8. healed

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~your pov and time skip~

It was sunday. I could fully get all of my bandges off and the other medical things. Me and bakugo sat in recovery girls office. Shinso and Kiri were still there to watch us of course.

My ears were pircked up watching Recovery girl takes off bakugos small cast and bandges. I gulped softly as I watched it. I started licking my hand nervous.

"Stop grooming yourself" kiri says grabing my hand from me. I look up into his crimson eyes.


"I have been watching a lot of my cat from hell. Stop. I know your nervous now. Chill" he says. He lightly pets me. Recovery girl then turns to me. I hiss slightly.

"I think we need a muzzle"

"No. Just dig your claws on Kiri. And kiri, I suggest turnning your quirk on"

"Ok" kiri nods. Her turns his quirk on and I dig my claws into his skin somehow breaking a bit of his skin. Which surprised them. I barry my face in kiri chest as she takes my bandge cast (aka bandges that looks kinda like a cast but thinner and easier to move in) off. My other one was off but I had to wear a black thing (like Deku had on his upper arm) because the hand print had become fully in my skin and mussel showed not being able to fully heal. To many skin cells were killed during the hand print.

"There. Done with your bandge cast" she says. I look at her and she cuts the bandges on my face off. "There. Didnt even mess much with the scare and thats good!" She smiled. I nod. I had left scares on Bakugo and she had to shave him giving him an undercut, so that they could heal better. And the under cut acutally looked quite a lot better:

 And the under cut acutally looked quite a lot better:

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(Of course without the piercing)

He ran his hand up his head and over the undercut part.

"I still dont fucking understand why you gave me a fucking undercut" he hissed.

"Because, then the scar whould have healed over some of your hair making it painfull or itchy" Recovery girl says before leaving. The others ran in after she left.

Afterwords, we were all in the filed. Most of us training. Me and Bakugo were doing pull ups on tree branches to see who can do more. A bit over 350 we fell to the ground with a slight pant as we get ants off our hands. Bakigo was so sweaty.

"Sparky your gross" I rolled my eyes. He pulls me to him.

"Smell me!" He hissed. I tryed to get away from him as he covered my mouth with his sweaty hand. I couldn't get out of his grasp as his sweaty torso was against my back.

"No! Your going to suffocate me stop!!" I whine. My ears flatten on my head and everyone stops and starts to laugh. "Sparky off of me!!" I whine. My claws still were short and not sharp enough. I struggle in his grasp and he just laughs and tightens his hold on me.

This went on for a good soild 10ish minutes. Aizawa pulled us apart.

"Ok. Thats enough. Showers. All of you" he says. We all leave. I know that Nitroglycerin smelt like brunt sugar mixed with caramel, but I just couldn't think of smelling Bakugo. God no. As we took showers I was away from the girls enjoying the warm water.

Of course afterwords we all get dressed leaving. I was talking mainly to Bakugo and Kiri as Kiri seemed mad that me and Bakugo got along by teasing him.

"Were sorry for teasing you" I chukled.

"No your not" Kiri says and crosses his arms. I huge him and rub my face in his spiky hair.

"Yes we are"

"Ah stop being a baby Kiri" Bakugo roll his eyes.

"I expect your apologize Bakugo" Kiri smiled.

"Oh screw you Kiri" I hissed letting him go. He laughed and got me in a head lock ruffling my hair.

"Of course I forgive you two Luna. I was just making sure it was you!" He laughed. I laughed to and looking back feeling Shinsos eyes on me. He looked away quickly. I stop and the others just go around me. Shinso stops noticing I did.

"Shinso? Can we talk?" I asked. He nods and walks to me. We start walking. The rest of the week him and Kiri were assigned to watch me and Bakugo.

"What is it?" He asks.

"Want to go to the café down the street with me?" I ask. He seemed surprised at my question.

"I...why are you asking me?" He asks. I shrug.

"I think it will be cool. I mean, its a really good café and we normally talk for a few hours so. I think it will be a good bonding thing" I shrug. He seemed to smile.

"Why do you want to hang out with me all of a sudden?"

"If you dont want to go Ill go alone" I rolled my eyes.

"No...I...I want to go. Im just, why?"

"Your strong dude! I also rather have you as a hero then turn into a villian like people think. I want to shove that idea up there asses far enough to where they puke it up and relized they were wrong. I herd the boys at lunch friday. How they called your quirk villian like"

"Oh...that...sounds...sounds like you" he chukled rubbing the back of his head.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Nothing. Nevermind. Ill go" he nods. I smile.

"Of course you will" I giggle smiling at him. He looked away.

"I actually have some questions for you that I need answers for...if thats ok?"

"Sure. You can ask me when where at the café" I smile. Im ok to tell him things he would want to know...but for certain things, I'd rather not answer. I hope he doesn't ask about those certain things...but he wont be that nosey about my past!...right?...

My Kitten~ (Yandere!Shinso x Cat!Quirked!(OC!)Reader)Where stories live. Discover now