6. bonding

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~Shinso pov~

Luna woke up.

"Wheres Kiri?" She asks.

"He helped Bakugo back to the dorms half an hour ago. Anyway, I wanted to talk to you"

"Oh? About?"

"Why did you go off on the blond at lunch?"

"He is always annoying and saying how we think we are so high and might up on our 'pedestal' and shit. He is just, really fucking annoying"

"What about, why you were, not sleeping?"

"Huh? Oh...I just...wasnt that tired I guess?"


"Its fine Shinso. I have a question for you"


"Whats with the sudden interest? In me, I mean"

"Oh...just curious. Why didnt you?"


"Why didnt you right then and there, cut out the blonds vocal cords?"

"Because, killing him, wouldnt really fix anything then. Like I said, there only like one pro but so many different cons. It would also just" hee voice got low and I couldnt hear her.


"Nothing. Nevermind. Come on" she says getting up. We leave. Weird. What was she saying?

We get back to the dorms.

~your pov~

We arrived at the dorms.

"You care~" I teased again.

"Shut up before I fully break your other arm" Shinso hissed as we walk in.

"Break my other arm later. And I would like to see you try Shinso" I smirked at him.

"Whatever" he hissed slightly. I laughed and walked with him. "Why are you following me?" He asks. A few of the others sitting around the common area watching us.

"Because~ You agreed to watch me, plus, hes" I stoped and giggled. "Quite relentless with making sure were all ok"

"Yeah. I know. Still doesn't explain why your following me"

"Yes it does. Get use to it for a week. Intell Im fully healed up, you agreed to constantly watch over me~"

"Why not Kirishima?"

"Because you-"

"Or anyone else? I mean, we arent really a perfect match" he said in a slight snarl. I held in a small laugh.

"You say that. But you have to remember, you agreed to walk with us to the Infurmry, and Aizawa-sensei, thinks its funny to tourter his kids mentally by making them hang out with people they dont like that much, so" I shurg. He sighs.

"Whatever" he starts heading to the baths. "Dont follow me here"

"Im not a perv Shinso!" I hissed at him. I sat on the couch next to Kiri and leaned on him.

After a few hours I was the only one in the common area. The TV was off and I was rubbing myself against the couch like a cat would. It was alomst pitch black other then the oven light in the kitchen. I herd a sound and sat up. I see a silhouette before someone turned the hallway light on blinding me. I put my hand over my eyes and then uncovered them after getting use to the light slightly. It was Shinso.

"Cant sleep again?" I ask. He nods and sits next to me. We start talking again.

"You know...I have been thinking about what you said eailer. About Aizawa-Sensei"

"Hmm? Oh yeah?" I asked smugly.

"If he made me watch you...that wouldnt be such a bad thing. I mean...we both stay up really late. And, we...get along. And were both blunt and speak our minds" my head shot away from his and I avoided his piercing lavender gaze.

"people think were monsters before getting to know us" I say under my breath, still not looking at him.

"What?" He asks. I head shoots up again and I smile closeing my eyes. If I looked into his eyes I couldnt help but to tell him the truth.

"Nothing. Anyway, you make a good point" I nod and look at him in his eyes.

"Yeah...and the others like and trust you. And I-"

"What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Do you like and trust me?"

"I...dont fully trust you, yet. But...we get along ok, so...I guess that answers the other part" why wouldnt he just say it?

"Yeah...I...I guess it does" I nod softly.

"Anyway" he says then yawns. I yawn to. "Talking to you has made me tired again"

"Yeah...same here" I said softly, noding. We go to our rooms and I fall asleep again I dont know about him.

I wake up late. Shit! I quickly ran downstairs and everyone was up and some were dressed while others looked half asleep. The girls were in the showers.

"Your late" smirked Bakugo.

"Oh shut it Sparky!" I hissed going into the girls baths. The girls yelped first surpised but when they saw it was me they apologized for making my ears alomst fucking bleed.

I get ready for school and the girls force there help on me. When we come out I bump into someone. They were taller and my forhead hit there lips. I felt sometype of plastic on my forehead. I look up seeing Iida. His hair still wet and him in his Uniform.

"What took so long girls!?" He asks as he moved his hand up and down like he normally does. Im still like three inches from him.

"They forced me to let them help me even though I am completely capable of puting my fucking shirt on" I hissed glaring at Uraraka and Momo. Bakugo laughed. I pushed Iida out from Infront of me. I leaned over him as he sat on the couch. Me sprainted arm leaning against the back of the couch. "At least I can get fucking dressed by myself without someone having to strip me" I hissed.

"Want to fucking test that?"

"You cant even fucking stand alone non the less get dressed" I hissed. "Or fight" i felt hands on my hips and someone pull me away from Bakugo. I was about to scratch the person when I noticed it was Deku.

He had pulled me away as to not get us hurt more then we already was...

My Kitten~ (Yandere!Shinso x Cat!Quirked!(OC!)Reader)Where stories live. Discover now