17. Halloween special

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(This is in the spirit of spooky month.
Also there will be a new oc in this book and if you like him Ill try and add him somewhere into the book)

I stretched and sighed softly. Aizawa said to wear costumes today for the fact that it was Halloween. And that he would grade us on how we fight and train against class 2B. As they were also doing this. We did this last year but against each other and not 1B who is now 2B students.

This is what I wore:

It wasnt really my idea either

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It wasnt really my idea either. It was kinda Momo and Minas idea. But I liked it a lot...Im defently keeping this outfit. And if I could fight good I might change my costume again.  (No high heals tho. Just boots lol)

(Which do you guys like better? This one or the other new one?)

I waited for everyone and the smiled sweetly ad they all came down. I froze up seeing Shinso.

 I froze up seeing Shinso

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"They thought it was best to put me in this instead of what I wanted" he says bluntly noticing me stair

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"They thought it was best to put me in this instead of what I wanted" he says bluntly noticing me stair. I blinked and my tail twitched up slightly.

"W-what? O-oh no. I-its fine. Your fine...y-you look...c-cool" I say and my voice was going softer. He sighs and then scans me.

"Youre very beautiful in that costume" he smiles softly.

"Thanks" I smile back and my ears pirk up.

When we get to homeroom, 2B students were standing around and talking. Right we had to do this with them to...

"Whoa! I didnt know that you could dress like a non delinquent outside your uniform!!" Monoma laughs at me. I let out a low hiss and walk to him pushing him down onto his back. "Ahh!" He yelps. I press my heal to his neck with a glare of daggers.

"I swear to fucking god! If you dont shut the hell up about this I will crush your neck into two!" I threatened. His face flushed and he smirks.

"Oh yeah? Do it. Show everyone how much of a villain you really are!!" He laughed. A shadow casted itself over my face.

"Im...not...a...villain" I hissed out stepping off his neck. He gasps softly and looks up at me.

"Oh? And how so? All you do," he stops to get up before smirking at me. "Is yell. Cuss. Fight. And constantly get in sometype of trouble" he says. I kept my eyes down and clinched my fists. "Isnt that right? Kitten?" He asks his smirk growing. Then someone had slammed him to the wall.

"Shut the hell up. You cant just call someone a villain because of the way the act. Or anything. Because if that person, becomes the number 1 hero, and you need saving, they might, hesitate, at first whether or not you are worth saving. So shut up about her being a villain. Shes more of a hero then you are" hissed Shinsos voice. I look up and saw that it was Shinso. Bakugo was next to him ready to teach him a lesson if needed.

"Ahh! Delinquents! Get off of me!" Monoma whined helplessly.

"Shinso! Bakugo! Down!" Hissed Aizawas voice which echoed loudly in my ears. We look over as Shinso drops Monoma and backs up. Vlad King was there as well. And the guy from last year.

He still had brown hair, with red died tips, and bright hazel eyes. He wore a plain white shirt and a (more black then blue) blue jeans. Black and white shoes. And white gloves. And a black and white bandanna loosely around his neck. He seemed to be around 20 or 21 (as the year before was 19 or 20). Still a bit closer to our age then our teachers.

'What was his name again?'

"Hello again class 2B and 2A students. Im Ash Taylor. Please just call me Ash" he greats. "Ill remind you about my quirk, my quirk is called Reality switch. What it does is that I can switch anyones gender, clothes, looks, personality, outlooks on just about anything, and species. I can just think what I want to change on the person Im looking at, then snap, and it happens" he explains, again. "I can do it to myself to, but, I need a reflective surface"

He gets ready to alter everyone and what they are and we all sit to make sure he can see us all. He then snaps and I didnt feel any different...thats because I picked to dress as a Dark Queen. I just felt normal. Unlike last year when I dressed as A ghost. I could walk through walls and float and shit and it was awesome. I was also kinda transparent and no one could touch me.

"One last thing. This is only temporary. And your quirks are blocked intell tomorrow morning when you turn back. Good bye~" he says waving at us before leaving.

Aizawa and Vlad King stood in the front and paired everyone up. Because of the fact there was an un even amount of students between the two classes, they let Hagakure and Menta sit out. They matched us against someone who was physically as strong as another, or as smart, or both. And as I was last, they paired me with, Monoma. Since no one really matched him.

We would be the last match against each other. Since we were matched last. As we watch everyone fight he was talking and making my blood boil. I cant wait intell its our turn to fight. I want to kick his ass so badly. But of course I never could because thats not hero like without a reason. Once The second to last two, which was Kiri vs. Tesutesu, me and Monoma were finally up against each other.

We stood on the cement platform that Cementoss created. Mic had to be obnoxious and announce our fight.

"The last two is Monoma and Luna! Monoma usually has the quirk of copy. And Luna usually had a quirk of a Cat. But today, Monoma dressed as a wolf, (very badly) and Luna as a queen. I wonder if what they are now will effect how they fight and who wins!" He annoyances smiling hugely.

As we fight he never hit me once. As he tried to hit me, I dodge and then attack. Then he bit me HARD on my shoulder pouncing ontop of me. Pushing me to the ground. Blood dripped down from the new bite mark and around us. I kicked him off and stood holding my shoulder. I stepped closer to him and pushed his head down with my heal. I kneel twords him, my heal still on his forehead. I put all my weight onto the heal on his head digging into his skin, then Vlad King took me off of him.

"Luna wins. Now don't kill him" he hissed.

After that everyone that was hurt went to the Infirmary, to heal. Everyone somehow found a place to sleep, slept and when we woke up, all of us were normal...

My Kitten~ (Yandere!Shinso x Cat!Quirked!(OC!)Reader)Where stories live. Discover now