitty?" He asks and climbs up to me. He reaches out for me. I didnt want to change back of fear of being called weak or something, so I staied a cat. I sniffed near his hand. He smelt like lavender and some type of rose. I got close enough and he grabed me. He held me in one of his arms.

(Of course you dont look like the at in the pic)

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(Of course you dont look like the at in the pic)

I sniffed at his face while he carried me down. He got down-

~end of flashback~

I was interpreted in my thoughts by someone.

"Hello? Luna right?" Asks that familiar voice. I looked back. Shinso...

My Kitten~ (Yandere!Shinso x Cat!Quirked!(OC!)Reader)Where stories live. Discover now