15. quriks and embarrassing moment

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~time skip your pov~

I wake up. School day...

I love school. Its perfect.

Note my sarcasm.

I get dressed and sat on the couch. As everyone came down in small groups of 2-4 I was watching TV. After everyone was up and ready we left. I staied quite as we walked which consierend the others.

"You ok?" Mina asks. I just nod with a little hum.

"You sure?" Kiri asks. I nod again. Everyone then turned worried. I sat in my seat of the class with my head down half asleep.

"You sure shes ok Bakugo?" Sero asks.

"Of fucking course. She wouldnt fucking lie would she? She may be a conving feline, but she wouldnt lie to us. If she says shes fine. Then shes fine" Bakugo growled slightly.

It was time to train in no time. We were changing into our hero costumes and I was messing with the barclet again wating for the girls.

"Whats taking so damn long!?" Hissed Bakugo kicking the girls locker room door. The girls then came out. I smirked and walked up. I wraped my arm losely around Mina.

"They take so damn long to undress themselves" I rolled my eyes.

"You normally wear your fucking costume because theres nothing special about it!"

"If you want me to change it Ill ask Power Loader later" I rolled my eyes. Alomst done, it will be done within about a week by know and to the school about two days after finishing.

I was against Shinso first. As we fought I dodged his scarf and plaied with him like a cat does its pray. After a while we were both tangled in his scarf. Everyone was laughing as we were both frozen in embarrassment.

I had tied his hands behind his back but somehow he still had captuered me and know we are in this situation. Our bodies up agesnt each others tightly. Because of us being the same size, our faces were inches apart my chest was squashed tightly agenst his and so was our pelvises.

"Oh my god! Shinso! Lucky bastard!!" Laughed Denki. The only ones not laughing with Deku, Todoroki, Bakugo, and Kirishima. And of course me and Shinso. The boys who werent laughing seemed really mad.

"uhhh" I said softly. I tried to shift to get free but all it did was make me notice something agesnt my thigh. Me and Shinso blushed softly. I hands were tightly between our torsos and I couldnt get them free. "STOP FUCKING LAUGHING AND FUCKING FREE US!!!" I hissed glareing at everyone.

"Theres the Luna we know!" Denki laughed. Bakugo grabed the back of my hood then explosided the scarf that was tide around our torsos. My hands freed and cut the rest and stood up.

"Sorry about your scarf. Next time you might not want to try and fight after I have already won" I said. He looked up at me and blinked slightly. He cleared his throat and brung his knees up. I reach down. He grabed my hand and I pulled him up. We went to lean against the wall with the others and then Tokoyami was challegened by Deku.

As everyone was traning and fighting one by one, I wasnt really picked much so that they could get better before trying again. Training...more training...and more training. Fucking tired.

I was out in the forest arena sitting on a branch on the outside row of trees. It was a cool afternoon and the sun was starting to set. An array of oranges, reds and purples danced and swirled around the sky and clouds. The sun about 10 or so minutes from touching the Horizon line. I sighed as the cool breeze blew my hair back and the sweet sent of nature filled my senses. I humed softly and smiled as I sat there in alomst silence feeling the cool breaze that would get blown my way every few minutes for about the same amount of time. Then sun was just starts to set on the horizon line when I herd someone.

"Luna? What are you doing this far from the dorms before curfew?" Asked Shinso voice.

"Hmmm? Oh...just enjoying the sun set and nice cool air" as I said that the wind had started to blow. This made Shinso hair blow into his face and mine away from my face. I jumped down and I was infront of him.

"I want to ask you about your quirk"

"Oh...ok. What is it?"

"How does it work?"

"Well its like a normal cat quirk. But thanks to test on my pearnts altering DNA, Im faster, stronger, and also I can turn into a cat with identical fur patterns as my body. Were my scars are theres no fur of course because hair cant really grow on scars. But, anyway, thats how it works"

"So you can do anything a cat can do?"

"Yes. Plus shift into a cat any size"

"As long as it matches the patterns on my body Ill I can turn...so what about your quirk?"

"Well, I ask a question while my quirk is activated and then I can control what they do. They have to answer me verbally. I can control what mutable people can do. And someone would have to touch them with enough force to snap them out of it"

"Cool" I say softly. I get a bit closer then he wanted by accident being only a few inches from my face.

"oh...hello" he mummbled. I blinked softly and felt my lips part slightly as I looked into his dark lanvender eyes. The tip of my tail curled up slightly as curiosity bubbled up inside me about his eyes. They were such a pretty lanvender color. I got even closer and I felt his breath hitch. I blinked processing how close I was. I jumped back and up into the tree. I hung from the branch with my hands like normally.

"Sorry I got so close"

"Its...ok. Come on. Lets get back to the dorms" he suggests. I nod letting the branch go and landing. We start to walk back to the dorms...

My Kitten~ (Yandere!Shinso x Cat!Quirked!(OC!)Reader)Where stories live. Discover now