Chapter 6

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*Your P.O.V.*

I sighed while sitting on the fountain side in the plaza, waiting for Eren to show up. Becoming bored from waiting, I grabbed my sketchbook and pencil out of my bag I brought along and began drawing. I drew out the scene before me.

Soldiers were chatting with each other, some were cleaning supplies, or some were even sitting there relaxing in the sun. But what caught my eye the most was this one little flower, growing through a crack in the pavement.

I sighed again, finally finishing the drawing. I looked at the position of the sun to realize that maybe about an hour or two passed since lunch.

I put my sketchbook away into my bag and began my way back to the barracks. With one last glance at the plaza I walked away, a sad feeling filling my gut. "Eren didn't show up.. I guess I'm not surprised.." I whispered to myself, sadness overcoming me.

The walk back to the barracks was kind of calm, but then it started to full out downpour. "Great just what I need." I scoffed, annoyance overcoming me but still not covering my sadness.

Tears fell out of my eyes as I quickly ran closer to the building, doing my best to quickly get inside. Which, luckily for me no one was in the hallway so I could get to my room without confrontation.

I quickly sat my stuff on my desk, my sketchbook luckily not being too wet. I wiped away the water dripping down my face as I looked outside watching as water drops fell down the side of the window.

I walked back outside the barracks, feeling the raindrops hit my face as I looked up at the clouds. I then walked over to the storage building holding our gear, untying my hair as I walked. I neatly put on my ODM gear, looking at the hair tie that was now on my wrist in the process.

"Why'd you have to stand me up Eren?"

I sighed once more because walking yet again to the forest training grounds, beginning to fight titan dummies.

I sliced them down one after another, my mind in a blur as my hair hit my face with every swing.

However as I was about to go swing for the last dummy, one of my hooks that was attached to a branch broke free, sending me falling towards the ground.

I tried to fire again towards another tree but it was no use, my gear was malfunctioning. I watched the trees grow 'taller' as I fell closer to the ground, pain shooting all across my body as I hit the ground with a loud thud.

All the air in my lungs escaped my body in a heartbeat, leaving me choking to breathe. I tried to stand up but I felt a sharp pain in my right leg, sending me onto my back again.

I sighed as tears flowed out of my eyes, trying to fight back the pain. But it was no use, it all just came out. Here I was, a child wanting to be a scout lying here in the mud crying in the rain. What a perfect soldier.

The more I cried the harder it became to breathe as I just became sadder and sadder. "You're weak. You won't survive a day out there with those titans. You couldn't even save your own mother." I thought to myself, causing myself to cry even more.

"I guess this is how I die. Alone in the woods with a broken leg. What a way to go out.." I choked out, my eyes becoming heavy before everything going dark.

*Eren's P.O.V.*

"What do you mean she's gone?!" I shouted, Christa wincing from the loud noise. "I-I'm sorry Eren, I only checked by her room and she was gone. I-I waited for her to come back but that was hours ago!" She whimpered, afraid of what my reaction might be.

"Eren, what's all this commotion?" Mikasa asked as her and a bunch of others approached us. "(Y/n)'s missing! I-I was supposed to meet her at the plaza after lunch but because of Jean I had to talk to the sergeant!" I shouted while glaring at Jean as I did so, him returning the favor.

"Well it's already after dinner. Even if we ask Sergeant won't let us search until tomorrow." Reiner chimed in, everyone nodding and agreeing. "I don't care what Sergeant says! If you all were her friends then you'd be with me on this!" Anger overcame me, covering up my worry about (Y/n).

"Maggots! What's all this commotion about?!" Sergeant Keith yelled, making us all jump from fear. "(Y/n) has been missing since lunch!" I revealed, his eyes widening just the tiniest bit. "I see. We'll look for her tomorrow after breakfast. Now all of you go to your barracks!" He responded with a slightly quieter tone. "But she's missing we can't just-"

"Jaeger! That's an order and that goes for all of you! We'll worry about it in the morning now go to bed unless you'd rather stay up all night cleaning the stables?!" I was interrupted by the Sergeant yelling, causing everyone to leave immediately.

I sighed in frustration as I walked back to my room, dripping wet from the rain. "We'll find her tomorrow Eren don't worry." Armin reassured me once I opened the door to our room. I only nodded before walking into the bathroom, changing into pajamas.

*afternoon the next day*

Everyone was now searching for (Y/n), looking in every place imaginable. We were divided into teams to search different areas, Mikasa, Armin, Sasha and I being assigned to search the forest training grounds.

"I'll cover the north grounds, Mikasa you take the easy, Armin you the west, and Sasha you take the south." I announced before taking off towards my position, leaving the others to search.

I frantically looked around the forest as I flew by in my ODM gear. It was maybe about 20 minutes before I started to lose hope. "Come on (Y/n) where are you?! I need you.." I huffed in frustration until something caught my eye.

A flash of silver.

I quickly turned around and sped towards it, revealing (Y/n). "Oh my god (Y/n)!" I shouted, trying to get to her as quick as I could. I landed on the ground and ran over to her, putting my hands on her shoulders, her clothing slightly damp.

"(Y/n), wake up! Please!" I shook her more and more, but I got no response. Tears started to flow down my face until I heard others. "Guys I found her she's over here!" I shouted as loud as I could, my throat starting to hurt.

Cadets along with the Sergeant quickly arrived, trying to ask me what happened. "This isn't time for questions! Eren take her to the infirmary right now!" Sergeant shouted, helping me lift her up. I nodded as I took off, carrying her in my arms as I flew through the trees.

"Please.. don't be dead (Y/n).. I need you."

Okay so I would've updated maybe like 2 days ago but my phone decided not to have any service ANYWHERE so long story short I'm buying a new one. It only works right now because WiFi, but anyways yeah I hope you like this chapter. I'll try to update tomorrow, and from Thursday-Sunday I'll be on a vacation with my family, so I probably won't update. Anyways I hope you guys are having a great day/night! Thank you for reading!❤️🌟

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