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THE DETENTION ROOM WAS cold and Tommy felt it seep through her covered arms. After she was expected to mention something she enjoyed to do in her spare time, she was let go to take a seat. She chose an empty chair and desk in the far end against a book shelf in the back. Jason couldn't stop thinking— 'THAT'S HER.' He wanted to scream it, but didn't. He had a reputation to keep between the detention walls. Instead, he settled on staring. Following her petite figure at the back of the room. She put her book bag on the desk surface and plopped down with a slight roll to the eyes.

Those eyes Jason had been thinking so hard about. After he saved her from drowning, they were on the pier waiting for Tommy to catch her breath. She was obvious disoriented and she ran from him, clutching the green coin in her palm. Jason had not seen her since then until now. Tommy felt eyes linger on her and she shuddered, she looked back at the boy looking back at her. Those familiar blue eyes and blonde hair. Her breath hitched at the back of her throat. Both their orbs dilated at the sight of each other. The detention teacher began speaking to the class about the work they are to do for the remaining eight hours, but Jason and Tommy blocked out the noise just staring at each other. Until Kimberly shook his shoulder, snapping him out of their trance. Tommy looked away the moment he broke eye contact.

Jason then remembered. "It's her."

"What?" Kimberly furrowed her brows, sitting back on her chair.

"The sixth ranger." Jason answered. "She's the girl that I saved."


"The new girl?"

Kimberly and Zack asked simultaneously. She couldn't believe it. Had Jason recognized her right? Kimberly turned back quickly and watched Tommy pull out a notebook from her bag. It all made sense. The intense interest in her, the mystery. She belonged with them.

"Are you sure?" Trini asked next.

"She has the coin." Jason answered quickly.

Kimberly then got up from her seat with notebook in hand and went up to the lonely girl in the back. Jason hissed at her, but it was too late. He watched as the tall, lean girl talked to the inscrutable one. He was nervous and didn't know what Kimberly was going to say. She was often straightforward about things, but he didn't know that the two already knew each other when Trini filled him in that they have English with her.

"Hi, Tommy." Kimberly started. "We're supposed to work in partners. Do you mind if..." Tommy noticed she was eying the chair next to her and nodded. Kimberly cleared her throat as she sat down. "Three days at a new school and you're in detention already. What for?"

"I punched your best friend." Tommy sourly said, the urge to hit the blonde girl again still there.

"Trini?" Kimberly glanced at the short friend of hers, confusingly.

"I thought her name's Amanda." Tommy said.

"Oh, no...yes, her name is Amanda, but she's not my friend anymore. We had some issues." Kimberly admitted shamefully.

"The nudes. Is that why you're here?" Tommy lift a brow.

Kimberly blinked her eyes, shocked that the new girl already knew the school's gossip. "Yeah, a huge mistake from my part."

Green Ranger; Jason ScottWhere stories live. Discover now