Chapter 14

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*Your P.O.V.*

It's been a few days since the trial, and so far today was almost like any other, breakfast in the mess hall, and training right after that. The only thing that was different is that Eren isn't here. I sighed again before launching myself in the air with my ODM gear, killing another titan dummy in the forest training grounds. This was the only thing I could do to get my mind of things.

I landed onto the ground, resting for a minute and checking the gas amount in my canisters. "(Y/n)!" A familiar voice shouted behind me, also using ODM gear as they got closer.

"Hey Levi." I responded, his typical cold gaze with people softening a bit with me. I mean we are family after all. "I wanted to come talk to you,  you wanted to join the Scouts right?" He asked his silver eyes looking into my (e/c) ones.

"Yeah I still do, why?"

"Since you're the top of the class and some higher ups have seen some outstanding work, Erwin the commander has given permission for you to join the Scouts earlier than the rest of your fellow cadets." An excited feeling came across me as a big smile was plastered onto my face.

"Yes! I want that! And plus it's boring here at the training grounds all the time." I responded, a small smirk coming across his face. "Well good, go pack your things because you can come back with me tonight. I had some business to do with some of the instructors here so it'll be a bit for me."

I nodded before giving Levi a quick hug thanking him, and launched myself off in the direction towards the barracks so I could pack.

I got there pretty quickly, however I ran into Sasha just as I reached my room. "(Y/n)? Where are you going?" She asked in surprise, watching me quickly pack things in my room.

"I was invited to join the Scouts early! If I pack now I can go back with Corporal Levi to the Scout Regiment headquarters!" I cheerfully responded, not looking up from packing.

"Oh, that's great! I should get the others to meet you when you're done packing, a sort of goodbye." I nodded at her in response before she quickly left, hoping to gather everyone.

"I can finally be a Scout.. with Eren." I whispered to myself, looking at the hair tie he bought me from the market one day. God how I missed him.

I shook off my thoughts as I continued to pack, excited for what was to come.

*Time skip*

I sighed, looking around at my bare room one last time. The bed was neatly made, the floors swept, and everything was clean and orderly for whomever would take it next.

I picked up my bag and walked out of the barracks, everyone waiting outside for me.

"It'll be rough to not see you for awhile (Y/n).. we'll miss you." Christa smiled before hugging me, Ymir giving me a strange look. "Yeah its a shame the hottest cadet here is leaving already-" Jean was interrupted by Reiner smacking him in the back of the head in one swift motion.

"Shut up horse face." He coldly scolded him, Jean's face looking irritated. A small blush crept to my cheeks but I chose to ignore it, the situation was just a little embarrassing.

Everyone began to say their goodbyes to me, a hint of sadness in their eyes but we knew we'd all be together again soon. After all, they wanted to join the Scouts too.

"Ready to go brat?" Levi asked as he came close to us on his dark black horse, a sort of intimidating look on his face. I picked up my bag and slung it over my shoulder as Levi helped me onto the back of his horse.

"We'll have to stop at the stables and have you pick out a horse before we go, you'll need one for expeditions." Levi calmly expressed to me, I nodded in response.

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