7. shinsos feelings? (not a confession)

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"Stop testing each other!" Kiri hissed. I was surprised. He seemed...really mad. Bakugo and my eyes fluttered surpised. "You always hurt each other to see whos stronger! It pains me to see tou two like this! My best friend, and who I considered my sister constantly fight, and are hurt in casts! Please" his voice seemed to crack. "Just...stop fighting. For once. It hurts all of us to see you two constantly at each others throats even when so hurt.  So please...just, even if its just intell your healed. Please, try and get along. Intell you both fully recover. Thats all Im asking for right now" Kiri begged slightly. I felt my heart crack and he seemed about to cry. I pull myself from Delu and hug Kiri.

"Your such a fucking Sap!" I hissed and switched it to a head lock.

"Jesus crist Kiri. Dont cry" Chukled Bakugo.

"Yeah Kiri! Dont get your boxers in a bunch" I stuck my toung out at him. His face seemed to turn a darker red then his hair as he sliped from my grasp crossing his arms.

"You guys are jerks!" He whines.

"Yeah but you love us!" I laughed and pull Bakugo up from the couch. His body rested on me as I had grabed his crouches using my tail. He props himself up and we all leave. Me and Bakugo constantly teasing Kiri.

At lunch Kiri sat with Deku, Todo, Iida, Uraraka and a few others in the class Im to lazy to list, as me and Bakugo, Mina, Sero, and Denki all talked and joked together. Monoma, of course comes along.

"Oh? Suddenly you two are all buddy buddy? That doesn't make any sience!! Class 2A is-" Kendo slaped him upside the head. It didnt knock him out but it hurt him.

"Monoma. Your so annoying. Sometimes, I think you like being beaten" I hissed. I was the only one he told because of...an...'incident' that had happened last year during the camp. He had to explain himself somehow. He tensed and looked at me. I chukled. "Go be second best or something Blondie" I smirk and he leaves a blushing mess of emberssement. The others laugh...other then Bakugo.

Protective brother mode got turned on as soon as Monoma came. I could tell.

"Asshat" he mummbled.

"Yes Sparky. Because hes the asshat here" I chukled.

The day went normal but with me and Bakugo getting along. Mainly for Kiri. I was bored as Recovery girl kissed Bakugo healing him a bit. She had already done me and Kiri and Shinso watched.

"Im so proud of you guys!! You two get alongs so well now!" Kiri smiled.

"Yeah yeah whatever Kiri. Hey Shinso~"

"Dont start" he hissed. I looked down at my spraint arm.

"Hey...shouldnt the sprain be healed?"

"Yes. It id healed. But, when Bakugo exploded your arm he made a huge mark breaking alomst all of your skin cells were his hand touched. So tommorow Ill check up on it" she says.

"Oh...ok" I nod and yawn. "Tired..." I say and curl up on the bed. Recovery girl smiled and lightly touches my head.

"I noticed yesterday you held your pillow close to you while asleep" she says. Bakugo chukles.

"im use to hugging things" I say crossing my arms.

"Bakugo. If you dont stop laughing Im going to fource you to sleep on the floor today" Recovery girl hissed. He stoped laughing.

"Its fine Recovery girl" I say then yawn.

"Anyway!~ want something to hug?" She asks. I shrug.

"I could care less" I say and start to drift to sleep.

~Shinsos pov~

Bakugo falls asleep around the same point she falls asleep. Recovery girl goes to the back. Kirishima was petting her softly. Recovery girl came back with a smaller pillow and sliped it into Lunas arms. She hugged it...thats...kinda...cute...

I shake my head. What did I just think? Shes not...cute...shes deadly! Shes-! Interesting...very intriguing...why does my mind always drift to her?...Im so intrested in her, and at first I thought it was because she has a cat quirk...but no! Its...something else. I adore and love cats but...she makes me feel...different...

Her smile. Her laugh. Her voice. Her bluntness...how her eyes sparkle when she sees me walking twords her...how her tail moves curiously when looking at me...the little snicker before she busts out laughing ridiculously loud...the way she talks...her attitude...her...her everything...is so...different to me. Though I have met people who act like her and never felt this way but...she just makes me...feel so weird...like I want to protect her...from what? I dont know...

I shake my head out of thought. Kirishima? He had been waving his hand infront of my face.

"Wow you ok bro? You seem so...spaced out?" He asks. I rub the back of my neck.

"Yeah...I guess I was just...thinking to much" I shrug. We sat there quietly. I took a nap as he plaied on his phone. When I woke up Luna was still fast asleep and Kiri and Bakugo were gone. I sighed and looked through my phone. After a bit Luns was rolling over and constantly twisting and turning her body. Then she shot up in a pant. She had mummbled a few things. She was panting softly. She looked around.

"Whats wrong?" I ask getting up. I had jolted surprised from the sudden lumge up from her.

"I...had a...n-nightmare...s-sorry" she says rubbing her arm softly. Oh...

"Oh...just a bad dream? What...happened? If you dont mind me asking"

"and your asking me why?" She asks.

"When I was younger and had a nightmare, I would talk to my parents about it and they would help me and calm me down..." I trailed off.

"O-oh...really?...is...is that what parents do?" She asks.

"Yeah...didnt your pearnts ever help you with nightmares when you were younger?" I ask. She shakes her head.

"No...I..." She licked her lips slightly looking away. "They were to busy to help. I...normally just calmed myself down...we should go...I-Im fine" she says amd we leave. Normamly she would look me into my eyes...but she wasnt...why does she do that sometimes?...

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