Chapter 10

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Hey sorry I took the extra week break, I wasn't in the updating mood and idk last week was a lot, it was like a rollercoaster. Plus I've had band stuff this week, so I've had a lot of rehearsals. Anyways updates should be AT LEAST once or twice a week, so just a heads up on that my dudes.

*Your P.O.V.*

"Wait what do you mean that titan won't pay any attention to us?" I asked in disbelief, the wind blowing in my face. "That ones different. It saved me as well from a titan." Mikasa kept her eyes forward, dodging any titans that came across our path.

A loud scream was heard behind us as the weird titan took out another titan, the ground shaking as it's body fell to the ground. "Hey did you hear me?"

I snapped out of my trance and looked up at Mikasa, her briefly looking at me before turning her gaze to dodging an upcoming titan. "I said we're leading that different titan to headquarters so that it can take out the titans surrounding it. We need to re-supply and that titan is our only hope."

I looked behind us again to see the large titan's glowing eyes looking at us as it ran, a wave of fear and calmness spread over me, I couldn't understand it but those eyes reminded me of Eren's..

Relief flooded over me as our comrades appeared in the distance, all of them heading towards headquarters. "Look they're coming!" I exclaimed, a small smile appearing on all of our faces.

I watched as they all entered headquarters through the windows, however titans started to flood the area even more. Two titans in particular climbed their way up and managed to bare a hole in the side, only big enough for their faces to show.

Screaming was heard as we nearer closer, however the strange titan suddenly ran towards the two, and punched them into the air.

"Stick your feet towards the front of you!" Mikasa exclaimed as we neared the windows. I quickly outspread my legs, breaking the window as we crashed through, a few pieces of glass cutting my face.

I tumbled when we entered, landing onto the pieces of glass on the floor. "M-Mikasa! (Y/n)!" Jean exclaimed in shock, however we both ignored him. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! I lost grip of you as we impacted!" Mikasa knelt down to me, helping me sit up.

I listened as Connor went on a rant about the titan killing titan, people staring at him in disbelief. The conversation went on, but I was starting to get annoyed. "Guys! Figure out the next plan of action!" My tone was harsh and cold, but I didn't care anymore.

Others nodded in agreement as we went down a level to figure out a plan. "Are you sure these will even work against titans?" Jean asked as he loaded a gun, others doing the same as we all started to grab boxes of them.

"Well they're better than nothing I think. If the supply room is still occupied by seven titans, all three to four meters tall, this firepower might be enough to blind all of them at once. First we'll use the lift to lower a large group of people from the center of the ceiling. Next those on the lifts will fire simultaneously at each titan's face, blinding them. Finally, this is the critical moment. Seven people hiding in the ceiling will time their attacks with the gunfire and strike the titans at their kill spot. This strategy uses a single attack that requires all of us to put our lives on the line to make it work, it's designed to kill all seven titans at once. And to have the highest success it'll require the most athletic seven, you'll be bearing the responsibility of everyone's lives.. I'm sorry about that." Everyone listened to Armin intensely, trying not to miss a single detail to his plan.

"We're ready at the lift!" A cadet shouted, opening the door to it with a loud bang. I walked down some stairs to get to the ceiling of the storage room with the 6 others, waiting for when everyone lowered themselves on the lift.

Everyone waited quietly with weapons ready as the titans all turned their gazes towards the lift. I gripped my blade handles tighter, afraid and ready for anything that was about to come.

There were small shakes as the titans walked towards the lift, everyone becoming more fearful by the second. I readied myself in my position just before hearing Marco say, "Fire!"

Shots went off all at once, loud bangs and bright light appearing quickly. The smell of gunpowder and titan flesh overwhelmed me but I still stood ready.

As the gunfire seized we all took off running off of the beams, slicing at the titans. My blades cleanly sliced into the titan's nape, a perfect cut being dealt causing it to fall to the ground in a heap of steam. Others managed to down the titans except for Sasha and Connie, they both missed.

"Sasha and Connie need help!" A cadet yelled, alerting everyone. I quickly launched myself and sliced both of the titans' napes in one fluid motion, sending them crashing to the ground. I landed back on the ground and was immediately hugged by Sasha.

"(Y/n)!! You saved my life!!"" She yelled with tears rolling down her face, her eyes filled with terror. "Thanks." Connie added, I nodded at the both of them before putting my blades in their sheath.

"We killed them all. Now get to work refilling the tanks!"

I refilled my tanks and quickly launched myself to the roof as others started to leave towards the wall. "(Y/n)!" Armin exclaimed as him and Mikasa came up to me.

"The titan.. cannibalism." I pointed towards three titans gnawing at the one that saved me, shock spreading over me. "We need to save it, it could be our valuable ally if it's not devoured." I added, which caused the others to argue. "She's right, we can't do anything if it's devoured." Reiner added, which caused a retort from Jean.

I looked over to the left to see a blond-ish titan come walking towards the building. "T-That's the variant titan that ate Thomas.." Armin whispered, staring with grief in his eyes. Suddenly a loud scream came from the green eyed titan as it fought the other titans off of it, running towards the variant.

We all stared in horror as it bit the titan in the nape and used it as a weapon to fight the other ones. It screamed once more before falling to the ground in steam.

"Well.. it looks like it's got nothing left... haven't you seen enough? Let's get outta here. That monster's never going to be our ally, once a titan always a titan...... What is it with all of you?" Jean became irritated at all of us staring at the downed titan together, watching as a body started to appear.

The body sat up, revealing the messy brown haired boy I loved. "Eren!" I wasted no time and launched down towards him, all kinds of feelings overwhelming me.

I held his limp body in my arms, tears appearing in my eyes. I put my head over his heart, extremely relieved to hear his soothing heartbeat. Tears flowed down my cheeks as I bawled with him in my arms, my emotions all flooding out.

"Come on let's go up to the top of headquarters." Mikasa said to me as she launched down to us, tears in her eyes as well. I nodded as tears still fell, the two of us bringing him to the roof.

I still bawled with him in my arms, I couldn't control my emotions anymore. Armin came up to us crying as well, talking to himself as he intertwined with Eren's sleeveless hand.

"You mean Eren did all this?" Jean questioned, motioning towards the titan bodies scattered everywhere around us.

"Eren.." I whispered, holding him in an even tighter grip.

Aahhh it probably sucks so I'm sorry for that, I can possibly update tomorrow but I'm unsure. I possibly won't have WiFi for a bit but idk. Sorry for the like two week break, but I hope you're enjoying the book so far!

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