Chapter 6: New People, New Questions

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Fei Ren's POV

"Uh-huh. That's nice, Natsume." Turns out that Alpha's name is Natsume Sakuya. As for the mouse, god he's hard to read. All he told me was that he is just Aite, and when I try to figure out his last name, he doesn't respond. He really did try to hide his last name, but with a roommate like Natsume, it wasn't that simple. Turns out, his last name was Shitagau. Aite Shitagau. Aite was cooking breakfast for all of us before they went on their mission. After 4 months of being with them, I gained a lot of their trust. Scratch that, mostly just Natsume and the Hokage, but living here, I've observed a lot of hobbies and tendencies. I noticed that Aite did a lot of the domestic things in the house. He cleaned, he cooked, he took care of house necessities, and made a checklist of the things needed. Then he would just relax and read. He even helped me paint the rooms a little. I remember that moment vividly because he put some paint on my nose and smiled before leaving to get things to cook. He left me blushing.

Natsume always did heavy work. He would run around and work out. He also pampered and played with me while Aite was busy. And before you say, 'aren't you like 15,' let me say, being eight again feels great. I'm full of that youthful hope that I lost the moment I entered High School. Anyways, he would also get things for the house, with my help, of course. This helped people in the village to get to know me better, though the whole 'I'm from another friken planet...sorta' is to remain hidden. Makes sense too, I don't want to scare anyone and I don't want that extra attention.

This was the first time that I went out on my own. I had to buy some milk to make some Macaroni and Cheese, something Aite wasn't aware existed and was excited to make. I was going to take advantage of this: talk to people and meet people. Yeah, that's the plan. So instead of going to the local grocery store, I happily skip past. I go adventure the village. I head towards the playground, that's usually where kids hang out. I can meet someone there, right? I walk around and sit on a swing set. I'm too anxious to actually talk to anyone...whelp. Swings usually help me, so I swung. Relaxing, I hear a girl call out to me. I look up to see a girl with short blonde hair and blue eyes. She was followed closely by a girl with short pink hair and a shy smile. They were followed by a couple of other girls.

"Hello, who're you? I don't think I've seen you before." the blonde girl asked.

"Hello. I'm Fei Ren. I'm new here," I scratch the back of my neck. Yikes, I'm nervous. It seems like the idea of a foreigner is interesting, cause everyone in the park came over to meet me.

"Whoa! Where are you from?" Oh, the dreaded question. Where am I from? Good thing the Hokage told me what to say. Too bad I stutter like a Biotchhhh

"Um, I'm-I'm from a small little town in the land of Waves, you might not have heard of it before, I moved here for a better life and earning."

"Do you know anyone here? In this village?" asked a girl with brown hair in pigtails.

"Umm, apart from the Hokage and my two guardians, no..."

"Not even recognize the famous clans, like the Hyuuga and the Uchiha," asked the girl with pink short hair, which resulted in some of the girls squealing at the last one. Jesus, I need a damn history lesson cause what the heck is this all supposed to mean. Is that something I'm supposed to memorize?

"No, am I-I supposed to know them???'' Oh shit. Is there a school in this place? A library or something?

"No, I guess not necessarily, but it's shocking to see people that don't know who they are..." the pinkette responded, "especially not the Uchiha."

"The Uchiha?" the blonde tilts her head to the left. I look over and see a boy with black hair. He is leaning against a tree with his arms crossed, nonchalant expression. He also had a particular hairstyle and doesn't look like someone who wants to be approached. That, however, did not stop girls from approaching the boy, asking how he is and trying to touch him. Some are using me as an excuse to make him get up with them. Meet the new girl. Nope, I'm out if that's the case. Some of the girls in the group surrounding me went to bother him as well. A couple stayed with me, asking more questions. I answered them as best as I could. Lying is usually easy for me because I don't have to lie about something so big, but now...yikes. I tell them after a while that I needed to leave, but the blonde stops me.

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