Chapter 3

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*Your P.O.V.*

I drowsily opened my eyes, the bright sun coming in through the window. I groaned before sitting up, stretching my body.

I looked around and smiled, thinking about what I'd do today since we all had a day off from training. I got out of bed and walked over to my uniform and changed out of my pajamas.

"I think I'll still train later today, I want a good grade." I said to myself, tightening the belts on my uniform. I slipped on my jacket and tied my boots, looking around the room to make sure I had everything.

"Oh crap almost forgot my father's emblem!" I gasped before walking over to my nightstand to grab it. I held it in my hands, feeling the texture of the cloth whilst observing the stains.

I held it tightly in my hand while also holding the locket of my necklace in my hand. I still have it on from Eren.

I sighed from the painful memory of that day, but made myself smile to hide that. "I'm not going to be a sad potato all day." I scolded myself before walking out of my room. As I walked out of the barracks lost in thought I accidentally bumped into someone.

I snapped out of my trance and looked up, seeing sergeant Kieth Sadies. "Cadet watch where you're going. Walking lost in thought like that will only get you killed by a titan!" He remarked, his face as expressionless as a rock.

"Y-Yes sir I understand! I'll pay more attention next time!" I quickly apologized, saluting him. He sighed before saying, "well since you only wasted a few minutes of my time, 100 laps around the training field go!"

I sadly nodded before running to the field, starting my laps. However as I ran around the field I observed everyone as I went by. Some were sitting chatting, others were snacking on bread, some were just straight out sitting there. But then out of nowhere Eren came up next to me.

"The sergeant is really going hard on you hm?" Eren sighed, smiling at me as we ran. "Yeah but it's my fault I wasn't paying attention. I wanted to train anyways." I nodded while looking straight ahead. "Well I'll train with you then! It's always more fun with a buddy!" Eren smiled, his eyes glistening.

"Eren that's not necessary, it's my punishment. If the sergeant sees you doing this with me he'll punish us both." I warned, a frown appearing on his face. After thinking for a minute he groaned saying, "okay fine I'll stop, but I'll cheer you on from that bench until you're done. When you're done maybe we can go to the stohess shops?"

I nodded and smiled before shoving Eren off towards the bench as we passed it, and eyed him walk to it and sit.

Out of nowhere a sudden amount of energy came out of nowhere and I actually started to move faster. The faster I went the more I saw Eren. Every time I passed he'd smile at me and give me a thumbs up while encouraging me.

The more encouragement he gave the quicker time went by, and soon enough I was done. I walked over to him panting, putting my hands on my knees as I bent forwards a little bit looking at the ground.

"You did great (Y/n)! You looked great! Actually kind of cute..." Eren smiled, mumbling the last part. I didn't know if I heard him right so I asked, "wait what?" He quickly brushed it off, a slight pink tint coming to his face.

I smiled at him before we made our way to Stohess. The walk there was quiet, but it was a comfortable kind of quiet. Right before we reached the gate into stohess Eren piped up saying, "You look nice wearing that necklace.. Er um I mean the necklace looks nice-but you look nice too but- agh!" He blushed a lot looking away abruptly, making me giggle.

"Thank you Eren. But we're here! I needed to buy a book to write in, and some ink and a quill pen." I smiled, patting his shoulder as we walked into the district.

"Alright! I'll come along with you, there was something I wanted to buy too." He responded as we made our way through the typical busy crowd.

In no time I managed to find what I needed, and for a good deal! However while I was buying it Eren appeared to walk off somewhere. "Eren? Where'd you go??" I semi-loudly announced, looking around the crowd for him.

As I tried to walk around to look for him I felt a hand on my shoulder. I quickly turned around, and there Eren was, a big smile on his face.

"There you are! I didn't know where you went!" I exclaimed, relieved that he was back. "Sorry to worry you (Y/n), I just went to buy you something.. it's one of those nice hair ties mainly people from wall Sina wear." He smiled, showing me the hair tie.

"E-Eren you didn't have to! Those are expensive! I mean yeah it's great quality but that's expensive!" I gasped, my blood rushing to my cheeks. He chuckled a little before turning me around saying, "it's not a problem, I still have money leftover, and these tend to be kind of rare. Plus you should show off your necklace more, you look really nice with your hair back." He pulled my hair back gently, tying the hair tie firmly around my hair.

I turned back around towards him while blushing. He stared at me for a second before quickly turning his face away, his cheeks pink.

"I-I like it.. you should have your hair up more often." Eren mumbled, making the both of us turning even more red. "Um o-okay. I'll keep that in mind." I smiled, feeling butterflies in my stomach.

We made our way back to the barracks, surprisingly taking a little longer then on the way to Stohess. By the time we got back it was already dark, the windows all bright with light.

We both stood in front of the girls' barracks chatting a bit. "Well thank you for the hair tie Eren, I love it. And I enjoyed spending my day off with you." I smiled, enjoying his good looks.

He blushed a little bit and smiled responding, "No problem, I'm glad you like it. I also enjoyed spending today with you (Y/n). It was very relaxing." I nodded and situated the items in my hands so I wouldn't drop them. "Goodnight Eren, sleep well." I beamed. I kissed him on the cheek and smiled at him before starting to walk inside the barrack.

"G-goodnight!" Eren shouter after me, his face pink. I smiled at the thought of him as I walked towards my personal room, until I was stopped by Mikasa. "Sooooo I heard to spent the whole day with Eren! And I saw you kiss his cheek, are you in loooove?~~" she exclaimed.

I've never seen this side of Mikasa, she's normally calm and collected but right now she's teasing me?? "Um uh yeah. We did spend the day together, but you know we're just friends Mikasa! We've always been! But you'll be the first to know otherwise if I like him.~" I winked at her before quickly walking into my room, my face red from the confrontation.

I sat my stuff down on the small table, then starting to change into something more comfortable. I looked in the mirror and viewed my hair tied back, thinking of Eren. I smiled and walked back over to the book, grabbing a nearby pencil to draw.

I sat down at the table, drawing the scene of when I kissed his cheek. It was a slow process, but soon I was finished with it. I stood up and grabbed my other drawing, putting it in the book. It was a drawing of when Eren held me in his lap.

I looked at it a blushed while putting it away, finally walking over to my bed to sleep. Tomorrow was our test with ODM gear, the final decision if we were to be soldiers or not.

I grabbed my blanket and crawled under it, feeling the soothing warmth of the material. I closed my eyes, thinking about Eren as I drifted off to sleep.

Sorry if there's any mistakes or if the flow isn't good, but I hope you're enjoying my book so far for those of you who've read it! And if I'm ever wrong about something including a place or a name don't hesitate to tell me!

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