Chapter 15

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*Your P.O.V.*

Sunlight flooded into my small room causing me to groan and turn against the wall. I closed my eyes once again in hopes to fall back asleep, when suddenly there was a soft knock on my door. I groaned once more before getting out of my comfy blankets to answer the door.

I groggily opened the door to reveal Eren, a small but apologetic smile on his face. "Ah I'm sorry did I wake you?.. I was just coming to see if you were up, breakfast is done in the mess hall." His eyes trailed down to the floor, his cheeks tinted pink.

"No it's fine, the sun actually woke me up because it's too dang bright.. give me a minute and I'll walk down with you." Eren nodded at me before I shut my door, walking over to my dresser to get changed. Today was a relax day so we were able to wear whatever we wanted.

I rummaged through what few clothes I had and found an old plain blue dress, it's been hot recently so I decided against wearing pants today. I took off my clothes and slipped on the comfy dress, I thought it fit me perfectly and it was nice to wear when it was hot out.

I slipped on my pair of old brown flats, which they were the only other pair I had besides my boots. After finding they fit comfortable I grabbed my hair tie off of my dresser and tied my hair back, not bothering to do much else with it.

My eyes wandered over to the necklace and my father's emblem placed neatly on top of the dresser by the candle, all of my happy and sad memories flooding my mind all at once. I sighed before grabbing the locket and latching it around my neck after looking at the picture inside of it.

I wiped my eyes to clear some of the forming tears before walked to my door to leave. I opened it closed it gently, looking over at Eren after doing so.

"What is it?"

He looked at me with awe before turning pink at my sudden conversation, shaking his head before starting to walk towards the mess hall. I quickly caught up and came up right up next to him, the both of us silent but comfortable.

"So what do you want to do today?" His gaze met mine for a few seconds before turning to look outside the windows of the building as we walked past them. "Well if Levi takes us maybe we can go to a town somewhere and shop or something? I can't really go alone with being part titan I guess and well I needed to buy a few things.."

"Sounds like a great idea!" Eren and I both smiled at each other, quickly returning to a comfortable silence as we neared the mess hall. Eren quickly walked forwards a bit more as we neared the door, I was going to question it when he quickly opened the door for me.

"What a gentlemen." I smiled causing his cheeks to go pink as he smiled back. "Oi brats, the food it just about cold." Levi scoffed, his typical tough attitude being used.

Eren and I nodded before grabbing some food and sitting down at a table together to eat. I looked around as I ate, viewing the room. There was a lot of room however there were quite a few vacant spots at the tables. Only a small to medium amount of Scouts were here, almost everyone else were back at the barracks.

"Everyone listen up.."

Everyone turned their attention to Erwin who was standing from his seat at a table, a sort of look in his eyes. "In a week new Scouts will be coming in and as you all know our yearly gathering will be happening. For those of you who don't know, it includes food, drinks, and a ball. You don't have to dress fancy however something nice will be fine. That is all."

I watched as he sat back down in his chair to continue eating, everyone beginning to chat with excitement while eating. "That's cool! I didn't know they did that!" Eren cheered before stuffing his face with some bread.

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