Chapter 7

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*Your P.O.V.*

My eyes slowly fluttered open, hurting from the bright light. Squinting my eyes, I looked around the area. I was in the infirmary. I sighed as I tried to move, but something was weighing me down. It was Eren.

He was asleep with his head on my lap, the rest of his body sitting in a chair. "E-Eren. Wake up." I whispered, shaking him gently. He groaned before opening his eyes, looking at me.

"Oh my god you're awake! I-I'm sorry I didn't meet you at the plaza, I got into another fight with Jean and had to talk to the sergeant. I-I'm sorry.. and-" I put my finger against his lips, shushing him. "Eren it's okay. I understand." I reassured him, a small smile on his face as I wiped away his tears.

"(L/n). I need a word with you.. alone." Sergeant announced, coming in through the doors to my room in the infirmary. Eren looked at me with a worried look before walking out, shutting the door behind him.

"What did you need sir?" I questioned as he took a seat across the room. "You said your father was (f/n) (l/n) correct?" I nodded. "Well I was in a squad with him when we were in the scouts, and well before he died he told me to tell you and you something.." he continued

SPOILERS! If you don't want to read this part then skip again until you see text looking like this

"Your father was an Ackerman. Making you one as well. The reason he probably never told you was because at one point Ackerman's were prosecuted... besides that, you're off training to rest until you're fully healed. We won't go over anything new until you return." He mumbled before walking out of the room, Eren coming back in.


"What was that about?" Eren questioner as he walked in, seeing my shocked face. "I-I'm an Ackerman.." I whispered, eren's face becoming shocked as well.

We both sat there in silence until I tried to stand up, causing Eren to scold, "(Y/n)! You need rest you're not leaving this bed!"

"But I should be training! I'll never become a scout if I'm this weak!" Frustration started to boil up within me, finally bursting. "Look you're not weak alright? You've been getting the top grades this whole time in training (Y/n). But you need to rest your broken leg, it's important if you want to become a scout." Eren comforted me, my anger and frustration decreasing until eventually it disappeared. I only nodded in response.

The both of chatted with small talk until Eren eventually left. However over the next few weeks Eren visited me every day with food, friends, or training equipment. He helped me keep up my strength in my arms and learn how to deal with my temporarily broken leg.

And well soon enough I was fully healed. "You're free to go (Y/n). Now be careful so that doesn't happen again." The nurse scolded me whilst waving me off as I left the infirmary.

"(Y/n)! I'm glad you're finally healed!" Eren exclaimed as he ran up to my, his usual goofy smiled plastered on his face. "Yeah, it sure took awhile. But I need to go back to my room, I haven't been there for awhile." I responded, an even bigger smile appearing on Eren's face.

"Let me come with you. I don't have anything better to do." I could tell Eren was lying about something due to his suspicious acting, but I brushed it off as we walked to the girls' barracks together.

As I opened my door, I was shocked by all of my friends yelling, "surprise! We're glad you're healed!"

"W-what're you all doing here?! I wasn't expecting this!" Shock plastered all over my face as everyone pulled Eren and I into the room. "This was all Eren's idea, he wanted to surprise you with everyone once you were all healed. We really missed you." Armin announced as everyone nodded in agreement.

"I-well thank you everyone! I appreciate the thought and care you guys put into this!" I smiled, looking around my neatly decorated room and the pile of gifts on my bed.

Everyone pushed me over to open my gifts in a hurry, which was a little surprising. From bertholdt I received a lovely sketch of me training, Reiner a new pair of uniform belts, Ymir and christa a soft scarf, Connie a small dagger, Sasha a blanket, Mikasa a combat manual, from Armin a book of lectures, and from Eren a bouquet of flowers.

I thanked everyone individually before they all slowly started to leave, one by one leaving my room to go do whatever else after visiting. Soon enough it was just me and Eren left alone.

"So much stuff that I don't even know where to put." I joked, a smile coming across Eren's face as he helped me put away some things. "Thank you for planning that though Eren. I appreciate it." I thanked him, which he responded with "no problem."

I walked over to my little table and viewed the items across it. My eyes landed on my father's emblem, for which I paused and picked it up, looking at the old stains in the fabric.

I shook off thoughts I had and set it back down, organizing my belongings. Just as I finished I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind.

"E-Eren.. what're you doing?" I questioned, immediately turning a bright red. "Giving you a hug. You're crying." I put my right hand up to my eyes, feeling my tears on my cheeks. I quickly wiped them away as Eren let go.

He walked me over to my bed and sat down with me, rubbing my back. "What's wrong?" He questioned, causing me to look over at him teary eyed. "Just the fact how much I miss my parents, and how my father never told me I was an Ackerman." I responded blandly, wiping away my tears.

"I'm sorry about your parents (Y/n), and I'm sure your dad had his reasons about not saying something about it."

I sighed and laid back onto my bed while closing my eyes, feeling Eren lay down next to me. He snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him, my face turning red again.

I could hear his heartbeat as he held me, the calming reoccurring beat lulling me to sleep. The last thing I felt was something warm on my forehead.

*Eren's P.O.V.*

(Y/n) fell asleep not too long ago, but it was starting to get late. I quietly sighed as I pulled myself away from her grasp, admiring her adorable sleeping face.

I gently picked her up and moved her blanket covers with one arm before setting her back down, tucking her in. I looked at her once more, brushing strands of her hair out of her face. I smiled before kissing her forehead once again after whispering, "Goodnight my little angel. Have sweet dreams."

I looked at her one last time before quietly leaving her room, shutting the door behind me. I quickly walked back to my room, seeing Armin already asleep when I arrived.

I quietly grabbed some pajamas and changed in the bathroom before finally heading to bed. "You were at (Y/n)'s that whole time weren't you?" Armin asked groggily, briefly being awake. "Yeah... she ended up falling asleep so I tucked her in and left.."I responded sheepishly while crawling into bed. Armin mumbles something in response, but I was too tired to care.

I laid my head on my pillow and closed my heavy eyes, thinking about (Y/n)'s sleeping face. I smiled at the thought before finally drifting off to sleep.

Sorry if things are a bit wack, I'm tired as I finish writing this at the moment. But just a reminder I go on vacation tomorrow until Sunday, so I probably won't update much if at all. Though I'm hoping you're enjoying this book so far! My goal is to get through all the seasons, I'll continue on with the story line in the next few chapters or so. Anyways I hope you're all having a very lovely day/night!❤️❤️🌟

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