12. realization?

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~Shinsos pov~

I push my way into the front. I look down at her. I didnt know why I was so worried about her. She was asleep and beaerly breathing as she had sometype of sirenge in her arm with blood in it.

"I took out most of the poison...but there was so much. Every now and again she might cough up blood. Not as bad as All Might though, but kinda like him"

"Will she stop coughing up blood forever?" I ask. She shakes her head.

"No. Once every week she will have a coughing fit of blood I believe. If she does take her up to me if its during school hours of course"

"When will she wake?"

"Mabey 10?" It was 7:37 right now.

"One of us should get her then" Todoroki says.

"Yes! Someone who could take her and watch her intell she sleeps" she seemed to start thinking on who could take her.

"Who stays up the longest?"

"Luna and Shinso" Mirdoriya says.

"Anyone else?" Aizawa asks.

"The longest I stay up is about 10-11. Everyone else goes to sleep at like 8-9:30"

"Oh. Well. Shinso. Will you be o-"

"Yeah. We get along anyways. So it should be fine" I say. The girls seemed to smirk evily at me.

"Kinda fast to reply there Shinso~" giggled Uraraka.

"Is there something you two arnt telling us? Or mabey something you dont want to tell us?" Mina smirked.

"What? What are you talking about?" I ask with a slight hiss. They put there hands up still smirking.

~time skip~

Shit Im so worried. It was about 9:45.

I sat in my room and kept running my hands in my hair. Why did I reply so fast? Why do I feel this way? Whats wrong with me?

Why am I even thinking about this? About...her...whats wrong with me? Why does she keep me up at night? Just the thought of her keeps me up at night. Her smile...her eyes...her voice...her everything. Do I...whats wrong with me? Someone tell me...why do I feel like this to her? I yelp seeing my phone light up with a text. It had surprised me in my dark room.

Unknown: Shinso. Its Recovery girl. Lunas awake.
Me: ok. Ill be there in 10

I put my phone away and left quickly but silently as not to wake anyone. I got to the infirmary and opened the door without knocking. Bad idea! She was shirtless while Recovery girl did a finale check up. I froze scanning over the half naked Luna infront of me. I close the door while my face felt like it was on fire. A little bit later the door opens.

"Next time fucking knock" she hissed softly.

"Sorry. I didnt know" I said my voice accidentally getting softer.

"uh" she says softly and her eyes flutter up at me. I hum in slight confusion looking down at her.

"Why are you stairing at me?"

"Your face is red" she says slightly buntly.

"Hm-eh?" I said slightly confused.

"Come on. We need to go back to the dorms" she says looking away from me.

We walk in silence. We get to the dorms and walk in. It was 10:15. We both sat on the couch and her tail lightly thumps the couch as I sat near her turning the TV on.

After a while she sat upside down. Her shirt was up slightly. I tried to fource myself to watch the TV, but my eyes kept scanning back over to her. My eyes scanned her body and I looked down at her face. Her head tilted to the side watching some random show.

So she seems to drift to sleep upside down. I sigh and pick her up. She was...lighter then expected. Not saying shes fat or anything. I mean...she has so much muscle so I thought she would be a bit more...heavy?

I carried her to her room and place her in her bed. She meows softly laying on her back. She turned to her side curling up. She held her tail to her face hugging it. I gulped softly...

As the toughest girl in class, she seemed so...peaceful in her sleep...so quiet and soft...so venerable...

'Ah! Hitoshi!! Shut it! Stop thinking like that!!!' I hissed to myself. I left to my room and lay on my bed. My mind gets clouded by the thoughts of Luna again...those stupid confusing thoughts...

~time skip your pov~

I woke up on my bed...who brung me here? Was it Shinso? I rubbed my eyes. I got ready for school.

It was a normal week of training, but Shinso...seemed to ingnore me. He just brushed me off. Whouldnt talk to me at lunch, or train with me. Whats wrong with him? Why didnt he pay attention to me. Soon I just stoped talking to him, I started to not talk to him on Thursday. I didnt even look his way anymore...but...it was weird. Once I started he seemed to watch me more. It was an hour before school was over for the week, and I was training agenst kiri.

"Keep hitting! Your doing great!!" He smiled down at me. I was punching his arms. Bruises formed on my knuckles amd a bit on his arms. Mina was trying to ask me more about my quirk which annoyed me. Making me punch harder. Kiri moved his arms after I punched him a bit to hard and I punched his gut. He grabbed his gut where I punched him and backed up.

"Shit...sorry kiri" I apologized. He laughed slightly.

"No its fine. Y-you should work o-on being able to s-stop yourself when its training" he says. His voice was filled with pain but happiness.

"Uh...ok. Ill work on that. Again. Sorry" I rub the back of my neck. He chukles and stands with his fists on his hips smiling as a huge bruise forming on his stomach.

"Dont worry!! Ill be fine!" He smiles.

"You sure?" I ask. He nods.

An hour later we left back to the dorms...

My Kitten~ (Yandere!Shinso x Cat!Quirked!(OC!)Reader)Where stories live. Discover now