Chapter 4

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*Your P.O.V.*

As I was lowered back down from the ODM gear apparatus, everyone appeared to look at me in awe. "She's even better than Mikasa!" One boy exclaimed. "Yeah! But they're both pretty skilled!.. and hot!" Another one said, now all the boys were practically drooling.

"That's enough out of you!" Sergeant Keith shouted before turning to me. "Good job (Y/n). You've passed with flying colors." He briefly smiled at me before I nodded, walking into the crowd behind him. However all the boys appeared to stand closer to me now?

"Eren Jaeger, you're up." Sergeant Kieth announced, a determined Eren appearing from the crowd. "Wooo go Eren!" I cheered on, Mikasa and Armin joining me. He looked at me and smiled before starting to be lifted upwards.

Everyone stared in anticipation as he started to keep his balance. "He's actually doing it!" One boy said, everyone starting to stare in disbelief. Though not even 5 seconds later Eren was upside down again.

"Lower him down... Eren let me see your gear for a minute." Sergeant Kieth began, Eren handing his gear over. "That's the problem your gear is broken, someone else lend him his gear."

"Wow he stood still even with his gear broken?!" Another spectator responded, whilst another person handed Eren their gear. He quickly put it on and was lifted back up in the apparatus. However this time he didn't fall upside down, he stayed right up.

"Way to go Eren! We knew you could do it!" I cheered, his eyes meeting my gaze. After receiving his grade and being lowered from the apparatus, he ran over to me and immediately gave me a hug.

"I did it (Y/n) I really did! We're even closer to joining the scouts!" He exclaimed, smiling at me. "We're really proud of you!" Armin commented, Mikasa nodding in agreement.

The four of us continued to chat until we were all dismissed, free to do whatever we wanted for the rest of the afternoon.

"I think I'm going to go train for a bit though, I'll catch you guys later?" I announced, tying the laces on my boots. "Are you sure? We still have training before dinner tonight, you don't want to overwork yourself." Mikasa expressed, a hint of worry on her face. "I agree with Mikasa, it's important to rest." Armin responded.

"I know, but I need to train some more, I want to be ready when I become a scout." I protested, becoming very slightly annoyed. I knew that they cared but I know how to handle myself. "Well how about I train with you to make sure you don't train for too long?" Eren suggested, Armin and Mikasa smiling a bit nodding. I blushed a light pink while agreeing.

"See you later then guys! Get some rest!" Eren noted, grabbing my hand in the process and dragging my along with him to the training grounds.

"E-Eren you can let go of my hand now.." I blushed, making Eren immediately turn red and let go of my hand. "U-uh yeah.." he responded, looking at the ground. "Well let's run a few laps, I want to build up my stamina. And then we can go over the lectures." I stated, starting to run. Eren quickly followed, provoking me for a race.

I nodded at him saying, "first one to the edge of the forest training grounds wins!" I took off as fast as I could towards the forest, hearing Eren on my trail. I picked up the speed to the best of my ability and quickly approached the forest. However as I approached I tripped on a tree root, rolling and landing in my back.

I groaned in pain but as I opened my eyes here came Eren, running too fast to stop. He too tripped on that same root and landed right on top of me. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" Eren panicked, quickly getting off of me and standing up.

"Yeah I'm good, my body is a little sore now though not going to lie." I chuckled through the pain, trying to ignore the wind being knocked out of me. Eren offered me his hand, which I kindly accepted. However as he pulled me up off the ground, he pulled me close to him at the same time.

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