#2 - Fighting?

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After hopelessly fumbling with their keys, the superhero couple of 6 years stumbled into their apartment. They had just come back from a night out, and were, a bit...intoxicated.

Scratch that, they were heavily intoxicated.

After several long hours of patrol, Damian and Raven thought that a well deserved break was an order. Ultimately deciding a nearby restaurant would suffice. The two birds were having a great time. That was, until they had discovered the bar. Normally, neither of them were the drinking type, but almost being killed by super powered creatures 10 times your size, really put one in the mood for a few drinks. Only, a few drinks became quite a few more. After Azarath knows how many, the couple deemed it time to go home.

Damian dizzily turned to face Raven, who was struggling to take off her jacket. "Do you need help?"

"We fight psychotic villains everyday," The demoness said trying to shake off her sleeve to no avail, "I think I can manage a jacket". She stumbled as she continued to struggle with her jacket. Damian watched her intently, he bit his lip to stop himself from smiling like an idiot. Stepping up to her, he pulled the stubborn fabric off.

Raven looked up at him. Her face was flushed but she wasn't convinced it was from the alcohol. "My hero", she whispered ever so close to his face. Damian lightly chuckled. He could feel her soft breath caress his face as he looked into her amethyst eyes. He slowly brought up his hand and caressed her face. Raven sighed at his touch and pressed her lips to his in a sweet kiss. Their all too perfect moment ended when Damian lowered his hand to her waist and tickled her. Raven gasped in shock and tried to swat his hand away, failing to hold back a fit of giggles.

"Damian stop!", the empath managed through laughter. Raven wasn't accustomed to Damian being so playful, definitely an effect from the alcohol. Despite playfully telling him to stop, she honestly didn't mind seeing this side of Damian.

"I can't help it, you're too cute not to tickle". Raven giggled at his words. That was definitely not something sober Damian would have said. Intoxicated Damian was so bashful and uncertain, it was adorable.

"We'll, you're adorable" Raven responded as she felt the room spin. Damian's eyes narrowed, "I am not adorable". His tone a bit more serious.

"Oh, yes you are", she responded matching his tone.

"No I'm-, well you're too perfect!" Damian wasn't exactly sure if this was considered an argument, but he was sure he would not be drinking again anytime soon. His mind was trying to make sense of what they were fake arguing about.

"I can't believe you said that." Raven's head was spinning, "Well...you're the best thing that's ever happened to me!"

Damian was stunned, "No, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me!" Somewhere in his mind he knew this wasn't exactly an argument, but he was too focused on winning this non argument to notice.

Raven's head began to drum. "Watch your tone, Wayne. You..you.." She tried to find a response but her head felt fuzzy. "You're the best person I ever met!"

"You make me want to be a better person, it's sickening!" He shouted as he slightly stumbled.

Raven tried to suppress a smile as she fake pouted, "Well, if that's how you feel, take what's yours and leave". Of course she didn't mean this. They were simply playing and fake fighting. But the words didn't feel right as soon as it left her mouth. Even in her heavily intoxicated state, she felt wrong. "I-I don't mean that."

Damian turned toward her, suddenly looking very sober. His face held no expression and he silently walked closer to the empath. The demoness froze in her spot as he came face to face with her. Raven's face was burning with a deep crimson. Before she could process what was happening, Damian swiftly picked her up over his shoulder and began walking towards the door.

"W-what are you doing?" she asked bewildered.

Damian stopped momentarily before he answered, "Taking what's mine". Raven began to uncharacteristically giggle. "Damian, p-put me down".

The ex assassin gently placed her down. Raven wrapped her arms around him and placed her head on his shoulder. Damian hugged her in return. She held him tightly and spoke barely above a whisper "I love you".

Damian lifted her face and pressed his lips to hers in a soft kiss. He pulled away, placing his forehead to hers. "I love you too".

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